Monday, April 30, 2018

kiss slap

It was a kiss slap kind of day

     You know how it is when someone gives you a compliment, then follows it with but?  Usually, it's a big but, too.
     Like this:  I really appreciated your great e-mail, but maybe you could check your spelling next time.
     Or:  That was a great presentation.  But next time, try to remember to tell about it's warranty.
     A kiss, or compliment; followed by a slap.
     I'll start with the slap.
     Emily and John got back from a greyhound event in Gettysburg, PA late last night.  This morning one of the dogs, Amelia, got sick.  They took her to the vet, and nothing was found wrong but the dog was not recovering.  They took her to the emergency animal hospital in Aurora, but before they could get there Amelia died.
     We are all in shock.
     She was such a sweet dog.  Gentle, a little shy, but always ready for some head scratching and back rubbing.  Emily and John are devastated, understandably so.
     We all know pets don't live forever.  But they do become part of your family, a huge part of your life, and when they die, it hurts.
     A beautiful day, yet a very sad one.  The kiss, and then the slap.
     Tomorrow I'll tell you about my day.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

wet and wild

This day was almost a disaster

     I had the water on about 8 a.m. and it was hot.  I was reading the Tribune on line when the power went off, somewhere about 8:20 or so.
     Now, today was the volunteer appreciation dinner at my favorite zoo and Jackie and I were going.
     She went to shower at 11:15 hot water.
     I figured the power might have tripped something, so I went downstairs to check.
     We have an on demand water system.  When we need water, it super quickly heats it and pumps it to the faucets.
     But a little red light was flashing.  I hit power, function, and power again and it was green.
     I went upstairs.  I said wait a couple of minutes and there should be hot water.
     10 minutes go hot water.
     I go back downstairs and it is flashing red again.
     Repeat what I did.  Go upstairs.  The unit is running.  10 minutes pass, the unit is off and no hot water.
     So I did something I am fundamentally opposed to, and in direct violation of the man code.
     I found the instruction manual, discovered the flashing red light meant the unit was not functioning,  (duh) found the code for the error, learned the intake filter screen must be blocked.....and then the fun began.
     I had to remove four screws to take off the front cover.  Then I had to remove one screw to take out the filter screen.  I did, with much effort because it is hard to hold a flashlight and screwdriver at the same time,.  I cleaned the screen and replaced it.  Twice.  Once wrong, the second time correctly.
    Then I attached the cover and used the two remaining screws to secure the cover.  I know there are two screws rolling around the basement floor and I will find them, someday.
     Hot water within seconds.
     We left the house on time, arrived at the zoo on time, had a lovely dinner and visit with Linda, Tyler, Mary, and Donna and I received my 10 year volunteer pin.
     10 years.  Seems a lot.  There were several people honored for 35 and 40 years and it turns out the zoo has 8 volunteers over age 90.
     So, my advice to you....find something you want to do, or like to do, and volunteer to do it.  Volunteering keeps me young, active, engaged and I get to make some new friends along the way.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Achy and tired

No, I am not sick

     I am just a 70 (almost) year old guy who had 4 yards of mulch delivered and got most of it spread today.
     My arms hurt, my legs hurt, my hands hurt and I am tired.
     And I didn't do most of the work.
     I had a young man from down the street come and help me for 3 hours.  He shoveled like a young kid, I shoveled like an old man. 
     Together, well, 70/30 together, with me being the 30......almost all of the mulch is spread and almost all of the gardens and trees are mulched.
     I learned a few things today.
    When we had landscaping done Jackie had requested a Huercha (or coral bells, I know it is not spelled correctly.  Hell, I can't even say it!) to be a foundation plant.
     So we had about 20 of the little buggers planted.
     For the first two years, they looked ok, although I did have to replace one or two.
     Each year.  And with the plum pudding variety, which are not easily found.
     Last year, for some reason, I did not replace any.  It's not that they did not die, I just did not replace them.
     Going out this year.......17 are gone.  Dead.  No longer with us.  Departed.  Composted.
     I may not be the smartest gardener in the world, but I know enough not to plant any more of them...especially at about $12 a pop.
     I think our soil in front is too wet and too shady for the plum pudding, although the wetness is more of an issue.
     But something will replace them.... just not sure what yet.
     I still have one area to do, but not Sunday or Monday.  Maybe Tuesday.
     So bring your shovels and stop over for a while.  It will be fun.  Really.
     Now for a little Ben Gay.......and ibuprofen....maybe a hot shower.....and bed.
     Peace and joy to all, and to all a good night.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Fly the W

