Sunday, September 30, 2018

supper? super

I look forward to specific meals

     For instance, if I know we are going to have hamburgers, I can't wait to cook  them and eat them.
     I had a taste for meat loaf today.  The meat, not the musician.
     I took a pound of ground beef out and put it on defrost.  About halfway through the cycle it beeped, meaning turn me over.  So I did.  Then I hit the wrong button and started the entire process over.
     When it was done, I discovered I had partially cooked the beef.  Not only that, but there was no way it was going to mold into a meat loaf.
     So Jackie made Shepard's Pie, which I also love.
     Usually we put peas and carrots in the pie, but someone used the last of the peas and carrots, so we had to add frozen mixed vegetables.  Now we have a little corn and various beans in the pie.
     It was actually pretty good.
     Until I get back to Headon's, we won't have meat loaf because I am out of ground beef.
     Now I have a hankering for breaded pork tenderloins.......
     I like to know at 8 a.m. what I am having at 6 p.m.  Just call me weird, but it is the anticipation I enjoy.
     But I know we don't have any pork tenderloins either....I'll have to go through the freezer to find something good.
    Until I do, I  will have to be content to dream about food.
     Happy dreams, good foods ahead tomorrow.  And a Cub win!!

Saturday, September 29, 2018


I love looking at the homecoming pictures

      The pictures remind me of my youth......but I don't think I ever went to homecoming.
     I did ask a girl.  Her name was Mary Jane and she was a freshman, like me.
     My pops had sent me to pick up a pizza at a place called Biasetti's just a couple of blocks from my house in Chicago.
     I met Mary Jane on the way home.  I had a crush on her, and when I saw her, I knew I had to ask her to homecoming.
     So there I stood, talking to Mary Jane.  Holding the pizza under my left arm, sort of like a football.
     I eventually asked her and she politely told me she was not allowed to date until she was 16.  I believed her, although I had no idea if she was telling the truth or just being nice.
     What I remember most about the experience is slowly walking home and delivering the pizza, which by now had tumbled into a huge mass on the side of the box.
     I don't remember if they ever sent me for a pie again.......
    And I never asked Mary Jane out again, even when she was 16.
     By the way, we ate the pizza.  It was still good.  Messy, but good.
     Dance well my young well.  But carry your pizza flat.

Friday, September 28, 2018

That's it

We had the last of our 8 game block today

     It's always a blast to go to the park.  I love the sights and smells and sounds of a crowd at a baseball game.
     I agreed to meet Dan and Linda in Elburn to catch the 10:18 train to Chicago.  I got concerned when they had not shown up, and when the train pulled in, I boarded.
     Of course, we agreed to catch the 10:18 and I was there for the 9:25........I swear to whatever this memory of mine is going to cause a major problem!
     All's well that ends well.
     The day in pictures.

Tic tac toe?

I love reflections

See you next year, Billy!

You too, Ronnie

Mr. Cub would like this year's team

Do I look pregnant?


Thursday, September 27, 2018

squeeze that nickel

I don't consider myself cheap

     But I do love a bargain.
     For example, tea bags.  If you go to the store to by decaffeinated bags it is about $5 for a box of 50.
     But once in a while, a large chain store pharmacy has them on sale for $2.99.  So I buy a couple.
     That same chain will have V-8 juice on sale for 2 for $5, while the normal price is $3.29 a bottle.  So I will buy two or four, depending on how many we have.
     A couple of months ago a large box store had a specific brand of  canned pineapple on sale for 50 cents, so I bought 12.  Normally, they are $1 on up.   Jackie likes that pineapple.  She has it for lunch, so we go through a lot.
     Imagine my shock when I saw the price was now $1.48 in a grocery store.  So when I saw the same product for 75 cents at the big box store, I bought 6 cans.
     When the lady ran it through the scanner, it came up $1.48.  I said the price is clearly marked on the shelf.  So I went back with a floor manager and yep, all that brand is marked 75 cents.
     That was a week ago.
     Today I went back in and noticed the price was still 75 cents on the shelf.  So I got 8 cans.  When they scanned at $1.48 I said the shelf is marked 75 cents for all the products of this brand.  They checked.  Yup.  Got it for 75 cents a can.
     I don't think that is cheating, is it?  They have it marked on the shelf that price, which is the price they should be selling it for.  If that is not the correct price, they had a week to change it and did not. 
     And yes, if it was the other way around, I do also tell them.  Almost every time that happens, the clerk says, "Oh well, you got a bargain today."
     Next week I will go back and get 10 cans.  If it is 75 cents.
     I wonder how many people saw that price and thought it was great, then bought it, only to be charged $1.48 and they didn't notice.
     Like I said, I am not cheap, but I like a good bargain.
     And I am feeling much better tonight.......three days of sleep seem to help relieve a migraine.
     Good night....sleep tight...don't let the price checks bite.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

rip van winkle?

