Friday, November 30, 2018

no news

Sometimes I am in a bubble

     Had a zoo day today.  With Sirius in the car, I mostly listen to the Beatles channel.
     When I left the zoo today, I got a series of texts.  Basically they said Warren and the kids were fine.
     Warren is my cousin in law in Anchorage, Alaska.  I had no idea why he was ok until I found out there was a huge earthquake today.
     I called him tonight and he said the epicenter was directly under the chair his ass was in.  Several seconds of shaking knocked stuff off shelves and walls but did not do any major damage.  His daughter and grandchild also were safe, although there was a lot of clean up to do.
     There was an after shock seconds after the quake, and it was also quite powerful.
     Warren is a native Alaskan.  He was a teenager when the big one hit in 1964.       Jackie and I visited Earthquake Park in Anchorage when we were there in the 90s and could see visible evidence of that powerful quake.  Warren once joked that before that one the family house was a block away from the Cook Inlet, but after that quake it was on the Inlet, because the block across the street collapsed into the water.  At least hat is my memory of a story told almost 30 years ago, so I could be off a lot.
     I left the house at 8, got home at 4:45, left at 5:45, got home at about 9 and had the rest of my supper.  Jackie likes a salad at Panera, so I stopped to get her one, not realizing it was a seasonal offering.  But they have a great turkey/apple sandwich and they had squash soup, with I love.  I had the soup early, and the sandwich late.  I also got Jackie a sandwich, but no soup.
     I am in a production tomorrow night.  The local theater group (VCCT) is doing a radio version of Miracle on 34th Street.  I love that movie, and am glad to be part of the radio show version.
     But it made for a long day today.
     So.....sweet dreams, and solid Earths to all.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

dirty dishes

I admit it, I am not detail oriented 

     Lately our dishwasher has not been doing a good job.  Some of the glasses had crud on them.  On one load, I had to rewash 6 glasses and two plates.
     I looked at the spray arms, they seemed ok.  Nothing seemed amiss.
     I mentioned it  to John at Thanksgiving, saying I would have to call a repairman to figure out what is wrong.
     He pulled out the bottom rack and noticed a hole or two (maybe more) was blocked.  So we cleaned it out.
     Then he looked at the top rack and noticed some of the holes were blocked there also.  We cleaned them out.
     I have not had a problem since.  Dishes, and glasses, come out perfectly clean.
     What the hell!!!  Am I blind??  I looked at the arms and didn't see a problem, but it was apparent there was crap in the holes.  (Still referring to the dishwasher for those of you with sick minds.)
     So I don't know if I am:
               A       Blind
               B        Inattentive
               C        Lazy
               D        Lax
               E         Uncaring
               F          All of the above.

     In any case, thanks John for getting my dishes clean.
     Now, about the spots on my laundry.......
      I still have a cold....and my really strong hot toddy is kicking in.  I need more whiskey.
     Good night, America.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Holy crap

I realized something tonight, actually just now

My first td in ten was Jan. 1, 2014.
That means at the end of this year, I will have written something almost daily for five years.
Five years.
During that time:

Emily and John got married.
Emily's house was destroyed by a tornado.
I got an I Phone.
We got a dog.
Jackie got a BMW.
I turned 70.   70?  How could that have happened??
I marked 10 years as a zoo volunteer.
We've been to New England, the Baseball Hall of Fame,  visited my cousin in New York, gone to visit Julia a couple of times.
We went to Las Vegas and I lost $20 playing roulette.   Turns out 13 is not a lucky number.
I went to Christmas markets in France.
I went on a bike trip through the Netherlands with friends.
I've told countless embarrassing stories about me and many boring stories about life.
We've gone through 3 living room couches.
We've seen friends move to the east and family to the  west,
I was on the television, but Jackie told me to get off it before I broke it.
I got hearing aids.
This is sort of like the Trump presidency in a way; I never thought it would last!

Life passes quickly, doesn't it?
In a blink of an eye, you are a young man or woman, then are old.
I wish I had all those hours I frittered away when I was younger in a time bank that I could draw on now.  Or even the ones that I fritter away now.  And is fritter the right word?
Enjoy your days my friends.  Make every one of them count and relish the loved ones around you.
Your Melancholy Baby.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

ho hum aliens?

Has Earth been invaded?

     Jackie and I were driving home from Portillo's tonight when we think we saw an alien invasion.
     Ok, I think I saw an alien invasion.

     Here's proof:

     What else can explain it?
     Aliens have built an elevator from a UFO and are using it to send warriors from their planet to invade ours!
     I read in a book, and it was a very true book, written by a real person, that when the alien invasion happens, they will assume a disguise of a bearded man with a round belly,   red suit with fur trim, and a jolly laugh.  So if you see people like that in the next few weeks, BEWARE!!  They may be aliens!
     And while it appears this elevator shaft ends in Creston, in fact it ends on the south end of Rochelle.
     I have an Italian friend named Antonio and he has told me he personally has seen aliens and may have captured one unknowingly.
     "Terry, I hadda go to the doctors office and leave a spaciman,"  he told me.
     I swear, this is all true!
Good night.  I need sleep.

