Sunday, May 20, 2018


I turned the heat back on today

     In part because it was damp, and cloudy, and rainy....but I turned it on mostly because I was cold!
     My father died when he was 77.  The last several years of his life he was always cold.  He wore long underwear, even in the summer!
     And he used to hum.  Whenever he was doing something not requiring dialouge, he would hum.
     I sure hope I am not becoming my father!
     I am not wearing long underwear, but I do hum .  And I save stuff, just like he used to do.
     His birthday was May 14.  He would have been 117.
     I don't expect to live that long, but I hope I make it past 77.
     It's very strange.  My dad served in the US Army during WW I, the Great War.
     So I have a connection to that conflict.  Granted, he never left Illinois, but he was in the service when the war ended.
     That seems so long ago.  Indeed, he has been dead 40 years now.
     But when my birthday rolls around, I always think of him.
     And I hum a little tune in his memory.

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