I just lost two days

     I woke up with a migraine Tuesday.  I got up at 7:30, but realized I could not do my volunteer time at school, so I called in sick.  Then I sat in my chair in the den.
     At noon, the phone rang and it was my Rotary one had a key to our cabinet and they wondered if I was coming.  But I was not, so I went back to the chair and woke up at 5!
     I ate a little, watched the Cubs ... but after the fifth, I went to bed and thankfully don't remember the rest of the game.
     Wednesday was a little better.  I cancelled lunch plans with my brother and sisters in law because I did not feel comfortable driving to Madison.  Then I went back to the chair and slept until noon again. 
     About 4 I felt  better.  Not great, but better.
     We went and got supper, and here I am, wide awake at 11 p.m.
     I watched most of the Cub game, but got a little pissed off at the top of the ninth.  I did watch the winning hit. 
     But I have lost two days!  I did nothing!!  No biking, no crossword puzzle, no planting the mums I bought, no hosing down the mower.....nothing.
     Hopefully tomorrow I can get some of that done.
     Now, a couple of ibuprofen and it's off to bed.
     I really don't like migraines!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

not much tonight

I had a migraine day

Last night when I was finishing my little blog, the grains on the desk appeared to be different directions.  The ones on top moved right, the ones on the bottom moved left.
I woke up Tuesday dizzy and nauseated.  I went to lay down in my chair in the den.
The next thing I knew, it was noon.  I went back to sleep until 5.
I am tired, and I still have a bit of a headache.
Hopefully it goes away soon.

Monday, September 24, 2018

mob action

I was savagely attacked today

      I had just gotten out of my car and I was surrounded by them.  They came at me from the left, the right.  In front of me.  Behind me.  I tried to fight them off, but it was hard.
     I was bitten several times...on the hand, neck, arm............. and now they itch.
     Damn mosquitoes!
     What was I doing?
     Collecting hedge apples.

     No, it is not an asteroid headed for's a hedge apple.
     Also called Osage Orange, horse apple, green brains, mock orange or my personal favorite, monkey balls.
     The fruits are about baseball size, although they do get larger.
      I love them as a fall decoration, but finding them is a pain. 
     Years ago we found a line of Osage Orange trees and have visited that several times over the years to pick up the fruits.
     The hedge apples don't seem to have any use.  They are not eaten by any animal.  Some people have unproven claims that they repel spiders, cure cancer, and a bunch of other weird things.
     I like them because they are just weird looking.
     I used to bring them into class and tell kids they were brains, but no one believed me.
     Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find some anti-itch lotion. 
     Good night.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

strolling down a lane

Sometimes a work day for a group is strange

     VCCT, the local theater group, moved its shed to its new building today.
     The shed, a storage rental unit, was a repository and depository for all things theater related.
      Over the years, the amount of stuff has grown.  I don't know what value there is in some of it, but it was moved.  A lot was dumped, but not enough.
     As we carried out stuff, I noticed a few items that jogged my memory.  Like the breastplate for the Valkyrie from a show I directed back in the 1980s!  Prince Brako and the Golden Grotto, I do believe.  I met my good friend Renee in that show, and also saw my first flasher.  Let's just say theater people do not hesitate to change in front of strangers!  (No names will be mentioned.)
     Honestly, that was the only prop or piece of scenery I recognized.
     I've done a lot of many, I can't remember all of them.  But I bet it is near 30 with the ones I have appeared in or directed.  Ok, I only directed a couple because as it turns out, directors are fairly detail oriented and I am not.
     I'm excited for the group, because they have taken on a big project with the end goal of having a theater.  But I am a little apprehensive because it is such a big project.  And maybe a bit envious because they are doing something that I feel should have been attempted years ago.....getting a theater building for a permanent home.
     In any case, it was a day that brought back a lot of memories.   Funny shows with the other Terry, Escanaba, Tuna, all the write our owns, discovering a thong is a bad costume choice, flubbed lines and lots of good times
      Funny what a work day brings out, isn't it?

Saturday, September 22, 2018

made it....sort of

I actually rode the whole 32 mile route, sorta

     Anyone who tells you Ogle County is flat is an outright liar, the son of a gun.
     There are plenty of hills.
     I rode the Tour of Scenic Ogle County (TOSOC) and my legs are feeling it.
     I rode with Mike P, who is not vice president, and he was kind to put up with my less than lightning speed pace and my tendency to stop.
     I stop to take pictures, drink water, catch my breath....and in four cases to walk my bike up a hill that was easily ridden by almost everybody else on a bike.
     At one rest area, where the bison roam, I was so perplexed I asked the bike mechanic guy if he had a tire pressure gauge to check my tires.  I thought maybe they were low, causing me to pedal harder.  No gauge, but he felt the tires and said they were fine.  Then he grabbed my legs and said, "I think I found the problem."
     Funny guy.
     It was a great day.  Beautiful weather, amazing snacks at the rest stops, wonderful scenery.
     One problem I do have is the pictures don't do the route justice.  Plus, I am missing several pictures.  I know I took one of Mike at the end, and he took one of me, but the photos are not there.  And they look clouded, so maybe the disc is bad.  Or I have something on the lens.
     Anyway....some pictures of the day.