Monday, November 26, 2018

s'no fun

I blew my driveway today

     I delayed it as long as I could, but at 10:30 I went out to clear it.
When I came in, it was 1:15. 
     Surprisingly, I was not cold, although my cough does not seem to be better at all.  I dressed warmly.
     I did not have to use a shovel except by the front door.  Everything else was taken care of by my snow blower. 
     I think it's time to reevaluate my ways.  We have a cleaning person every other week, because I have a lot to do.  Julia and my brother Carl and I believe Emily all suggested I find someone to plow the driveway in the future.
     So next year I will look for someone to plow the driveway.  It would take them 10 minutes and they would do a better job.
     It's not that I don't like doing it...... but I do have to make some concessions for age.
     Blowing was a bit of a problem today.  The snow was so wet, it stuck on the blades and no snow would be sucked up.  So I had to use a scraper every couple of passes to make sure the blades were clear.
     Notice I said scraper because you never, ever put your hand into a snow blower.  They have a tendency to chomp off digits if you do.
     I'm done for the day.  I just finished a little toddy and am headed for sleepland, eventually.
    Pleasant out for sugar plums fairies, whatever they are.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

baby, it's cold outside

I think it's snowing

     I say that with a little tongue in frozen cheek.
     We have several inches on the ground and high winds.  Makes for a wild afternoon.  And it is a heavy snow....heart attack snow, that's what I call it.
     Luckily my snow blower came back to me yesterday.  Thanks, Dave, for delivering it before the first flakes fell.
     When we lived on Skare Court we had pine trees in the back yard.  I loved putting on my shearling  coat  and going out to stand under the trees in the middle of a snow storm.  To hear the wind blowing, or the flakes falling, is truly and incredible experience.  If you dress warmly, you won't even  notice the cold.
     I stood in the driveway tonight, was just out there a few minutes.  I will go back out before bed to check to make sure the furnace vent is not buried under the snow.
     Tomorrow I will snow blow the driveway, probably a couple of times.  Not sure if I am up to snowshoeing in the woods yet, might have to wait a couple of weeks before I try that.
     I am thankful we have not lost power.  (Knocking on wood.)  I know some folks in the area have, and I feel for them and for the crews that work to restore power.  Living in the country, no electricity means no water.  I can exist in the dark for a while, but not being able to flush is a luxury I hate to lose.
     Hope all of you are safe in the Midwest tonight.  Snow fall totals range from 6 inches on up in our area, with more to be expected during the night.
    As a side note, I thought our bushes needed more lights.  So as the snow was starting, which means it was raining, I put 1 strand of cool white lights on each of four bushes.
     Yes, I was wet.  And it started snowing just as I finished.
     All the other lights are warm white lights.  And I swear, I thought the boxes said warm!  Jackie does not think it looks good, so I will have to pull them off and replace them.  But not tomorrow.  Or the next day.  Or the next.
     Be safe.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

A succesful hunt

We got a tree today

     And I was wondering:  When people go deer hunting they often use a tree stand.  So when we went tree hunting, should we have used a deer stand?
Just curious.
     It tool less than 90 minutes to leave my house, drive to the prairie, find a tree and come back home.
     It looks nice.  It's a fir, but not a balsam fir.  Stands straight.
     John, Emily and Cooper went.
     There was a time when Jackie and I could get the tree.....but we are long past the point of being able to cut it down, load it, drag it into the house and put it in a stand.  Thank heavens for John and Emily.
     The tree is up and decorated, but I noticed something unusual.
     Hundreds of bugs.  Hundreds.  Little bugs.  Fruit fly size.  I sprayed them, hopefully that is all of them.....we'll see in the morning.
     I just figured the cold would have killed them, but maybe not any egg sacs.
     As usual, I got real sentimental hanging ornaments.  Ones I made with my class, my mom made, Julia made, get the picture.  The basement tree has a set of ornaments Jackie painted, I believe it was our first Christmas.
     True:  When we were first married, we did not have a lot of money.  For end tables, I got two cardboard boxes and put wood grained contact paper on them.
I think our first tree was about 2 feet tall, but it fit nicely on the box. 
     Memories.  That's what makes the holidays.
     If you live around here you know we may get some snow tomorrow.  Latest prediction:  14 inches for Rochelle.
     Better get some rest, hadn't I?


