Wednesday, May 15, 2019


I am sore from riding

     I took the bike into town today to ride the bike path.  As soon as I mounted my trusty steed, I felt pain.
     Not in my legs, or thighs, or backs, or hands.  But in my butt.  It really hurt!
     Usually I ride wearing my padded shorts, but I did not do that yesterday or today and it really makes a difference.
     I will do that tomorrow, which will make three days in a row.  Understand, I am way behind last year, when I was riding pretty regularly in May.  And April.  but it has been too cold/wet/crappy to do that this year.
     I have a limited window during the day to ride, and I have to take advantage of that.
     My bike is grey.  Naturally, I have named it.  I won't tell you the name today, but think about what I could name a grey bike.
     And speaking of naming things, why does grey sound like hay but is spelled with an e, unless it is some one's name and they spell it with an a?  Bu that is not a color anymore, just a name.
     And how about crayons?  Remember it used to be blue, red, green, yellow, blue violet......basic colors.
     How about these:  asparagus, bittersweet, brick red, burnt orange, forest green, gold, magenta, periwinkle, orchid, pacific blue, plum, robin's egg blue, spring green, silver, tickle me pink, turquoise blue, wild strawberry.  All colors from the 96 count Crayola box.
     They must have a full time person coming up with names for  blue, red, green..... you get the drift.
     I am off to have colorful dreams.  Getting to bed earlier and earlier!
Peace and Love

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