These are not bison

These are not bison either

Who eats half a muffin??

Same person who ate half a cookie??

Oops.....trouble on the ground

Looks like a hill to me

See the big dip?  That is a hill.

This hill was on a 90 degree angle straight up and was at least 7 miles long.  I think.

Hanging with the bison

These are bison....130 of them, give or take a couple
Oregon Depot museum

Start of the ride...this really neat boardwalk in Oregon

Friday, September 21, 2018

life's a fog

I had a retina check up today

     A few years ago I had a scare about going blind and Emily said not to panic, but see a specialist.  So I did.  Turned out, I was not going blind.
     But to keep track of my eye health, I generally go about every 4 months for a retina scan and today was the day.
     They dilate my eyes.  Everything is extremely bright, so Jackie had to drive while I do my best to not look.  We have different driving styles.  Suffice it to say, I would never have decided to drive straight at the construction barrels, but she realized her error and corrected in time to avoid them. 
     My hands were cramped from the drive home.
     And I don't have to go back for 6 months because nothing has changed, except I seem to be seeing better at close range.  Go figure.
     So when I got home, with my dilated eyes and cramped fingers, I attempted to load my pass for tomorrow's bike ride to my phone.
     There's this thing called a wallet on my phone.  Did not know that.  I can download passes and tickets to it.  I did know that, just did not know how to do it.
     So there I am, squinting at the computer screen, trying to scan the coupon to the phone and I keep getting messages that tell me A:  I can't do it.  B:  I already did it.
     At this point, after about 40 minutes, I start looking for a hammer or other heavy object to solve my phone problem.  But reason prevails.
     Emily eventually tells me how to print the coupon.  I did not know how to do that either.
     I also went to the local high school play "Almost, Maine."  Nice series of scenes dealing with love and rejection and love again. 
     Three people came in after it started, sat in front of me, and commenced eating pretzels and talking about the show. 
     I have to really listen hard to hear....and all I heard was mastication.  They were told at intermission that no food was allowed in the theater.
     But seriously, if you live in the area, go check out "Almost, Maine."  The kids will appreciate it.
     Now, I have to get rest for the ride tomorrow.
     32 miles....can I do it?? 
     Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

sleepless not in Seattle

I had a bad night of sleep

     We have a cuckoo clock that chimes every hour and every half hour.  I heard it sometimes, and sometimes I didn't, so maybe  I did sleep a little.
     But I just lay in bed thinking and trying to get to sleep.
     What did I do?
     Deep cleansing breaths, let out slowly.  No good.
     TV show episodes I thought were funny.  WKRP and the turkey drop; Fawlty telling everyone not to mention the war and then goosestepping through the dining room; Jim Ignatowski taking his driver's test on Taxi and asking what a yellow light means; any Tim Conway - Harvey Kormann skit on the Carol Burnett show; Fish on Barney Miller after he eats marijuana infused brownies; Larry, Darryl and Darryl; a drunken Bob Newhart ordering mo goo gai pan; Frazier talking about a parking lot problem after Roz tries to explain she was not sleeping with her boss;  Mary reporting on Chuckles the clown's death; Ed Ames and the tomahawk throw on the Johnny Carson show; Sheldon accepting an award and mooning the audience; nothing helped.
     It caused me to consider why I didn't have favorite funny episodes of other shows.....or maybe that I had just forgotten them.
     Then I moved on to movies.
     Places I visited.
     Beatles songs.
     I pondered why hurricanes are so wet.
     Nothing helped.  All that brain activity may have made it worse!
     I tried picturing sitting at Charley's in Vevey, watching the lake and the mountains and enjoying the delightful Swiss atmosphere......nothing.
     I had to be at the zoo at 10....which means leaving at 8.....and at 4 I don't know if I had slept or not.
     Was it the coffee?  Or the shots?  Or the pizza for supper?  I do not know.
     I can tell you I am terribly tired tonight.
     At least I don't have to get up no phone calls before 10!!!
     Just one more task before I drift, good night.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

elder abuse.....

I am traumatized

     My youngest daughter, my favorite North American one, abused me today.
Under the pretense of "health protection" she gave me a second shingles shot.      Now, try saying that five times quickly.  Let's go...second shingles shot, second shingles shot, second shingles shot,  second shingles shot, second shingles shot....not easy, is it?
     Why a second?  Because the CDC recommends this new vaccine for those of us of a certain age.  And the ads they run showing the damages of shingles scares the hell out of me.
     My arm will hurt for a couple of days....right now it feels like it is falling off.
     I also got a flu shot, but that does not hurt.
     I have this thing about shots.  I hate them.  I get dizzy.  Woozy.  Wobbly. 
     It doesn't even have to be one I am getting.
    There is an ad on tv for people with an eye condition for an injection in the eye that will help them.  Bull shingle shot on that!  Nobody is sticking a needle in my eye under any conditions!  When I see the ad and hear that phrase, my knees go weak with anticipation.
     Jackie also got her shots.  I walked away....far away....because I don't even like hearing the wrapper come off the bandage!
     Please...don't say grow up.  I am 70 and have been afraid of needles for 65 years, ever since getting a polio shot when I was a kid.  It hurt like hell then, they hurt like hell now.
     But I do have a request for some personal advice.
     Do you think the pan advertised on late night tv will actually heat my pizza, fries and mozzarella sticks to the point where they have the textural quality of the original?
     Just wondering if it is worth the $40 price.  I hate soggy pizza.
     Now I am going to bed.  Early, I know.  But the trauma of the second shingles shot has made me tired.
     Good night.  Sleep tight.  Don't let the shots be a fright.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

