Thursday, May 23, 2019

trouble ahead?

I have a Cubs' game tomorrow

     The forecast does not look good for the day....rain in the morning, rain in the afternoon, rain at night.
     I hate going all the way in just to sit in the rain and then go home.  Hope  Mother Nature has change in plans.
     And the rainy weekend means I will not get the garden planted, the yard mowed, the weeds pulled.....SK,  I may need some help!
     We have a little spray bottle we use when ironing.  (For those of you too young to know, an iron is an electronic device that produces a huge amount of heat.  I weighs a couple of pounds and looks like a huge leaf.  You hold it in your hand and rub the hot surface over wrinkled clothes and the wrinkles disappear.  Generally this is all accomplished on an ironing board, which looks like a surfboard with legs.  You are welcome)
     We also use it to spray Corki when she decides to hump some one's leg. 
     It would be an interesting contest to see which use gets more use.
     Anyway, can't find the spray bottle.  Looked everywhere.  Had to buy a new one.
I mentor a little first grader.  Every Thursday we get together and play a game, or do a puzzle.  He brings a friend.  Sometimes he asks me to eat lunch with him.  Actually, most of the time he asks.
     Pizza was the meal today, and I said I would stay and eat.  It was actually pretty good pizza for cafeteria food.
     At some point Wild Child was messing around and knocked over some one's fruit cup or water cup, not sure which.  There was a big puddle.  I got up to get some paper towels and when I got back to my seat, HE WAS EATING MY PIZZA!!
     His own pizza had a bite or two missing, but for some reason he thought it good to eat mine.
     So he finished mine because I said he could have it after he had it in his mouth and was licking it......    He finished mine and ate half of his.  I gently told him  that was not good manners and he shouldn't do that.
     All the other first graders just stared at him.  I did too.
     Tonight's supper was much more enjoyable.  We went to Naperville and celebrated the graduation of a couple of friends.  They are now Doctors of Pharmacy.  It was great to be able to celebrate with both women's families.
     And no one ate my food.
Peace and Love

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