Friday, May 11, 2018

old friends

I turned 70 today

     I honestly never imagined life at 70.
     When I was younger, much younger, I always remembered my elderly aunts and uncles as having strange quirks.
     Like not liking to drive at night.
     Eating out and bringing home half the meal plus any tableware they could fit in the box.
     Clipping coupons.
     Asking for senior discounts.
     Eating out early.
     Stains on shirts and sweaters.
     Telling the same stories.
     Repeating themselves.
     Clipping coupons,
     Eating out early.
     Driving 30 in a 40 zone with the left blinker on and never intending to turn left.  Ever. 
     Not caring about long term projects.
     Turning the TV volume up high.
     Losing their keys.
     Well, I am there.  And it isn't funny.
     But at least I am there.  My girls are both here for my birthday, and everybody, John, Camryn, Jackie, Julia, Emily went on the history walk tonight.  Of course, someone made we wear a birthday hat.  And a necklace.  And at the end we aere all pretty cold.
      Along with Mk and Steve, we went out for dinner and had some cake at the house.....Portillo's chocolate cake!
      Now I am stuffed.  And happy.   And tired.
      And most of all thankful for my family, my friends, my life.
      Now it's time to say good night, good night , sleep tight.....dream sweet dreams my friends.

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