good morning

Wake up calls sometime come from the innocent

     I volunteer in a kindergarten room on Tuesday mornings.  Mostly I just listen to the kids tell me about stuff, some of which I actually hear and some I only partially understand.
     Today I was sitting next to a little boy and he asked, "Are you a teacher?"
     No, I told him, I am not a teacher although I was one before I retired.  Retired means you don't have to work anymore.
     "Why are you retired?" he asked.
      Because I got old, I told him.
     "How old are you?" he asked.
     70, I told him.
     His eyes grew very wide and his face showed surprise.
    "You're almost dead!" he said.
     I had to laugh.....I just hope he doesn't expect me to die sometime during the school year, because I don't intend to do that!
     I did get in 11 miles on a ride today.  I started, went a mile, and it began to rain.  I waited about 2 hours and the rain had stopped, so I hit the road.
     I don't mind riding in the fact I spent a couple of days riding in the rain in Holland this summer.
     But I had to then.  I didn't have to today.
     Saturday is my 35 mile bike ride.  In addition to being nervous about completing it, I am not concerned about the weather.  Specifically temperature.  90 Friday?  Not good.
     Here's hoping for a temperature break.
     Now, let's all root, root , root for the Cubbies!!!

Monday, September 17, 2018


I may have a memory problem

     Plus I am cheap.
     When something goes on sale, I tend to stock up.
     A grocery store in Sycamore had some New York strip steaks on sale so I bought some.
      I wrapped them and put them in freezer bags and found out I have enough steaks for us to eat about 10 times.........I wish I had remembered the ones I bought at Headon's before I bought these.
      And I went on a bike ride today.  Got in a little over 14 miles, but in the heat it felt like 70.  At the end I felt really good and could have ridden more. That's important because Saturday I am doing the 35 mile portion of the Tour of Scenic Ogle County, and I am a little nervous that I won't be able to do all 35 miles.  We'll see.
     Anyway, I told Jackie to text me if she wanted anything from the store.
     Then I went to the store and never looked at my phone.  I got half way home and called her to tell her I was on my way and she asked me if I got her message.  Oops.
     I swear, technology is going to be the end of me.
     Luddites exist for a reason.
     Good night, America.  Stay vigilant!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

I love a parade

We went to Booster Days today

     This is an annual festival in tiny Creston, about 6 miles east of Rochelle.  I think the village has about 500 people, but every year they put together a 3 day festival with a carnival, crafts, food, and a parade.
     Creston is bisected by the Union Pacific and today's big topic pre parade was how many trains would interrupt the parade.   I heard 5 from several people.   I think  only two actually came through, but I could be wrong.
     Jackie went.  I wheeled her down the street and we saw some shade in front of a house.  I said, loudly, "Does anyone mind if we share your shade."  People said go ahead.
     About 10 minutes later a group comes up and stops by a lady on the sidewalk.  The conversation went like this:
     "I thought you were saving us some lawn space."
     Older lady sitting on a chair on the sidewalk:  "I tried, but people just came and sat."  She repeated this again a few minutes later.
     I wanted to turn and say, I asked and you did not say anything.  But I didn't.
     After the parade, we went over to he park and I bought pork chops for supper and Jackie bought a cook book.  Lots of desserts in the cookbook, including cream puffs!  Thank you, Debby!!
     I took Jackie home and came back to watch the Creston Regulators play baseball.  The Regulators play by 1860 baseball rules and it is quite a fun sport to watch.
     My friend Dan pitches and today was honored with a plaque and a roadway named in his honor for his years of service to the ball team and community.
     It was a neat reward for him an I am very happy they recognized him.
     I did get in a short bike ride, and a short dog walk and that sums up my day.
     It is well past the time they drew the raffle winners.  My phone has not rung, so I guess I lose again.  Oh well, the lottery is up over $200 million and I always know I am winning that.
     Hope your day was fantastic and your tomorrows are all sunny.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

I need longer weekends

Two days is not enough

     Example.  Today I was invited to an NIU football game.  I went.  But I missed the Autumn on the Prairie at Nachusa Grasslands.  And I missed the carnival midway at Creston Booster Days, and the car show.  There was also a VCCT work day, I do believe.  If I had done any one of the others, I would have missed all the others!  Make sense?
     Tomorrow could be just as bad.  Booster Parade, or church?  I can't be at both.  And yes, church should be a priority.....
     I still had other stuff do do today.  I mowed the yard, did a load of laundry or two, went to the store,  and now I am sitting here itching like crazy!
     Is it possible to develop an allergy?  Two nights in a row I have had a graham cracker with peanut butter, and two nights in a row I have begun to itch like crazy.
     I will take a Benadryl, but that has to wait because it makes me sleepy.
     Maybe it's coincidence, but since I started fasting from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. I have lost one pound.  But I have also watched portions and tried to avoid sugar, although I had a pop today. 
     Tomorrow, after Creston, I hope to get a long bike ride in......but riding in the heat does bother me.  I don't like it when I sweat a lot.
     I can't think of anything witty or I'm just going to end it here.
     Good night.

