Tuesday, May 21, 2019


I can't read my own writing

     Seriously.  I am not a doctor, although I did spend a night in a Holiday Inn Express once.
     But I made some notes on a piece of paper today and .... I can't read what they say!  How is that possible?  Shouldn't I remember what I wrote?  And why does shouldn't not look correct to me.  I think it is  the l toward the end.
     That's how it goes, my friends.  Words start to look "unusual,"  in directions, left becomes right and east could be west. Before you know it, you are lost and scared.
     Thankfully, I am not at that point.
     But I did drive right past a restaurant we were going to tonight.
     Byron is about 20 minutes away.  I looked at the map on the restaurant's website.  Right next to the railroad tracks, near a park.
     So I drove right past it and had to turn around.
     In my defense, the signage is not that great.  Nothing on the building, and only a small sign in the front.
     In their defense, it is fairly new.  And they have wood fired oven baked pizza, and it was very good.  I even had a beer!!!  It was our first visit there, but we will go back.
     I was wearing a sweatshirt and a light jacket.  I zipped up  the jacket....or the sweatshirt....when we left the restaurant.  When  I got home I discovered I zipped the right side of the sweatshirt to the left side of the jacket.  How that happened, I have no clue.
     Anyway, we played cards with our dinner partners.  Euchre.  I got us set because I did not lead my high trump, but instead went with an ace.  The ace got trumped.  If I had led my high trump, I would have taken that trump and the ace would have been good.
     It did make a difference.  Winning the hand would have made it 7-5, getting set made it 9-4.  We lost.
     Focus.  Concentration.  Left is left.
Peace and Love

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