Friday, May 24, 2019

looong day

Cubs game day is always a long one

     It's even longer when they lose.
     Kyle Schwarber got it off to a good start with a monster home run.  Back to backs by Bryant and Rizzo made it 4-0 and the game was looking good.
     Then...stuff happened.  The good guys lost and 35,000 plus fans went home sad and cool.
     I say cool, not cold.  I was glad it didn't rain.
     But I was  tired on the way home and thankful I didn't have to drive a lot!
     With the threat of rain today, I took two raincoats and a sweatshirt.  Needed the sweatshirt, not the raincoats.
     A foul ball came within two seats of me....which surprised me, because it was way over my head to start.  It bounded down and the guy next to me caught it.  If I had been alert, I would have leaped into action and possibly have my first ever baseball souvenir.
     Here are some pictures to highlight my day.

I liked the picture....but felt odd grabbing it

L station at's a train with people!!

Old man sleeping on the train....oh, wait!!

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