Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I won a huge lottery!

     Seriously!  I would not lie!
     After spending countless dollars on lottery tickets, I have won about $15 million!
     And even better, I didn't even buy a ticket!
     Pardon me for all the exclamation points, but I am excited!!!
     I was officially notified by e mail  today that I won in the Canadian lottery and my prize was $15 million US dollars.
     What is equally amazing is that I have never been to Canada!  But I am sure John or Emily bought me a ticket and gave them my e mail address so I could be notified of my winnings.
     Sure, it's been a few months since they were there, but lotteries take time to win.
     Don't they?
     And maybe they didn't have to give my name, but an e mail?  That's official, serious, honest stuff.....right?
     I imagine the next step is to give them my bank account number so they can transfer the money directly to my account.  I know people would not do something like this as a scam and a way to swindle people out of their savings.
     Or the next step could be to mail me a check, which I would cash only to find out it is bogus and very bouncy, with me having to pay the costs.
     Maybe I would have to send gift cards to insure my prize is sent.
     Sometimes I wish I had the ability to track e mails to their source and then disembowel the cretins who send them.  Wow...that went dark in a hurry!
     For now, I'll just dream about winning....and yes, I will buy lotto tickets this week because the prizes are a lot more than  $15 million US dollars.  And that will be a ticket I know I bought.
Peace and Love

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