Tuesday, May 22, 2018

home again, home again

Julia should be home in just a couple of hours

     Actually, she will be in Zurich.  Then she is renting a car and driving to her house in Corseaux.  It is about a 3 hour drive, and yes, I will be nervous about her being on the road after a long flight.
     Hopefully she will be able to sleep a lot on the plane.
     I always get a little emotional when she leaves.
     And watching the final episode of The Middle reminded me that I am not the only parent whose child has moved away.  Jackie has a child that did that too.
     Although we went only two hours from our childhood homes, Jackie and I also moved "away."
    Still, even knowing that, it is hard to say good bye. 
     But that is the nature of life.  People move, whether it be to New York, Vermont, Colorado, California, or Switzerland.  They always have, and they always will.
     So it's off to bed, and hopefully sleep.
    Until tomorrow......peace and love to all you good people.

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