Friday, May 31, 2019

uh oh.......

I feel like a marathon runner

     I have hit that proverbial wall.  Can't think of anything to write about, or comment on, or make fun of.
     I did notice the eighth grade dance in Rochelle was tonight.
     I remember going to my eighth grade dance.  I took a girl named Glenda.  She was in eighth grade, but she was two years older than me!  I remember she used the term cradle robber on our "date", but I had no idea what that meant.
     I also remember going out to eat at a little diner that was a railroad car.  It was on Irving Park Road, and I think it was called, The Diner.
    I don't remember who I was with, and for sure I don't remember getting a good night kiss.
     I ran into her years later.  She was working at a bank around Irving, Lincoln, and Damen.  She didn't remember me.
     That means we never danced, because once you see a Terry dance, you never, I repeat, never forget it.
Peace and Love

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