Monday, May 14, 2018

Danger, Danger all around

70 offers a different view of life

     First off, there is danger all around!
     Take the guy who pulled out in front of me on Carrie Avenue today.  He did not even look, just pulled out from the stop sign right in front of me.
     Or the bad tire on my right front.  Actually, the tire wasn't bad but the nail in it made me fill it up three times in the past week.  I could have had a serious accident.
     And chocolate cake.  I love the cake from that restaurant, but eating it may give me clogged vessels or arteries, excess excess weight that could lead to a heart attack or the ice cream that goes so well on the cake could lead to higher cholesterol.  I should not eat it!
     Riding my bike in the rain and wind with thunder and lightning all around may be good exercise, but I could  be hit by a bolt, or a car, or a run a way moose.  So I did not ride today.  (Oh yes, I can hear you thinking that there was a four hour window of sun..... but sun leads to sunburn which leads to skin cancer.  No thanks, not this boy.)
     I made sure I walked with the scissors while I was in the garage, planting.  (What did I plant in the garage?  Lemon grass and citronella, gifts from Julia.  I got them planted in time to leave them out in the rain for a good soaking.  Yes, I endangered my life by working with sharp instruments, but I handled them safely.  I just can't type with my left thumb for a few days.  By the way, I used pots.)
     (Now I have to clarify that:  Pots, not pot.  I did not plant in the garage using pot.  I used pots to plant.  OK?)
     Where was I?
     Older people have a tendency to mentally lose track of what they were talking about.  Sometimes they repeat the same story over and over and over.  But I did that when I was younger, so maybe it doesn't mean anything.
     What with traffic, weather, volcanoes, tornadoes, How am I supposed to make it another 10 years?
     By the way, I mis spelled weather in the above paragraph.  I typed weater.  Spell check said these were my options:     Water, wetter, waiter, Waiter, watter.
     That's another hazard....inaccurate spelling corrections....they raise my blood pressure, causing a higher risk of stroke.
     I think the only safe place is bed.  I just hope the ceiling fan doesn't fall on me in the middle of the night.
     Peace and joy to all.

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