Saturday, May 11, 2019

chalk up another one

I made it another year

     I had my doubts.  Every time I cross a bridge or an overpass, I wonder if this is the time it will collapse.
     I am a pessimist.  You see the glass as half full, I see it as we are running out of potable water and will all perish in two days.
     I did have a very positive birthday, however.
     I got to talk to Julia in Switzerland and Bob and Anita in Florida face to face through the wonder of electronics!
     And I had many Facebook greetings too, again, the wonder of electronics.
     John and Emily came over bearing gifts and we had a nice cookout with broiled sweet potato cubes and steaks.  Chocolate cake and a bottle of wine capped off the day.
     I got to see a Cubs win, I got a free Starbucks for my birthday, and I did not mow the lawn because it was rainy most of the day.
     So for a negative guy, it was a positive day.
     Now for some sleep....hopefully.
Peace and Love

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