Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Hey look, it's raining

     I guess I did not expect that.  ( I wrote  that in a sarcastic tone.)
     We seem to be out of the woods on bad storms, just a lot of thunderbolts  and lightning....very very frightening, right Scaramouch?
     Anyway....got some nice thank you notes from kindergartners today.  It was the last day of helping out in their room and they made cards for me.  I can even read some of them....they are kindergartners!  They can't write real well yet.
     Also went to the awards night for Sycamore eighth graders.  We went to watch Camryn, who got an award for high grade point average.  She has been on the honor roll all three years at the middle school, and that's a great accomplishment.
     She received multiple awards, but my bias is toward grades and doing well.
     Eighth graders are a funny group.  They are not quite high school, but they are done with elementary school.  They act cool, unflappable, and with either a lot of confidence or no confidence.
     A couple of students tripped going up to get their awards an one young man fell flat on his face in the center of the stage.  But he did not miss a beat.  He hit the ground, did two push ups, and got up as if nothing was amiss. 
     Ah...to be young again.
     I'm going to bed.  Have to get up real early tomorrow.  I am building an ark.
Peace and Love

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