Monday, May 7, 2018

be ware the Ides fof May

This was a kind of weird day

     In 2016 we bought a golf cart.  I figured Jackie could use it to get around the yard, giving her the ability to look at the gardens, visit around a fire pit, maybe help with the weeds in the vegetable garden.
     The cart gets stored over the winter.
     I called at 8:30 today and left a message that they can drop it off any time except Wednesday of this week.
     It was there by 2.  I don't know if they had already planned on coming here, but it was just weird that they didn't call, just showed up.
     After they left, I went to move the cart.  I could not find the key.  Not in the ignition, not on the shelf.  Then I remembered they said to keep the key because they would not need it.
     I put all my car keys in a basket by the phone.  (Yes, we still have a land line.  Call me an old fuddy duddy, but I don't give my cell number out to a lot of people.)
     So all I should have to do is look in the basket and find the keys, right?  Well, that's where they were.  One point for efficiency.
     Unfortunately I can't put the patio table back together because I have not found the 8 bolts that hold on the 4 legs.  I put the bolts in a (fill in the blank) so I would easily find them this summer.  I have looked everywhere and can't find them.  So I have to buy new bolts.   Take away one point for inefficiency.
     I did get 10 miles in on a bike ride this afternoon.  I tell you, it was hard!  I could not get going and it was so hard to peddle.  I was worn out and my legs were dead by the time I finished.
     I was pondering this malaise in the garage.  I have been riding faster and not felt this tired.  I gave the front wheel a spin and it freewheeled nicely for a couple of minutes.  I gave the back wheel a spin and it barely moved.  The brake is actually on! 
     I rode 10 miles with the brake on.  ( I know I ended a sentence with a preposition.  I almost got a sentence once for ending with a proposition, but that's another story.)
     As I sit here, I wonder about my new ditty bag that I mounted on the center bar today.  It straps on.  I wonder if I tightened the straps over the brake cable, causing it to go into lock mode.
     I will check that tomorrow.
     Every time I ride, I spin the tires before I start.  Every time except today.     That's a minus one point for carelessness.
     Tomorrow I'll start with a clean slate....and I hope you will to.
     Say goodnight, Gracie.

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