Friday, September 14, 2018


I sometimes get so frustrated

     Had a history walk tonight.  Realized Wednesday night at midnight I never sent a news release to the paper.
     Three people came....which is more than I thought would show!  I have to get better at remembering to do those little things.
     I am making lots of lists.....then I lose the list and start over.  But at least I have an idea of what needs to be done.
     I took a bike ride today and was surprised how much time I spent thinking about the skydivers.....I actually missed them! 
     It was hotter than I expected.  Next ride....Sunday.  Probably the bike path in the afternoon.  Anyone who wants to join me is welcome.
     That's it for my boring life.
     Cubs win, I sleep better.
     Good night, good dreams.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

another amazing day

I helped staff the hospitality tent again

     Brief explanation.  The Chicagoland Skydiving Center in Rochelle is hosting a national skydiving tournament.
     There is a hospitality tent.  Rotary members were asked to staff the tent during the competition.
     I went Monday.  I was not excited about going.  One reason, I have a hard time with conversations and strangers.  Heck, I even have trouble keeping a conversation going with people I know.
     A second reason was it was 2 and a half hours. 
     Jackie went with.  She can be much better with people than me.
     I started talking to people who came up for water or a snack.  Just hi, where you from.....small talk.
     I met a woman who quit her job, came to Rochelle, and has jumped 500 times this summer.
     I was having a blast.
     I have now gone three times.  l have talked to people from Brazil.  I had a brief conversation, in French, with two members of a team from France.  I met a skydiver from Bern, Switzerland.  I talked with people worried about family and homes in the Carolinas.  In fact, one guy yesterday was renting a car to drive back because all flights were cancelled.
     Old news, I know.
     Yesterday a young woman came up and got some water and I asked something about skydiving.  Another woman looked at me and said, "Are you kidding?  Do you know who this is?  She is a superstar in the skydiving world.  She is the only woman to win an international championship......"   I was clueless.
     After the second woman left, I started talking to the first one.  She has been diving for 21 years, 18 professionally.  I jokingly asked if she started when she was three, because she looked so young.
     She asked me my name, I told her.  She told me hers.  End of story.
     I told Jackie about it and she said, "You should have gotten a picture of her."
     I went back today and was just kind of looking around when someone called, "Terry."
     And there she was.  I remembered her name, butchered it in pronunciation, and told her my wife wanted a picture.
     So I have it.

     If you want to read about an absolutely incredible person, Google  Eliana Rodriguez.
     I am thrilled to say I know her.
    And to think, I didn't want to be there in the first place.
     Life lesson:  Doors open when you least expect them to.  Take advantage of the openings.  Say hello.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

dog gone it

We discovered something about Corki

     We were cooking yesterday.  Jackie has a recipe for a really tasty chicken salad type dish.
     You take a chicken breast, cut it, pound the living hell out of it until it is flat, fry it, then bury it under a mixture of Romain, shallot, fennel, and a sauce made with white wine vinegar.
     Our problem was in the carrying out of the plan.
     When we made it before, it seemed fairly simple.
     But his time, I bought a package of two chicken breasts, which turned out to be three, and when I cut them in half they were still pretty big.
     Whatever, we decided to cook all the chicken.  Put it in a skillet on the stove, put the flame on medium, set the timer for four minutes.
     I took those off, and they were not as brown as I would like.  So for the second batch, I set the timer for six minutes.  I did not know she was thinking like me, and turned the flame up.
     At about the 5 minute mark, the first smoke detector went off....then all hell broke loose.
     Smoke detectors blaring, Corki started running through the house.  She went into the bedroom and was trying to get under the bed.
     Meanwhile I was opening doors, turning on fans, turning down the heat, and trying to find the dog.
     She was partly under the bed when I grabbed her and just held her.  She was almost insane with fear.  I had never seen that in her.
     Eventually all became quiet and we returned to normal.
     But I wonder:  Was it just the noise?  Was she in a house that had a fire and that's why she was abandoned?  Do high pitches hurt her more than normal noises?
     Unless she learns to speak English, I guess we will never know.
     Dinner was delicious, by the way.  We are having it again Thursday.  After all, the chicken is already cooked!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

