Thursday, May 16, 2019

again...ages past

I had another weird comment on age today

       I mentor a first grader.  I know, fine example I would set.  But for some unknown reason people think I will be a good influence on him.
     He is a wild child.  Cute, sweet, adorable.....but wild.  I was worn out today after spending half an hour with him.
     Generally we play a game or do a puzzle for 15 minutes.  I ask him about his day, how everything is going, his family.  I swear, some weeks he has two younger sisters, some weeks he has two older ones.  One week he lived on the south side of town, this week he lives on the north end. 
     He gets to pick someone to bring.  Sometimes it is a girl, sometimes a boy.  Today he brought a boy.
     Now my man must have told him a little bit about me.  As we were playing Crazy Eights, the new kid looked at my boy and said, "Hey, you said he was 70.... so how come he isn't, well, you know....."
     Dead? I asked.
     "Yeah," came the honest reply.
     So now I am wondering how many of these kids have grandparents and do they ever see them.  Of course, grandparents to them would be people in their 50s, even possibly their late 40s.  I would be a great grandparent to them!
     I also wonder if the new kid came just to see a dead guy do puzzles.
     Last week when I was building bird houses, the question of my age came up.  I told them I had just turned 71.  One of the fourth graders looked at me and said,    "Wow!  You only ...... (count by tens, count by tens)..... have 30 years left."
    I'm not sure if math or life span probabilities were his strengthes.
     I think I'll just dodder off to bed.
Peace and Love

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