Tuesday, May 8, 2018

I tell the truth, sometimes

Curt, I saw Ghost Dog today!

     Actually, I don't know if Curt is  reading this, but it doesn't matter.... I saw Ghost Dog!  He was out by the road, just smelling the ditch.  I slowed down, just in case he decided to run, but the just kept sniffing.
     I first saw Ghost Dog several years ago.  I was driving on Flagg Road near the cemetery when it came out of the dark and watched me.  Time actually slowed down.  My car must have been doing 10 mph and when I passed the dog, a breeze ruffled its white hair.  But it was the eyes that got me.  They just followed my car.
     Since then, there have been occasional sightings, but this one today was extra special.  There is no reason, I just decided it was extra special.
     When I lived in my parents house in Chicago I was convinced that place was haunted.  I know there were ghosts in the attic and in the basement.  One day I remember the basement doorknob suddenly rattling, even though I was the only one in the house.
     I don't believe in ghosts, but I don't disbelieve either.
     You can't tell my that the ghosts of Ernie and Ron were not at Wrigley during the World Series run.  Heck, Harry might have even had an influence on the game.
     And Ebeneezer Scrooge?  He didn't believe in ghosts either until a number of them visited him one Christmas Eve long ago.
     All I know is Ghost Dog exists.  So slow down around the cemetery on Flagg Road just to be safe.
     With that, I am going to go to bed.  Hopefully without any interruption from spirits of an unearthly nature.
      Peace to all.

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