Sunday, May 6, 2018

it's the little things in life

Today was just a gorgeous day

     I thought the weather forecast called for rain, but we had sun and mild temps all day.
     Julia went to Kane County, Jackie and I went to church, Emily went to work, John took care of the dogs and maybe ran, and we all had not burned Headon's chops for supper.
     I say not burned, or is it burnt?  Whatever.  Because I have a tendency to cook everything to the charred stage on the gas grill.  I just can't get used to the heat.
     I surveyed the gardens and think I need several new plants.  I must have ignored them last year, because I have some huge blank spots around the yard.
     I know yesterday was garden while you are naked day, so I want to apologize to all my neighbors.  That moon you may have seen last night was not a celestial body.....and that's all I will say about that.
     I have a strange problem.  Three pairs of jeans and all three have a belt loop pulled out.  Same location!  I must tug on my pants to pull them up and use that loop.  Gonna stop that.
     When I garden, I wear suspenders because my pants just don't sit right.
     When I tried to take off my pants today, I couldn't because my suspenders were clipped to my underwear.
     You may laugh, but it is not easy getting old!
     Gonna drink some Metamucil before bed time......
     Peace and joy to all.

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