Saturday, May 26, 2018

what time is it?

I get so confused

     The clock on my desk is 11:00, the computer says 11:06.  The cuckoo said it was 11 ten minutes ago.
     I guess I will go by the computer, because computers are never wrong, unless your name is Hal.
     It was hot today!
     I went for a bike ride at about 5, thinking that the temps would drop enough to make it comfortable.  I got in about 6 miles before I pooped out.  I was dripping wet too, so I had to shower before supper.
     It was 91, according to a bank in town, and when I went biking it had dropped to 86.  I thought it felt cooler.
     Jackie said I should not go, but being the dedicated husband I ignored her common sense suggestion,
     Hopefully tomorrow will be better, although the air quality may not be very good.
     At least I will sleep soundly tonight.  Maybe.
     Onward to Sunday, all you swabbies out there.

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