chaos and procrastination

I eventually get things done

    I don't know when someone said they wanted the curtain tie backs hung.  It may have been a couple of months ago.  Or, since we have been in the house almost 6 years, it could have been longer.
    Today was the day.
    Our bedroom curtains have tie backs.  I had to put four cup holders hooks into the sides of the window trim and then put the tiebacks on.
    Simple, right?
    First I had to buy cup holder hooks.  I bought some, and they looked big.  So I went downstairs and found I did actually have smaller ones.  I could have saved $1.79 by looking first.  But I digress.
     I measured down 30 inches, and made a mark.  But I could not see it, so I had to get my big flashlight.  Then I tried to screw the first hook in.  It would not go.        I could not firmly grasp it and push.  I tried  Vice Grips, but no luck.
     So I went downstairs for my drill, thinking I could drill a little pilot hole.
     Now, I have not used the drill in a few months.  I tried one of the batteries and it seemed to work.
     Back upstairs and drill a hole........but the battery dies.
     So I went back downstairs for the second battery.
     Plug that in and it allows me to drill one, two, three holes....then it dies.
     I went back downstairs for the charger and plugged it in, thinking in half an hour or so it will be charged enough.
     I put on the three tie backs and boss came to inspect the work.  My spacing was not accurate on the top loops, so I had to measure two fingers between spaces.  I also measured with on finger, but she did not like that.
     Since I had to move a dresser to get to the window, I figured no time like now to vacuum underneath it and the bed.  And the nook table.  And the front room rug.
     Finally I got the drill charged enough to put the fourth pilot hole in and insert the cup hook.
    Now the ties are up, in place, and are fairly level.
     And the entire project only took.........93 minutes, four trips up and down the stairs, and a few choice words about cup hooks and tie backs.
    So tonight, I go to bed a tired man, one who has mastered the Herculean task of installing 4 cup hooks.
    Geez, my arms are sore.  I have not screwed that much in a long time!

Monday, September 10, 2018

well, that was special!

I was a hesitant volunteer today

     And ended up loving it!
     Rotary was staffing a welcome tent at the skydiving championships being held at our local airport, which is home to Chicagoland Skydiving Center.
     Hundreds of skydivers come from around the world to compete in this event.       Although it is an annual meet, it is being held in Rochelle for the first time.
     I did not know what to expect.  I figured a couple of people would come over for some water.  Maybe grab a snack.
     But it was amazing.  They did come for water.  And a snack.  And I met a lot of really neat people.
     One group was from Brazil.  Another large contingent was from California.  One woman said she was leaving tomorrow because her home was in the path of the hurricane and she has solar panels on her roof she wants to secure.  One girl quit her job and has spent the summer in Rochelle.  She has 500 jumps under her belt!
    The hospitality tent did that...offered hospitality.
     Hospital people were there with first aid kits and sunscreen.  A local chiropractor had someone there offering free messages and she was kept busy the entire 2 and a half hours Jackie and I were there.
     In between talking, I tried to watch the skies but it was hard to see the formations....but they are shown on a tv in the hangar for everyone to see.  It was just amazing to watch 20 or so parachutes land on the grass right in front of us.
     I'm going back Wednesday to be in the hospitality tent again. 
     The energy the divers have, the love for their sport, their love for each other showed time and time again today.
    It was a pretty cool day.
    I often watch young people and think, "I wish I could do that."
    I admire the divers, but I could never do what they do....once, twice or 500 times.
    Now it's time to check out my terra firma mattress!!
   Good night.....hope for a great tomorrow.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

sign, sign, everywhere a sign

I had one of those days

     Got to church, realize I did not put Jackie's purse in the car before we left.  It was sitting in the garage.
     At the store, someone told me we needed crunchy peanut butter.  So I bought two jars.  Of creamy.  We now have 3 jars of creamy, but none of crunchy.
     Went to ride my bike to free my mind and discovered a very flat rear tire on the bike.  I can't change that tire.  No ride, plus a trip to the bike shop for new tires.
     Then I was reading the Tribune on line and ran across an article on losing weight.
     Dr. Oz, he of TV fame, says fasting is a good way to lose.  He suggested not eating anything for 12 hours a day.  According to him, it will result in weight loss and a reduction in the size of the bulging stomach.
     He said any 12 hour period works.  So from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m., I am not eating anything.  I can drink coffee, tea or water, but without sugar, anytime and in fact, he suggests a cup in the morning as soon as you wake up because it will kill hunger.
     Let it be known:  I have now gone 2 hours, 25 minutes without eating and I am freaking starving!
     I watched the last part of the Bears loss not eating anything, much less crow after I may have said something about the Packers and how they appeared to be mimicking a vacuum cleaner in the first half.  I should have known better.  (with a girl like you.  That I would love everything that you do.  And I I want to listen to the Beatles.) a few weeks I should have a smaller stomach and weigh less.  Plus, I'll have new tires and lots of creamy peanut butter.
     Until we meet again, my friend.....

