Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Farmer in the dell

I almost planted my garden today

     Almost.  I laid it out, put strings down to show rows, and planted my tomato and pepper plants.  But I did not get the seeds down.
     Sometimes I just run out of energy.  I had mowed, and trimmed, and raked up some long grass, and prepped the garden beds and I just ran out of energy.
     Farmer in the dell.
     Think what a difference a typo or two would make.
     Farmer in the deli
     Framer on the dell
     Farmer in the bell
     You get the drift.
    Anyway, tomorrow I will plant the seeds and set up a watering system, because once the seeds go in the ground, it will not rain.
     Positive news....I have lots of flowers on the strawberry plants.  Maybe this year I will get real, fresh, amazingly tasty strawberries.
     That's it.
     By the way, does this blog look different?  Not sure, but it seems odd.
     Peace to all, big and small.

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