Friday, November 23, 2018

still hanging on

This cold won't quit

     I felt ok today, but I have a cough that just keeps going.  It's like an Energizer Bunny of the cold world.
     It's worse late evening and during the night.  Last night I did get a pretty good sleep, despite being arrested and put on Facebook for shoplifting at the university book store.  That woke me up about 2:30, but I did go back to sleep.
     I smother my chest in Vick's.....and quietly sing soft kitty to myself, but that does not seem to help for long.
     Today I put most of the yard stuff away in anticipation of the Great November 25 Blizzard.
     We will be talking about this one for years.  I have seen forecasts calling for flurries to 6 inches........and heavens knows how accurate any of them are. 
     The plan is to get our live tree tomorrow.  Hopefully we can do that in dry conditions, and do it quickly.
     One year Jackie and I went to get a tree.  It must have been 20 below with a windchill of -80.  The wind was howling.  I found a tree that looked great, despite the gigantic snow drift that surrounded it.
     Kneeling in the three foot deep snow, I used the very dull saw to cut that 8 foot beauty down.
     Now, Jackie was in the car almost the entire time.  She could walk well at this point, but it was too cold for her.  It was alright for me to be in the 40 below temps, with the -120 windchill,  blowing snow beating in my face, because she was sitting in the car with the heater on high.
     Anyway, I cut the tree and loaded it into the van.
     It must have been really cold, much colder than the 50 below readings, because in the heat of the house that 8 foot beauty shrank to about 5 feet.  It was almost a rectangle.
     I think in my frozen state I just cut a tree.  It may have looked good in the field, but I may have been hallucinating due to the cold.
     Hopefully this year's will be another winner.  At least it will be a little warmer.
     Now, I have to go Vapo Rub up.  Good night.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

that was nice

I had a great Thanksgiving

     We talked to Julia.  Julia was born on a Nov. 22.  It was a Sunday, and the Bears were playing.....maybe San Francisco?
     Anyway, we went to the same doctor that delivered Jackie.  Dr. Friedman.  Really nice man.  Older guy, at that point.  Bears fan.  Had season tickets.
     Julia was born just before halftime, and the good doctor gave us the lowdown as he hurried out to catch the second half.
     The Bears played at Wrigley Field then, so we were only a few blocks from the game.
     Julia was not an easy delivery.  She was not centered properly.  A second doctor in the delivery room helped with the birth, using a forceps to gently move her into the correct position.
     When the nurse brought her out to me, she was wrapped in a towel.  I looked in and saw a little baby covered in brown, slime, and with huge red marks all over her head!
     Isn't she beautiful?  the nurse asked.  I almost ran.
     They took her away and cleaned her up.  Seems she had a bowel movement during the delivery process.  When they brought her back she was absolutely adorable.
     Jackie and I had an interesting conversation about her name.  Today, we have no idea why Julia.  No one in the family was named that, we did not have any relatives with that name.  Now maybe it's coincidence, but Julia is the name of one of the songs on the Beatles White album.  I love that album.  Coincidence?? 
    So today was a triple for us:  Julia's birthday, Thanksgiving, and Bears football!
     John and Emily prepped the turkey and made mashed potatoes and an appetizer, Judy brought taffy apple salad, Amy brought corn casserole and deviled eggs, Sandy brought a vegetable tray and we only had to do a pie, green bean casserole, and a sweet potato pie.
     Clean up was a breeze; almost everything went in the dishwasher.
     All in all, it was a great day for food, family and friends.
     And that my friends, is something I am thankful for.
     Good night, and God bless.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

the push begins

I have one day to enjoy turkey

     Friday, the push begins.  Outside lights.  Upstairs tree.  Downstairs tree.  20 boxes of decorations carried up.  Tables moved, furniture moved, pictures moved.
     It can be tiring and stressful for me!
     Usually I have the outside lights up by now, but it has been cold and I have been sick and the lights are still in the basement.  Friday.
     I usually have the downstairs tree up.  But it is still in a box.  Friday.
     The living room tree will be a freshly cut one, and that will go up Saturday.
Sunday I will collapse from overwork.
     We have cut down on the amount of stuff we put out, but the lights and the Dickens village take a lot of time and trips up and down.  Maybe I should hire a young kid to haul boxes.......
     Aside from tomorrow being Thanksgiving, it is also Julia's birthday!  She was born on a Sunday, when the Bears were playing.  Granted, tomorrow is Thursday, but the Bears are playing!  Deja vu, maybe.
     We will call her and wish her well....but it's not the same as having her here.         After 16 years, it hasn't gotten easier.
     Damn, the hot toddy is making me sentimental.
     Say good night, Gracie.....

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

'bout time

After 4 days, feeling better

    Maybe it is the hot toddy talking.  Say that fast four times.
    Tonight I did whiskey, water and honey.  A generous serving of whiskey, I might add.
     Jackie uses some for making sweet potato pie, but we may run out before  Christmas if this cold hangs on!  Boy, it tasted good tonight.
     I have slept in my chair a lot.  I also finished reading a book called Mrs. O'Leary's Fire.  I had a hard tine getting into it because the author talked about comets. 
     His theory is a comet, not a cow,  caused the huge fire in Chicago, Peshtigo Wisconsin, and in Michigan.
     It's an interesting read, considering the events in California this past month or so.
     First person accounts were used in describing the Chicago blaze and one particular aspect really interested me. 
     There was widespread looting of stores, warehouses, and homes during the inferno! Anything not tied down was fair game as thieves made off with clothing, alcohol, furniture, art work......just about anything they could grab.
     I always thought looting was a crime of our time, but I guess not.
     As always, the end of the book led me to the computer to find out more and I went to the Chicago History Museum site which has really neat interactive maps of the town before the fire.
     When I was a kid, it was the Chicago Historical Society and I spent many afternoons there, wandering the building and looking at the displays.  The dioramas of the fire always fascinated me.
     So...feeling better, getting more sleep,  not pushing it.....hoping to be much better for Thanksgiving and turkey!
     Sleep well, my friends.

