Tuesday, May 7, 2019

lost and found

I lost my car key today

     Actually, I lost it Sunday but did not know that until today.  I was going to take the BMW with some landscape waste in brown bags into town, but instead crammed them into my Honda.  I had the key for that, thank heavens.
      The problem was magnified when we could not find Jackie's keys either.
     We looked all over. Eventually I found hers in a purse on the shelf.  I had borrowed her keys (yes, because I could not find mine) and put the keys back in the wrong purse.  Then I put all the extra purses on the shelf, which was where her key was.
     But I digress.
     At first I thought my key was in the yard.  I had gone to the store, gotten some bags of dirt and compost, and had used the BMW.  When I got home I moved dirt, drove the tractor around the yard, and then cleaned everything up.
      So I thought the key might have fallen out of my sweatshirt pocket.
      I got to thinking and realized that was not possible.  I put the mower away and then put the car away.  If I had lost the key in the grass, I could not have moved the car.
      I looked in pockets, drawers, in some shoes (in case Carrie is reading this.  I really did!) but could not find the key. 
     I searched the garage and my car but could not it.
     Seriously, I spent about an hour of my ever decreasing time on Earth looking for the damn thing.
     I backtracked.  I reenacted my coming in the house.  I took off my shoes, put the headphones in the box.......so I looked in the box and there was the key!  I had forgotten about wearing them, and I guess I was so tired I just dropped them into the box along with my key.
     I seem to be doing that more often lately. 
     Truthfully, it is a little scary.  Hopefully it's just a lack of focus.
Peace and Love

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