Wednesday, May 23, 2018

the good and the bad

We have a lawn service this year

     They come in and fertilize and apply weed killer.  I don't have to buy all those bags of fertilizer that I would store in the garage and never use at the right time.
     Now some guys come and put chemicals on the lawn.
     I am not sure I like it.  I know it is not good for the environment, but the yard was full of weeds and bare spots.  It looked terrible.
     Right now it looks great.
     Problem is, I have to mow a lot more often.
     I mowed today, but since we had all that rain the grass really grew and I had to mow extra high to avoid clumping.  Tomorrow I will mow again, with a lower cut.
     Again, not environmentally sound.
     Maybe I should get goats.
     They eat the grass, fertilize it, and when they get old, could become supper for a couple of nights.
     Wonder what the neighbors would think about that.
     I pulled a Terry yesterday.
     Called a company and without thinking, just dialed the number on the receipt.
     When a man answered, I said, "Is this Champions?"  He was rather nice about it and said, "No you have the wrong number."   I said thanks and hung up.
     The voice sounded familiar.
     I looked at the number again.  It was a 907 area code.  My cousin lives in a 907 area code.  That's Alaska.
     Yup....dialed my cousin Warren in Alaska instead of the company in Kentucky.
     And I called him at 9:30 a.m. our time, which is 6:30 Alaskan time.
     Later that day I called him and apologized.  He said I never called, and I said, "Did someone call and ask for Champions?  That was me."
     We had a good laugh about it.
     Evidently my land line does not show up in his caller ID, but my cell phone does.
     Yes, I still have a land line.
     Say good night, Gracie.

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