Monday, May 13, 2019


I only forgot one thing today

     At least that I know of.  I had to hit the ATM in town, but I did not remember to do that this morning.  So I had to make an extra trip into town to get some do-re-mi.
     I figure that cost me about $1.50.  8 miles one way, 16 round trip....I get 35 miles to the gallon, so half a gallon used, gas is almost $3.  It is expensive to forget stuff!
     But I remembered to change the battery on Corki's collar, tighten the handle on Jackie's cart, cancel Netflix and call someone about a check.
     Why cancel Netflix?  I really don't watch very much during baseball season.  I admit, I watch a lot of Cubs games.  Maybe too many.  But I enjoy them.      Between yard work, bike riding, and baseball games, my TV viewing time is limited.  Of course rainy days changes all that, but I could read a book.  I have several on my table, including Donna Leon's latest.
     To those of you who don't know, Donna Leon is one of my favorite authors.  She does a police detective centered series of mysteries, all set in Venice.  There is no swearing, not much violence, and a lot of description of the day to day life in Venice and how it is changing.
     This is book 26 in the series, if I remember correctly.  Three years ago I decided to read all of them, in order.  It was not easy as some of them were not available at the library.  But I enjoyed watching the characters grow, and change, as the stories were told.
     Leon is an American, but has lived in Venice for most of her life.  I read somewhere that her books are not translated into Italian because she likes to be an anonymous presence in Venice.  Plus, sometimes she is a little harsh about the community.
     I got hooked on them when I picked up a book and started reading, only to discover that the story opens with someone finding a body floating in a canal by the hospital.
     Jackie and I stayed in a small hotel just off the square in front of the hospital, and when Leon described the scene it all came back to me... the smells, the sounds, the colors.... it was pretty neat.
     And, she does one book a year.  To me, that is amazing.  Someday I will finish my book.  Some day.
Peace and Love

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