Monday, November 19, 2018

uh ha

And people think I'm crazy

     Fear is based in reality.  If something isn't real, you should not be scared by it, right?
     But I don't like scary movies because....well, they scare me.
     Nothing real.... but mentally I get freaked out.  I know they are not true, yet....
     Same with tall bridges and buildings.  I always feel I am going to be the one to cause it to break.
     So I felt a little justified in my fears after an elevator at the John Hancock building fell 84 floors last week.  84 floors!  People got on at the top and a cable snapped and the six people in the car plummeted toward the earth, only to be stopped somewhere near the 11th floor.
     They remained trapped there for several hours until rescue workers could find them.  This was an express elevator, with doors at the top and there was no way to open a door and see where the car was.
     Thankfully, and amazingly, no one was seriously injured, although I imagine there were several people in need of underwear after the fall.
     Today I was in a semi sleep state when I heard a noise.  Jackie was in the living room and asked me what it was.  I had no idea.
     At 8:30 when I went to turn down the bed, I found the noise.  Our new bedroom lamp had shattered!  There were bits of glass all over the place.  And it was not the bulb, but part of the base.  No one near it, no one touching it, it was not even on.  Yet shattered.
     I am still working on my cold.  Thanks to everyone who gives advice and/or wishes for a fast recovery.
     I am a baby, I admit it.  I do not like coughing and sneezing.
     I am having another toddy......whiskey, water, honey..... and this one is a little stronger than the one last night.  I actually slept until about 2, then was up and moved to my chair, where I slept until 9:30.  The chair is better because I can be upright, which makes for easier breathing.
     But there's a lady who likes to snuggle against my feet at night and I think she misses me when I go to the chair.  Jackie does not even know I am gone.
     Sleep tight.  Don't let the bed bugs burp.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

day two

My cold is holding on

     Thanks for all the good wishes.
     I went to church today to share my malady with others......I just hope I did not contaminate anyone.
     In the old days, I would have come hone, picked up my Chicago Tribune, sat in my chair, made a cup of hot something, snuggled under a blanket and read the paper until I fell asleep.
     Now days, I have to read it on the computer.  Hard to nap that way.
     Emily and John came over for a visit and brought gifts.  They have been in the world of Disney for the past few days.  I have a new hat and a new Hawaiian shirt, both decorated with a little  mouse.  Jackie has a new top, also with a Disney theme.
     I watched a movie on Netflix....Ballad of Lester Scruggs?  Don't remember the actual title.
     I was highly entertained. 
     Now I have finished watching the Bears win and sipping a hot toddy, with not as much lemon juice as yesterday.  But I am out of honey, honey.
     Again, thanks for all the good wishes......I do hate colds!
     Honestly, I am a big baby about not feeling well too.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

a down day

I hate having a cold

     It drains me.  It saps me.  It makes me repeat stuff only using different words.
I don't sleep well at night and don't sleep during the day.
     I did go to the store to buy some whiskey to make a hot toddy.....whiskey, honey, lemon, hot water.
    It does not taste good.  Something is not right.
     Had a nice texting conversation with someone today.  I have no idea who they are.
    Should I ask?
    They sent several messages and even called me.  But I put the phone away and did not hear it at all.
     Their name does not come up....just a number.
     The mystery will remain.
     Because I am going to bed.
     To dream, perchance to sleep.

Friday, November 16, 2018


I am tired

     I had something everyday this week, sometimes two things. Doctor visits, volunteer duties, rehearsal, meeting, zoo day
     Now I am tired.  And I am getting a cold.
     I stopped for a coffee at the big name place.
     They make a special drink that is loaded with Vitamin C for those people with colds.  I can never remember the name.
     So I ordered a Bomb.  The Pretty Young Thing behind the counter said if I described it, they could probably make it.  So I said it had honey, tea, green tea, lemonade and was great for a cold.  She said, "Oh, the Medicine Ball."  I was close.  It had a B in it.
     So I got one.  And I got a peppermint white chocolate thingy too. 
     And surprise, I made it all the way home without stopping!
     The downside is, I am tired....but a little caffeinated up right now.  My eyes want to close, but my body wants to dance.
     And my hands are killing me....they are so dry!
     But wine and pizza with Jackie and SK was a great way to end the week.
     Tomorrow I hope to hang some lights......if I can find the bushes under the snow.
     Till then, peace and hope to all.
     By the way....long before expressions like LOL, or BTW, or IMHO,  TWTWTW was a hit on the telly.  Anybody remember that show?

