Wednesday, May 2, 2018

another boring day

I swear, it was a hum drummer

     I took Corki for a trim, had coffee, read a little in my favorite book, rode my bike, cleaned the basement, washed towels, cooked dinner, did dishes, walked Corki, and watched most of the Cubs game.
     I actually rode my bike twice.  I got one time around the subdivision and it started raining, so I stopped.
     20 minutes later, it stopped raining, so I started riding again.  It always feels good to ride.
     Corki got a haircut today.  I walked her, and some of the neighborhood kids saw her and one girl said, "Corki shrunk!  She used to be bigger!"  I guess she did have a lot of hair.
     I also realized the big mistake I made in ordering plastic gutter extenders.       These are roll up plastic tubes that drain the water away from the house.  I mis-read the description of the product.  They automatically roll out when it rains, but they have to be manually rolled back up.
      Seeing as it's me, that is never going to happen.  So I ordered some new ones today that are supposed to roll up automatically.  We'll see.
     I have a burn pile, but can't seem to burn it.  Hopefully this weekend.      Meanwhile, it keeps blowing around in the yard.   I just don't want the neighbors to get upset because my weeds are in their yard.  They are.  Blew there.  Then the wind changed and they blew back.
     Big day tomorrow......I have a surprise coming in the afternoon!
     Hope she brings chocolate.
     Peace and love to all.

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