Sunday, May 5, 2019

tired, tired , tired

I may have overdone things today

     First, Emily, John and I walked in the MS Walk in St. Charles.  We started about 9 on the 3 mile walk along the Fox.  It was a beautiful day, and there were hundreds of people walking.  It was great to see, and pretty touching to me.
     People with MS don't always look sick, or act sick.  But they have a disease that is life stealing.  I hate MS.  I truly do.   I pray daily that they find a cure, or a cause that can lead to a cure.  Daily.
     Anyway, it was a beautiful day.
     I have missed spring days, so I mowed and did some yard work before settling down to watch the Cubs sweep the Cards.  'Twas a sweet day, indeed.
     Here are some pictures, if you have not already seen them....if you have, oh well.

I look like a dork!

Me and the fox along the Fox

It's made of bicycle parts!

He did not have much to say

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