Saturday, June 1, 2019

why me?

Many are called, few are chosen

     So how come I seem to be chosen a lot lately?
     For the second time in a month I received a billing from Apple for a product we did not order.  For the second time, I went into my Apple account and checked.... we did not have any orders placed.
     Pfishing expedition.  Again.
     I never click on the e mail.  I always check with the store by going to its website, not the link provided on the phony e mail.
     Those scammers should be drawn and quartered.
     Worked outside tonight....have several itchy mosquito bites.  Should have used repellent.
     Hmm....maybe scammers should be staked to a tree in a mosquito infested swamp.  That'll show them.
Peace and not much love tonight

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