Thursday, November 15, 2018

that was work

We taught Corki to give paw

     Let me explain.
    We have had Corki for three years.  She was a rescue dog, brought up from Selma, Alabama, where she was rescued from a kill shelter.
     She's a great dog.  We think she is now about eight years old..  We don't know why the owners gave her up.  Perhaps they became too old to care for her, or they tired of her, or lost a home due to fire or flood, maybe they even died.
     She can sit.  She sometimes stays on command, but not often.  She usually comes on command.  Usually.
     We have been working on paw for six months.  Tonight, for the first time, she gave paw without being prompted by a tap on the front paw!  Yes, treats were involved, but just having her do it is amazing.
     That opens up a whole new world to old dogs doing new tricks!
     Can I learn to play piano or guitar?  Can I learn to speak French?
     Will the quarter behind your ear trick  become a reality?
     Can I learn not to salt food excessively?
     Old dogs can learn new tricks.
     Now I have to get to work on mine.
     Au revoir!  A bientot!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Life is a series of adjustments

     I had my hearing aids adjusted today.  Nothing major, just a two week check up to see how I am getting along.
     I told the doctor I hated them.
     "Can you hear better?" she asked.  I said yes.
     "Do they bother your ears?" she asked.  I said no.
     So...what's the problem?  I just don't like the daily reminder that I am getting old.
     What's next to go?  Vision??  Memory??  Touch??  Smell??  Actually, some of those may already be gone.  I would say I still smell, but some of you (Doug) will take that the wrong way.
     Another reminder.  I used to be able to cut my toe nails.  No problem.  Now, I can't seem to bend past my waist.
     So now we get pedicures.
     The feet actually feel pretty darn good right now.
     Maybe I should get the rest of me massaged!
     Happy dreams to you all.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

oh, gheez

What we have here, is a failure to notice

     I finally found a pair of shoes I like. 
     I have looked in stores but not found exactly what I like.  I went on line and poured over dozens of sites and hundreds of shoes.
     I kept coming back to one particular shoe.
     After days of agonizing, looking, re-looking, checking the reviews, I placed an order.
     Got the shoes.  I hate them.  There is a zipper up one side!  Now, in all the times I looked at that shoe on line, don't you think I would have noticed the zipper?
     Criminy Pete, pops.  Get in the game.
     Lest you think I am picky, let me explain.  I have orthopedic inserts and I have to wear a wide shoe for the inserts to fit.  Finding a wide shoe  in a style I like is not easy.
     I did find some that I really liked, but they were almost $300 a pair!  I did not win the lottery, so those are out.  And yes, I really liked them....except for the price.
     I found another shoe I liked but for some reason, the $109 shoe in my size is $179......and the 40 percent off offer the website advertises is for "select styles and sizes,"  which to me means any style and size I select won't be on sale.
     How did I solve my dilemma?  I played solitaire for an hour.  An hour. 
It's like an addiction.  I go weeks without it being a problem and then BAM!  I play for hours at a time.
     Now it's time to rest my weary bones......peace to all, and to all a good night.
     And thanks to all who commented on my page or Emily's page about Dita.  We do appreciate it.

Monday, November 12, 2018

not much

Kind of a quiet night

     Had a long day today.  I had to take Dita, Emily and John's sick dog, to the vet again.
     She was bleeding internally and there was nothing that could be done.  So I stayed by her side as she crossed over the rainbow.
     It's the worst moment in a pet owner's life.
     But at least she is not could tell she was in pain.
     The sadness was off set by the happiness of having our young friend Sam visit us after school.
     I even got to pick her up! 
    We played blocks, and I enjoy that.  But I realize the day will come when she no longer wants to play on the floor.  She'll be driving before you know it.
Funny....I will be in my 80s when that happens!
     I also visited third graders at Steward School and handed out dictionaries as part of a Rotary project.  Nice bunch of boys and girls.
     Vet my heart aches for Emily and John.  I know they love those dogs so much. 
    Good night....sleep tight  Hug your pets.  And your children.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

ooops.....wrong turn

Today started out fine

     But then the alarm went off at 7:30 and it all seemed to go south from there.
And I don't mean south, where it is warm, palm trees are gently swaying in the wind, and a certain mouse is greeting people.
     I mean south as in..... well, here's my tale.
     Emily  texted me about 7:30.  They were going away, but one of the  dogs seemed to have a bathroom issue.  I was asked to take her to the vet either today or tomorrow.
     I made the decision to take her to the emergency vet in Rockford after church.
     Usually we go to Aurora, but with the construction on I-88 the drive can be intolerably long.
     So off to Rockford I went.
     I noticed Dita, dog in question, peed bright red before getting in the vehicle.
She did it again at the clinic.  Again when she was walked by a tech, hoping to get a urine sample.
     I feared the worst.
     But all ended up ok.  She has a bladder infection.  A shot and some antibiotics should have her back to normal in a couple of days.
     It was a busy place.  At least one family left in tears, without their dog.  Another couple were having a discussion about the cost of pet care, plus food, plus vet bills, and why do we even have a dog when I have trouble paying for the truck.  Her reply was because it's my dog and your truck.  Discussion ended at that point.
     Another family was in to visit a dog that has been there a couple of days and won't go home until tomorrow.  Another dog ate a packet of something and was sick.  They were calling pet poison control to see if the contents were toxic.
     I left with Dita feeling relieved and happy.
     She will be ok, the Bears won, and I got to see a beautiful sunset.

