Wednesday, May 8, 2019


We gave Corki a bath today

     Technically, a shower.
     When we first got her three years ago she dreaded going into the shower.  She would run, and try to jump over the barricade.
     Now she just stands there, calmly accepting the indignity of being washed.
     She looks at me with a hurt if saying, "How could you do this to me?"
     She smells much better, but we have a wet dog smell lingering in the house.    Jackie dries her with a hair dryer, but you never can get the dog completely dry.
     Then she pouts for a little while.  Corki, not Jackie.
     She will roll on the floor, roll on the bed, then go off by herself to show us she is offended by our suggestion that she was dirty.  Again, talking Corki here.
     She's a great little dog. 
     I'm glad we have her.
Peace and Love and Milkbones.....

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