Saturday, September 8, 2018

my thoughts exactly

I had an interesting conversation Friday

     A fellow volunteer and I were talking about The Beatles.
     Turns out, she is a Beatles fan, as is her daughter and her little niece.
     Her little niece seems to know more about The Beatles than I do.
     Anyway, OP (other person to protect privacy) said she went to walk down Penny Lane in Liverpool.
     I think I turned green.
     She then told me as a Beatles fan, I had to do that!
     Paul did a segment of Carpool Karaoke where they went back to his home, and a pub, and I was fascinated.  Just can actually go in to Paul    McCartney's boyhood home, where he wrote music with John!!
     And the barber shop, where a customer is waiting for a shave!  And maybe a fireman will rush in!  In the pouring rain!!
     So, I have added a trip to my bucket list. 
     I now have 27 things to do on my list.
     But whose counting???
    Wondering if there is a way to combine Buffett in Paris, The Beatles and polar bears in one trip...........
I'll just have to dream about it. 
And I am getting an early start on that tonight!
Hope your tomorrow is sunny!

Friday, September 7, 2018

delays, delays, delays

The weather sure has changed

     I don't think I saw the sun at all today.  Just seems to have disappeared.
     When I looked outside at 7, it was dark!  When did that start?
     And yesterday wasn't that much better....I don't think.
     At least the heat is gone. 
     But the poor Cubs!  They are in a rain delay and the radar doesn't look promising for the weekend.  Wonder what happens.
     I had a flashback to Europe today.
     I was in LaGrange on my way home from the zoo.  I had some time to kill, so        I wandered up and down the main streets.
     I was amazed at the number of small shops and small restaurants.....Thai, American, Italian, Indian.... all of them were there just waiting for customers.
     I watched an Amtrak train roll through downtown and three Metra trains....just like in Europe.
     But I also counted 7 empty stores.  It's a problem all across Illinois, town after town....businesses are struggling.
     In other developments...there was a car crash, so the main street was blocked off.
     And I found an alley with some interesting art.
     I also ordered a coffee that I could not stand....and replaced it.  I was told that when this major chain makes a coffee the customer does not like, they will replace it free because....."we want our customers to be happy and come back."
     Even if it was my mistake?  Doesn't matter.  Replaced.
     That's why I own some of their stock.
     Some photos to end the day.

He was hoppy to see me!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

so many ways

I have found there are ways to detect incompetent people

As a public service to all you faithful readers, I am going to give some of these life hacks to you.
To be honest, I have no idea what a life hack was, so I had to Google it.  Now I know.
Ways to detect incompetent people:

Always check a politician for bulging pockets.

Firemen who start their grills with gasoline.

Mechanics who tell you the top is missing on your convertible.

Anyone with a mid Eastern accent who says his name is Lincoln.

Blind dog groomers.

News reporters who type with one finger.

Lawyers who walk like they have a stick up their butt.

Grocery baggers who insist on putting bread on the bottom because it's soft.

People who are orange.

Dance instructors with more than 15 children.

Jugglers with huge bruises on their face or arms.

Doctors who have real skeletons in their waiting rooms.

Dyslexic contestants on Wheel of Fortune.

Surgeons with short attention spans.

Tone deaf musicians.

Proctologists with missing fingers.

People who write blogs.

Good night.  Or Good morning.  Good Grief.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

what the heck

Let's talk about writing

     I write a lot.  I do this blog, I do a column twice a month for the local paper, I also work on fiction.
     I finished one book and submitted it to a publisher.  I got an empty envelope back.  Not even a rejection letter, just an empty envelope.  How bad can a book be that they don't even send a rejection letter??
     I have a second book that I have finished.  It is supposed to be a comedy, but I'm not sure if it is funny.
     Why?  Because it is hard to write funny.  I can be funny, act funny, say funny things..... but when I sit down in front of the keyboard, I can't write funny.
     Yes, my blog is funny....but it is short.  Longer works just don't seem to have tickled my funny typing bone.
     Honestly?  I want to write a book that gets published.  Not self published, but published by a company and sold in bookstores and made into a movie that ends up with me getting fistfuls of money.   (Honestly, again?  It's not the money.  It's the ego.)
     But I realize that is a process that takes time.  And time is one thing I can't seem to hold on to these days.
     So, I will keep procrastinating instead of writing....that is one thing I am very good at. 
     And next year at this time I will still be complaining about it.  Or, I'll be a published author.
     In any case, you all will be among the first to hear about it.
     Sleep well.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

busy, busy, busy

Today was one of those days

     I think I hit every area of adulthood as I possibly could today:  friendship, service, caring, work, commitment......I don't know what else is left.
     I am volunteering in a kindergarten class on Tuesday mornings.  The kids are a hoot.   One little one told me in 100 years she'll be six.  It was fun to listen to them try to explain their thoughts.
     After Rotary, I went to Dan and Linda's for a glass of rosé and a visit with Julie from New York.  I love hearing about New York, the city that never sleeps, the economic center of the world, where if you make it there, you make it anywhere.  Home of the Yankees.  Where the Statue of Liberty stands tall to welcome the world's tired, hungry, oppressed, and poor.
     Someday I'm going to New York.  I'll take a carriage ride through Central Park, see a couple of shows, eat NY pizza and complain that Chicago's is better.  I'll eat at a deli, visit Ellis Island, walk around Miss Liberty, visit the WTC 9/11 memorial. Someday.
     But my day was not done!
     I went home, put the mower back together and mowed. 
     Finally, I settled down to watch my favorite baseball team take on the Brewers.  Not everything was pleasant about today after all.
     Hopefully, with the weather going cooler, I'll get in a bike ride or two this week, but I have a lot of paper work to take care of too.  And my W has not been out for three games tomorrow better bring a win.
     And that, my friends, is my life for Sept. 4.
     Thank you for being part of it.

