Thursday, May 2, 2019

still 10

I still have all my fingers

     Big deal, you say.  It is.  I used a power miter saw today to cut wood.
     For a long time, I could not have a power saw.  Brother in law Bob told Jackie I would cut off a finger or two, so best not let me have one.
     Eventually I did get one.
     I use it once a year.  Well, usually.  I did not use it last year.
     I cut boards for mini courses at the school where I used to teach.  Mini courses are 4 days of 40 minute sessions where a youngster does a project or learns a new skill.  In the past, courses have included digital photography, calligraphy, cooking, outdoor sport, fashion, and dozens of others I can't remember.
     I do birdhouses.  I found a pattern years ago, and when I first did them I had only a circular saw and it was difficult to cut the boards.  Hence, the miter saw.  I also used it on Emily's Sycamore house when we redid the trim.
     I enjoy doing the project, seriously.  I like working with the kids.
     But I always have concerns when it comes to cutting the wood.  I always pay close attention, work with few distractions, and go slowly so I don't accidentally lose a finger or two.
     All the supplies are gathered, except for two items.  I am ready to go with a new year of birdhouse building.
     Now, excuse me....I have to get the sawdust out of my hair.
Peace and Love

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