Friday, May 3, 2019

Fly the W

I had a great day at the ball park today

     Our seats were along the first base side this time....but the view was still darn good.  No one walking in front of us, or even sitting near us.
     Yes, it was cool.  But it was dry and Hendricks and Rizzo were hot!  Great plays on defense by Baez, Heyward, and Bryant.  All in all, a great experience.
    My food choice today was the W burger and it was ...... pretty darn awesome!       It is $12.50 but comes with fries.  It is a large burger, with lots of fixings.  I have had three meals there and so far it's:   Best, W Burger; Second Best,  Three cheese grilled cheese; Third Best,  Buona beef.  But ask me tomorrow and it could be different!
    The game was fast and we caught an express train home.
     It was crazy.  The people all seemed to know each other and were laughing, joking and drinking.  One guy offered us beers, but we declined.
     They played a card game called "Screw Your Neighbor."
     I had never heard of it and asked one of the leaders of the fun to explain it..  He said it costs $2 to play.  Players get a card.  They look at it and decide if they want to keep it or trade it.  When everyone is done, you show your card.  Lowest card has to pay $1.  Joker has to pay $1.  Then redeal. When your $2 is gone, you are done.  Last person in wins the pot, which is determined by how many people play.
     I felt like we were sitting in somebody's party.  They all got along so well and laughed a lot.
      I think the one guy told me they worked in the same building and/or rode the same train home and ended up always sitting in the same car.  They do this every night, but seem to really cut lose on Friday.
     They treated everyone else like they were friends waiting to be made, at least that is how I felt.
Peace and Love

A low hanging cloud....

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