Saturday, May 19, 2018

it's not fishy

Today was Lobster Day!

     Our church in DeKalb has been having a lobster day for 50 years. 
     When Jackie and I were dating, I actually went and took pictures.  That would have been the second lobster event.
     This year there were 930 lobsters ordered.  That is down from the golden years of 2.500 plus, but in line with the recent years.
     We set up tubs, fill them with water, pub the crustaceans in cans and drop them in the water.
     No, it is not cruel.  It's how you cook a lobster. 
     In my younger days I was part of the cooking team.  Now I do a lot of little stuff, like walk around, count lobsters, answer questions with information that is not accurate.
     It's a fun day, but a lot of work.
     The day actually seems more of a church reunion, because a lot of people who don't attend anymore often come to visit or help.
     I brought two lobsters home, and John came over for a lobster dinner with fries, bread sticks and wine.
     I swear, someday I will find the negatives from years ago.  I never throw anything out, so they have to be here somewhere.
     I even watched a bit of the royal wedding....I still don't understand why royalty exists in today's world, but it was a neat thing to see.
     And the Cubs split a double header....and that was ok, although they should have won both games.
     That's life. 
     And that's all I got.

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