Monday, May 21, 2018

all things......

Tomorrow marks the end of my birthday celebration

     Emily and I are taking Julia to the airport.
     I'll be honest....I hate doing this.  I miss my daughter when she is 4000 miles away, or whatever the distance is.
     I also admit I was blessed this year.  She came home for my birthday, using up vacation days she could have spent laying on a beach in a warm climate.  But she came home for my 70th birthday.
     I feel sorry for Emily because she gets the brunt of our attention and whining when Julia goes.  We get a little needy sometimes, needy for our girls.
     Life goes back to "normal" tomorrow.  Emily and John will be in their little nest, Jackie and I will wander the rooms of our house.  The silence will be deafening.
     At least the Cubs will be a distraction.  I hope it's enough.
     And yes, I do realize how lucky I am.  Many people can't share the memories of their children growing up and being successful in the real world.  I also ache for them.
     I was gone a lot when the girls were little.  Working at the newspaper, I had lots of night meetings, sporting events, picture appointments.  I wish I could go back in time to when they were little and sat in my arms as I read them a story, or listened to them read one to me.
     Time goes so fast.   Too fast.
     We get old before we know it, and sometimes before we are ready.
     Life is funny that way.
     Peace and love to all of you out there.

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