Thursday, May 17, 2018

thistle and no rock

I dug out thistles today

     My least favorite task around the house is digging out thistle plants.  Funny thing, they only grow in one area, around the half leafing out lilac tree at the top of the driveway.
      I weeded the area two weeks ago, then mulched it heavily,
     Today I dug out about 20 thistles, some big, some small, all sticky.
     It's almost like there is an underground thistle garage mass producing these things!
     I guess I should not complain, after all it is the only green out there now that most of the other plants have gone to plant heaven.  Or was, rather.
     I planted all sorts of seeds today, carrot, bush green bean, Italian green beans, cucumber, peas.........and I hope it all grows.  I even watered for 15 minutes, which I hope to do again in the morning to "keep the seeds moist" while not drowning them.
     Last major task:  burning the pile.  I keep thinking I will do it, but then it gets raining or windy or I run out of time.
     Actually I am waiting for some of the birthday weight to leave so I can make s'mores.
     Just kidding.  I can do s'mores in the microwave.
     I think I may take up yodelling........
     Stay safe, my friends. 

          Peace out.

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