“Day is done, Gone the sun,
From the lake, From the hill,
From the sky.
All is well, Safely rest,
God is nigh.”
     Happy Veterans' Day....a belated thank you for your service.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

A day in the life....

I love the Beatles

     I love listening to them in the car.
    Which has nothing to do with my little homily today.  OK, homily is  to exact a word.  Discourse.
     I went to buy apples.
     You may know we had this:

      There was about 3 inches.  I liked the pattern my lawn mowing left.
     Anyway, that's a digression.
     I went to buy apples in Malta.  They are almost done for the season.  I figured I better get some apples, and caramel apples, and doughnuts, and cider.
     This is what I came across:

     I know!!  A partially snow covered road!  It's not even mid November, but the gales of November were early!  Notice there is no vegetation along this part of the road, but where there is vegetation, no snow.  Coincidence?  Or Conspiracy??
     But wait, that is not all.  When I was leaving the apple place, this was parked next to me.

     One of the heads appears to be severed!
     This person took the  'better get ahead"  philosophy too strongly.
     Just another day in the life.
     Good night, sweet dreams. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

who you?

Add names to  my can't keep straight list

     Saw an old friend last week and said, "Sandy, how are you doing."  She said, "Fine.  I'm Helen."
     I knew she was Helen!  I have called her Helen every tine I see her.  I know her daughter got married on a beach in the Caribbean, her husband passed away a year ago, and she used to volunteer on Fridays but she went to work and had to move her volunteer day to Thursday.
     But I called her Sandy.
     I only know one Sandy, and I went to grade school and high school with her!       That was a while ago.
     Is it a disease?  A mental conditon?  Laziness??
     I forget names, reverse numbers, and lately if there are four similar products on the shelf, I can't find the right one!
     Damn, aging is not fun.
     So, if I called you the wrong name within the past week, and I know I did one person because I called him by his brother's name, even though I knew he was not his brother, I apologize.
     Life would be so much easier for me if everyone was named George and Martha.
     But somehow I think I would mess that up too.
     Maybe sleep will improve my ability to distinguish between people.
     But I doubt that too.
     By the way, as I write this it is 17 degrees.  17.  Nov. 9.   Could be a long winter.
     Time for the winter blanket.  Nov. 9!!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

so close.......

I was so close to tossing tiles tonight

I hope you liked the alliteration.  It's a talent.
I almost threw these out:

It'a a floor tile....I have about 10 of them.
I think they could be used for a craft project, but I am not talented enough to come up with how.  And you could use it for a small floor.  
Anyway, next week they if you want them, let me know.
I go through boxes and find stuff to not get rid of.
For instance, this moose:

Tacky?  A little.
By the way, it is a creamer.  Pour the milk into the back and the milk comes out its nose.
But my cousin Sally gave it to me years ago.  Cancer claimed her about 4 years ago and every time I see this tacky moose, I remember her smile and her laugh.
I can't get rid of it.
Yes, I am a sentimental old fool.
Always have been always will be.
Stop over some time and I'll make coffee....and we can use the moose.
Peace and happy dreams.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Book it, Dano

I went to a football game tonight

     It might have been a little of my body are still numb.
     But it was a fun time.  Northern Illinois beat Toledo in a MAC match up 38-15.
     Friend Dave has several tickets and invites groups of people to the game.]
    There are four of us who usually go to a November midweek night game, and tonight was the night.
     Usually Dave and Dawn and Darci tailgate.  But when the gales of November come early, they move the party inside.
     So we ate in the practice field, along with a couple of hundred other folks.  Good Greek food, including desserts.  I am not sure all that I ate, but it was good.
     During the game we have access to the Coaches Corner, which has heat, bathrooms, a taco bar, and most chocolate and hot coffee.
And pizza at half time.
     So I ate too much, drank too much hot chocolate, and had a fun time.
     We did cut out with about 3 minutes left in the game.....the cold won out over us.
     Next time, I have to remember to bring a blanket to wrap myself in, lucky for me Darci had a couple extra in her car.
     Going to a game always brings back memories of those college years.
The band even moves indoors for pregame entertainment

See me taking the picture??

A close up of Victor E Huskie

Sparse crowd tonight

This one's for you, Darci

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

10 worst minutes.....

I just experienced the ten worst minutes

     Not the 10 worst of my life.  Or even of this year.
     But certainly of this month.

