Thursday, May 10, 2018

stage door johnny

Still humming about the room where it happened

     A few more details on the Hamilton excursion.
     John, Emily, Julia and I met a friend of Julia's from Switzerland at the Revival Food Court in the Marquette Building, just across the street from the theater.
     Lots of different foods to choose from....and I opted for a Cubanose, a delicious concoction of pork and other yummy things.  There was pizza, salads, tacos and a whole bunch more.  It was a pretty crowded place, but we found a table for 5, which was actually a table for 4 with a fifth chair pulled up.  Surprisingly easy.
     After the show, and recovering my credit card and heart, we left the theater and passed a little alleyway, and lo and behold, cast members!!
     So I had to have a picture.
     I have never done something like that in my life, but damn, these folks are good!
My Hamilton Chicago shirt

Gregory Treco,  Aaron Burr

Montego Glover, Angelica

A young fan

Jose Rosario, who played three parts....the doctor, James Reynolds and Phillip Schuyler

     And with that, the end of my Hamilton memories.  For now.
     I was going to play the CD today, but I think I may have leant it to someone who was going to see the show.  Any help out there??
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

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