Monday, May 27, 2019


I had a most humorous shopping experience

     I went to get some black dirt and other stuff to put in my garden before I planted the rest of my seeds.  (Note:  thsi is not a sexual reference.)
     I was in line behind a woman and she had a rather pronounced British accent.
     She turned to me and said, "Brian?"
     Not having my hearing aids in, I replied, "Yes, but not until about noon."
     There was a long silence, in which the clerk and  the lady seemed to be staring at me and thinking, "this old guy is off a bit."
     The accent person said, "You look like a friend named Brian."
     I smiled stupidly and replied, "Well, I was just commenting on the weather."
     I was next.  I ordered 6 bags of top soil, one bag each of mushroom compost, manure and peat, and humus and peat.
     The clerk said, "Just pull your car in and we'll load it."
     I pointed  to the car and said, "I already did."
    She looked at it, then at me, then at it and said, very seriously "You are not going to put this dirt in your BMW."
     I said I was.
    She said I could not.  It was a BMW.  Then she offered to let me borrow her truck and haul the 9 bags in it.
     I told her it was fine, I had a tarp, plastic liner, and I wasn't going far.
     She yelled to another co-worker, "He's putting dirt in a Beemer!"  The other clerk replied, "It's his car."
     She did load the dirt in the car, but wanted me to be sure to keep the tarp under and over them.  I told her again that I had done this several times before and it is really ok.
     After we loaded the bags, I drove off.  At that point I wasn't sure whether I was glad she offered her truck or a bit ... what?  angry?  irritated?  She meant well, but it was strange.
     I did get the garden planted, and most of the dirt spread.
     Now I just have to figure out how to dig out a fairly large and mostly dead bridal wreath.  Anyone want to help?
Peace and Love

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