Sunday, May 26, 2019


I went to a graduation today

     My niece's two daughters graduated.  It was a nice ceremony, the weather was beautiful, and it was great to see family members again.
     I  thought back to my high school graduation.  That would have been ....53 ? years ago.
     And, I don't remember much.
     I remember lining up the day before to practice and meeting a fellow graduate that I had never seen before.  She was very good looking and started the conversation by saying something about the huge hickey she had on her neck.
     I think after graduation my parents had a cake.....but I don't  remember many people stopping over at the house.  I may have gone to John's house for cake, but I am  not even sure about that.
     The graduation itself?  Nada.  Nothing.  Mind is blank.
     I know John had to be near me, and Joan would have been between us, but I really don't have memories...or pictures...or programs....or anything of the day.
     I do remember going to school the next day and just standing outside the building, wondering. "What in the hell do I do now?"
     Today's graduates are different.  They will have plenty of pictures.  On Facebook, and all of the other social media sites I don't know anything about.  Their parents, grand parents, friends, and assorted relatives will have dozens of pictures on their cell phones to share.
     I imagine I went through the same emotions and probably voiced the thought that "This will be a day I will never forget."
     But I did.
     Hopefully, these kids hang on to their  happy memory longer than I held on to mine.
Peace and Love

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