Friday, May 10, 2019

boots are made for talking

I did my first downtown walking tour tonight

     It was a little chilly, and maybe the even was not as publicized as it could have been.  Or maybe it has run its course
     Had 2 people.  2.  But, the show must go on and we went on the tour.
     Another museum board member was with, but I am not counting him as a tour goer.  2. 
     We actually had a nice time.  We chatted, strolled, chatted some more.  I learned more about Rochelle than I knew when I started the walk tonight, because Tom knows a lot of Rochelle history and stories. 
     I admit I have been a little lax in getting more of the history.  But the walk was supposed to be an hour, and tonight it was almost two.  Like I said, we walked and talked.  The more information I have, the more I talk.
     I enjoy doing the walks, but I always get nervous that I will be a bore or a flop.  But everyone always seems to enjoy the banter, talk, and exchange of information.
     When this started, I did a walk a month the first year.  Last year I did 3 walks and convinced another person to do a walk on historic or interesting houses.    This year I convinced a third person to do a walk dealing with fires in the downtown so now we have three different walks over the summer.
     I think it's good for the museum, but the walks need more exposure so more people come.
     Mini courses.....history walks.....yikes, I do do a lot!
Peace and Love

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