     It starts here:

     This is garlic bread.  But that's not part of the worst 10 minutes, although it does have a major role.
     You know how I don't throw stuff out......this is left over from, I think, Emily and John's wedding in 2016.  We had some brat buns left.  John had a food saver type machine.  The buns were hermetically sealed and placed in my freezer.
      I ran across a missed package and decided to test them.
     As buns, they were not good.
     But for garlic bread, they were ok.
     Dinner tonight was a mish-mash.  Jackie had some chicken left over from Ralphie and Lulu's Saturday night.  I had a frozen turkey dinner.  That was not part of the worst 10 minutes.
     I made beans, ones we had grown in the garden.
     I fed Corki.  That was not part of the worst 10 minutes, but it does have a major role.
     I had Jackie's dinner in the microwave, the bread in the broiler in the oven, Corki eating, and Jackie calling from the den because she sat too long and could not get up.  Everything under control.  Almost.
     That was not the worst 10 minutes.
     I got her up, and headed back to the kitchen.
     The garlic bread started to burn.  The smoke detectors went off.  The one in the hall.  The bedroom.  The basement.  The other bedroom.
     Corki started running around like crazy, tail between her legs.
     The timer on the oven went off.
     The timer on the microwave went off.
     We tried to catch the panicked dog.  She eventually sat on the rug in front of the TV.....and promptly barfed up supper.
     Timers going off.  Smoke alarms going off.  Dog barfing.  Jackie yelling.  Me turning on fans.
     Finally, after turning off the timers on the microwave and the oven I yelled at the top of my lungs.  The smoke detectors suddenly stopped.
     I may have yelled a word that rhymes with luck.  Or sit.  All I remember is, I yelled.  Maybe one of my neighbors can confirm my vocab choice.  I was pretty loud.
     And then the worst 10 minutes started.
     I cleaned up the barf.  I kneeled on the carpet and carefully washed the area.  I got it looking pretty clean, so I took my bag of dog barf and paper towels and tossed it in the garbage in the garage. 
     Walking back into the house, I noticed specks of dog barf.  Lots of specks.  The went from where I was standing back to the living room.  
     I looked at my leg.
     I was covered in dog barf.  My slipper was covered in dog barf.  My supper was cold.  My garlic bread burned crisp.
     I took off my pants, rinsed them off, then in my boxers, got on my hands and knees and cleaned up the path of dog barf I had tracked through the house.
     When I got back to the original spot I noticed the second pile of barf, or what was left of it.  Evidently I kneeled in it.
     I really did not have much of an appetite at that point, but I ate anyway.  That marked the end of the worst 10 minutes.   Surprisingly, the food was still tepid.
     I had to go out for a while, and while I was gone Corki used the bedroom rug to further purge herself.  Twice.
      Methinks the man who came last week to clean the chairs will be getting a call tomorrow.
     And me?  I'm hoping alcohol kills the memory.

Monday, November 5, 2018

where in the hell is it?

I know I am getting forgetful....

     I forget where I put things.  Glasses, car keys, sometimes the car itself.
     But my computer printer?
     Can't find it.
     Well, that's not exactly true.  I mean, I can see it....but I can't find it.
     Hit print....can't find.
     It was fine a week ago.  Printed like crazy.
     We never touch the settings.  Never.  NEVER!!!
     I know touching the settings involves reading directions and following steps, something I have become adverse to in my doddering years. 
     Not to be a nattering nabob of negativity, but it confuses me.
     Lots of things confuse me, computers being high on the list.
     Why do things disappear overnight?  Where do they go? 
     And why does Corki fart at night?  Last night, or more accurately, very early this morning, I was awakened by a smell that was so terrible if almost gagged me.
     It lingered, like a cloud of radioactive gas, turning my stomach and forcing me to breath through a pillow.
     It seemed to float in the air for a long time.
     I even got up to look around, thinking she may have had an accident.....but nope, just her silent salute to pollution.
     Maybe tonight she will sleep on the floor on Jackie's side of the bed.  On second thought, that will somehow still become my problem.
     Sleep tight.  Don't let the dog farts wake you.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hello darkness, my old friend

Saw a neat show tonight in DeKalb

     The Simon and Garfunkel Story was at the Egyptian Theater.  Jackie and I went.
     The show brought back many memories.
     I did not see them live, in person, which is a regret I have.  I would have loved to see the Beatles and the Grateful Dead, but I missed them too.
Simon and Garfunkel were in the folk rock genre.  I loved their melodies and their music in general.
     Like I said, I never saw them in person.  But I must have seen them live on TV.  I remember Garfunkel barely moved on stage, often singing with his hands behind he back or even in his back pockets.  The guy who was Garfunkel mimicked him completely.
     When they did a show in Central Park, Garfunkel game out and made a gesture to the crowd, and the actor did the same gesture tonight during their Central Park concert segment.
     I can't imagine 500,000 people at a concert, but that is what they said the crowd was estimated at for that free show in New York.
     The music brought back many childhood memories.  Big Russ once sang "what the hell" during Sounds of words like silent raindrops  fell, what the hell, and echoed in the wells of silence.......  It was perfect.
     Memories: As a teen, sitting in The Shed in Frank and John's basement, pondering the problems of the world as Simon and Garfunkel sang.  Later, as an adult, going camping, and listening to them in the quiet of the night, watching the fire and sipping hot chocolate.  In  the breezeway, late at night, having tea and listening.
     When I heard  Old Friends years ago, I never imagined being at that point in life.

