Wednesday, May 9, 2018

H is for Hamilton

I saw Hamilton for the second time today

     I have to admit, I was apprehensive about seeing the show  the first time.. Would I like history rapped?  Could I understand them?  Would the story be so convoluted I would not be able to follow it?  Actually, it is amazing.
     The narrative, the singing, the rap, the dancing, the get the idea.  It is an amazing show.
     A new block of tickets recently went on sale, which means it will be easier to buy tickets now for a future show.  Yes, they are pricey.  And no, I will not go a third time unless I win the $10 ticket lottery. 
     Julia just got home and she wanted to see the show so many people are talking about.  John, Emily and I could not let her go by there we were.  Jackie did not want to go, so she was left home.  Alone.
     Now, let me tell you a funny story.
     I usually don't buy souvenirs, but I bought a t shirt during intermission.  I will model it tomorrow.
     Being the good audience member, I turned my phone off for the show.
     After the show, while people were starting to file out, I hear an announcement:  Terry Dickow, please contact an usher.    Or something close to that.  To be honest, hearing my name threw me a little.  Hell, a lot!
     Then I realized my phone was off.  Had Jackie fallen and needed help?  Was there a problem at home?
     I found an usher, who sent me to a floor manager.  She asked me for an ID.  I showed her my driver's license and she reached into a pocket and pulled out my credit card!
     It was not the one I used to buy the shirt, but it had fallen out of the holder in my wallet.
     Someone found it on the floor and immediately turned it in to theater staff.
     I was thrilled to know it wasn't a problem at home, and equally thrilled to find out there are honest people out there.
     Someone did what I would have done.
     So, I will sign off with a couple of pictures.  Maybe I'll post some more tomorrow.
     Peace and love to all.
I love the set....especially the moving floor!

I stink at selfies

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