Thursday, May 9, 2019


I have just about written myself dry

     No funny stories today, or cute memories.
     Pretty boring day.  Took Corki to the vet, lost her collar, looked for it for 15 minutes, found it in a place it doesn't belong....becoming routine for me lately.
     I was making plans for a wine night Friday night and Jackie reminded me I had a history walk tomorrow night!  How the freak do I forget my history walks?
     Went to Wallyworld to buy some wire, went home without it.  I have to go back tomorrow to buy wire to hang the birdhouses we hopefully finish at school tomorrow.
     Sometimes you read about some old guy who went out to get a paper and they found him four days later in Memphis.....I have fears that is me one day.
     But I did like Elvis, so maybe it won't be so bad.
     Emily said it's because my mind is full of other tasks, duties, jobs, worries, responsibilities I have and it is natural to forget some things.
     But to be honest, it is scary.
    Growing old isn't all it is cracked up to be.....but it beats the alternative, so I guess I will just have to grin and bear it. 
     And tomorrow night I will for sure have my own wine night!
Peace and Love

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