Can you imagine us years from today,
Sharing a park bench quietly

How terribly strange to be seventy

     How terribly strange, indeed.
     The theater was not sold out, the balcony did not have anyone in it.  I was surprised by that.
     As I looked around, I saw some familiar faces:  Mike and Lynn, Gus and Armande, Arlyn and Diane, Steve and Kathy, Belinda......and at the end, Mark, Varsie and Susie spotted us and we had a nice visit.  Short, but nice.
     Old friends, all.
     It was a great trip down memory lane.

Jackie did not want to be in the picture!!

Saturday, November 3, 2018


The holiday seasons are upon us

     Thanksgiving.  Christmas.  New Year's Day. 
     All are coming super fast.
     I put Halloween decorations away today and put out Thanksgiving ones.  Jackie pointed, I placed.  Sometimes twice.
     And we went through some boxes and jettisoned some items.  It is hard doing that. 
     We finished off the day by playing cards with some long times friends whom we have not seen in a couple of months!  Busy schedules, we all have them.
     I have set the clocks back.  At least the ones I remember how to set.  The little clocks in the bathroom and on the desk will take weeks to set because I just don't remember how to do it, and even to do it.
     The weather is reminding me that summer is over.  I guess I will be hanging my bike soon and firing up the snow blower. 
     There were so many things I wanted to do over the summer..... and now fall is almost over.
     When I was a kid it took forever to get this far into the year.  Now, it seems like a blink and it's almost the end of the year.
     I guess that's how life goes.  Quickly. 
     Hopefully I will get to sleep....the time change bothers my sleep patterns for days.
     I just realized I never got the mail I will have to make a trip out in the cold, rain, and biting wind to pick up all the adverts that will be in the mailbox.
     I could wait, but what if there is something important and it blows away?
     Always an anxiety.
     Sleep warmly,.

Friday, November 2, 2018

double drat

I get soooo frustrated

     I get confused by numbers.  Very confused.  Specifically dates. I forget dates, transpose dates, remember dates incorrectly.
     I had a zoo day today.
     I told Jackie that I would be home late because I was going to stop at Morton Arboretum and look for trolls while trolls were still there.
     And I was going to pick up some groceries.
     Then I got a text that said:  Do you want to go out to eat before the show?
     I figured Emily texted me instead of John, so I answered, Think Floyd? 
     Think Floyd is a Pink Floyd tribute band playing at the Egyptian Theater in DeKalb tonight (Friday).
     I didn't hear back, so I decided to call.
     It seems a couple of months ago she asked if I wanted to see Craig Ferguson at the Paramount Theater in Aurora.  I said yes. 
     But I did not write down the date.
     You got it.......
     I had a great time with Emily and John watching Ferguson.  He is funny, very funny.
   So....good meal out at at Irish pub where the girls wore very short kilts, (we had a male kilt) a zoo day, and a fun show.
     Not bad for not having any clue about what was going on, huh?
     Couple of pictures for the day.

Paper wasp nest on the next block

You decide

Corki sat right under Jackie, hoping for a carrot!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

California dreamin'

Yikes!  That was a dream!!

     Tuesday night I had a weird dream.
     Jackie and I were on a long platform, which served as a station for buses.
     We were supposed to be on Bus 50.  It was important we get on Bus 50.  We were waiting on the platform and we had some cards out for whatever reason.      We were in a foreign country, but signs were posted in English.
     A bus came in and I went to look, but it was Bus 51.  It was a 1950s era bus, in a bluish green/cream two tone paint job.  There were mountains with snow on them in the background.  It was beautiful.
     Then I heard an announcement that said Bus 50 was arriving.
     We waited.  And waited.  It was important we got on this bus.  I looked at the sign for Bus 50 and it had foreign word, foreign word, foreign word, pool.  I realized then that Bus 50 stopped at the pool, which was behind us.
     I yelled to Jackie to run  (In dreams she can run, which explains why my dream world can be so much better than the real world.) and to leave all the cards and crap behind.
     I ran across the parking lot in my bare feet....but Bus 50 had gone.  No other buses went that way.
     I was so upset I woke up!  It was 5 a.m. and I was just so pissed that I did not realize where Bus 50 stopped, even though the sign said pool.
     I don't know if I ever slept soundly after that and even when I told Jackie about the dream I got fairly agitated that I was at the wrong place.
     Even now, I am a little upset.
     Weird, huh?  To be upset about a dream?  An event that never happened?
     The mind plays interesting tricks on us sometimes, doesn't it?
     Like when a friend invited me out Nov. 7.
     I wrote it down for Nov. 14.  Then I offered to host a meeting at my house Nov. 14.
     I  realized my mistake and e mailed three people and said it was the wrong day, we needed to meet Nov. 7.
     Ran into someone today and the Nov. 14 event came up.  Well, actually the Nov. 7 date came up because I had the wrong date.  So I had to e mail the same people and tell them Nov. 14 was in again, Nov. 7 out again, and maybe just move it to later in the month.
     I don't work well with numbers!