Monday, September 3, 2018

star date 2950

Waht a wonderful world

     Sometimes I wish I could time travel.
     Wouldn't it be neat to go into the future and see what the world is like?
     I used to watch the Jetsons, with their flying cars and futuristic appliances.  Some of that has come true.   Dick Tracy, has a wrist watch, which is basically an Apple watch, and he has had it for years.  Cars that drive themselves?  Science fiction coming true.
     There was an Andy Griffith episode where a big city businessman travelling through Mayberry had car trouble.  He used a car phone to call for help!  That was 40 years ago, at least!  It was a big car phone, but a car phone none the less.
     Would me in the future be in awe of what life was like, much like a 90 year old might be in awe of what the world is today?
     Someone who is 80 has seen a world war where hundreds of millions of people died.  They have seen presidents assassinated, impeached, and quitting during a term.  They have watched the tv industry expand from 3 or 4 channels to 400 channels.  Phones that are computers, cars that drive themselves, robotic vacuums and lawn mowers, cell phones, space travel, a man on the moon.... the list could go on and on.
     I'd love the chance to go into the future and just look around.
     Who knows, I might learn of a stock that is just a couple of bucks in 2018 but in 2025 is worth thousands per share, like Apple at one time.  Or find they have cured cancer.  And MS.  And are willing to send those cures back to present day with me.
     Just been thinking about that tonight.
     That's it.

Sunday, September 2, 2018


I sometimes run out of topics

     Today it was pointed out that some of my posts are recycled tidbits.
     I was not aware I do that, but I have done so many of these that sometimes I forget.
     How many, you ask?
     I thought at first I would do short, funny bits.  But I sometimes ramble on about my mostly boring life with the occasional trip abroad tossed in for variety.
     Luckily, I am a multi purpose blogger.
     And today, we are going to talk about a news story I did not read about certain types of diabetic medications causing a flesh eating bacterial infection of the genitals!
     As someone who is easily influenced by another person's illness, I did not read the article for fear that every itch, scratch or other discomfort would lead me to believe I have a flesh eating bacterial infection of the genitals.
     So I stopped reading after the word genitals.
     Do you blame me?
     By the way, I don't think I have ever used the word genitals 5 times in a blog before, so this may be a record.  (Got went back to count, didn't you?)
     Some of you are old enough to remember the tv show ER.  In one episode a guy came in with an ax stuck in his head and I got a headache! Seriously, I can't handle medical stuff.
     There....medical news you can use.
     And I can use some sleep.  There is thunder about, which reminds me of a book I once (actually several times) read called My Brother was an Only Child.  Or maybe it was Never Trust a Naked Bus Driver.  Both done by a man named Jack Douglas, if I remember.  He was a writer for Johnny Carson.
     He told of growing up in the foothills of Appalachia and was terrified of storms.  His mother finally told him that thunder was the sound of Rip Van Winkle bowling in the mountains.  That reassured him.
     One day he went to the general store for some supplies and as he was paying, it started thundering.
     The old man behind the counter said to him, "Jack, do you know what that is?"
     Jack answered, "Yes sir, That there be the sound of Rip Van Winkle a bowling in thare hills."
     The old man looked at him and said, "No you damn fool. that's thunder."
     The books always cracked me up.  Wish I still had them.  I could use a few laughs instead of reading headlines.
     Good night, sweet dreams, watch for flash floods.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

easy peasy

My lawnmower stinks

     Literally, not figuratively.
     I had a lot of grass build up on it.  I tried hosing it off.  The wet grass seemed to begin fermenting....hence the strong smell in the garage the past two days.
     And the smell attracted flies.....lots of them.
     So today I got up my power washer and attempted to clean off the mower.
     Easier said than thought.
     Grass was wedged up under two coverings, and I could not spray it out.
     So I had to remove the covers and spray the heck out of the jams.  I used my hands, a screwdriver, and my own self made tool used to clean out my vacuum filter to pry out all the grass.  Then I sprayed it again.
     And I sprayed the garage floor, where puddles had formed that seemed to attract flies.
     Now my garage smells better.  Hopefully the flies will go away and hopefully the mower will operate better.
     In the meantime I am left to contemplate why I have a bloody eye......perhaps I rubbed it too hard today, or maybe something got in it when I was spraying.
     It doesn't hurt, just looks weird.
     And that's the news that's fit to print......