Sunday, May 19, 2019

opportunity knocked

I just missed some golden opportunities to get rich

     I deleted my span folder on one of my e-mail accounts.
     After I deleted it, I realized my mistake.
     There were over 50 e-mails.  My browser shows the sender and the subject     and the first few words.
     As I browsed through the subjects, I found 6 incredible investment offers, two appeals from people in pain, a long lost cousin, and several that started with almost the same line.....I am writing you, my friend, to ask........
     I knew none of these names, including the long lost cousin.
     I did not open any of them....all went to the trash.  The  I emptied the trash.
Sometimes I wish I could track these people down and inflict them with boils the size of half dollars for being a nuisance.  I would NEVER open one of those e-mails, but I know people do.
     But what if one of them had that golden ticket?????  I will never know, now. 
     Maybe I should reset my password....but I don't know if that will help.
     Geez....I am starting to sound like a crabby old man.  Guess I should have had that wine tonight after all.
     But I am listening to Echoes on public ambient music.  I am almost too relaxed to go to bed.
Peace and Love

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