Saw a great game today

     The Cubbies edged Milwaukee 3-2 in a nail biter. 
     A frigid nail biter.
     I was pretty darn cold when I left the game.  I think we all were.
     But even a cold day at the park is magical.
     The train ride in, the El to the park, all went off without a hitch.  The guys singing soul hits at the subway stop were into the music.  Actually, it seemed to be one guy who was joined by a homeless guy, but they had great harmony.
     We got to the park early enough to get our Cubs fleece, free to the first 10,000 people.
      And we were able to get the early bird 25 percent discount on food and drink.
      Dan, Linda and I were eating out on the upper deck patio and it was crowded and sunny.  Linda's usher friend Mark joined us and we found John and we all sought refuge from the wind on the sun basked patio.
     We asked a couple if we could share their table, and they said yes.
     As we talked amongst ourselves, elevators were mentioned.  The lady, Debbie, asked some questions about bringing her elderly father to the game and getting him to the upper level.
     Turns out, they have season tickets.  In the 400 level.  Two tickets.
     And they are from Alabama.
     Our first question was why?  They explained a business friend of theirs wanted them, but was short of cash so he bought them for the guy.  They used to live in Chicago and had tickets to the Bears and maybe Blackhawks, but never to the Cubs.
     Now they do.
     His name is Wayne and he said they drive up for several games and he sells tickets on Stub Hub.
     I told him I might be interested, so I have his business card.  Between him and two Rochelle people, there may be some extra games I go to this summer.....maybe.
     Someday it will be warmer.
     The only downside was a traffic accident slowed the train was 30 minutes late getting into Elburn.  A truck hit an overpass, so trains were restricted, causing a back up.
     But all is well that ends well....great friends great times, great game.

I got fleeced

Winter coats in April?  Good choice today!

Most importantly, a W!

Storm clouds moving in after the game

Thursday, April 26, 2018

hold on!!

I did something very stupid today

I know, so what's new?
But this was, or could have been, very serious.
I am pretty patient.  At times.  I drive the speed limit, or close to it, most of the time. I don't like to pass, and when I do, I make sure there is plenty of room.
Picture this:
On our way to DeKalb for a doctor appointment for Jackie.
Get caught behind two huge semi trucks hauling construction debris.
They were doing 40.
The didn't turn at Creston, so when we hit a passing zone that had a clear view, I passed.
Once I got out there, I realized two semi trucks are actually a big hurdle.  A freakin big hurdle.
But no sweat, German engineering has the day.
That's when I saw the on coming car.
I could not pull back in.  I could not get between the trucks.  The only option was to hit it.
So I floored the car.
I saw the needle go past 80.  The approaching car kept getting bigger.  Jackie grabbed the seat and door handle and said, "Oh God!"
I just got passed the second semi and swung in front of him, still doing in excess of 80.
I did not miss the oncoming car by much.  At least that is what it seemed.
I was shaking by the time it was over.  Jackie could not tell, but I was scared.
What was I thinking?  How come I didn't see the oncoming car?  If I had, I never would have passed.
I think there was a hill, but it was a long way off.
I became one of those idiots I complain about all the time.
I did not save enough time to risk our lives, that much I know.
I am marking this one up to bad judgment and rash behavior, and I know I will never do it again.
Tonight I go to bed a lucky person.  And a thankful one.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

awww no

I may be getting a cold

I have a headache.  My throat is scratchy.  My nose is not running, but it's walking pretty fast.
I swear, an hour ago I was fine.  Then bam.......
I'm going to bed early.  hopefully I will nip it in the bud.
Maybe it's a computer virus.
And I am sweating like crazy.
Damn it.
Good night.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

seasonal firsts

I did two seasonal tasks for the first time this year

     I rode my bike.  I have been riding the one at the exercise center in the hospital, but getting out in the sun and wind is a different experience.
     I have a ride tracker device on my phone.  Somehow, I must have paused it because I did 4 laps around the subdivision at about 2.2 miles per lap, and the tracker said I rode 5 miles. I must have hit the pause workout button somehow.
     But my legs felt good and more importantly, so did my hips.
     And I mowed.
     That was an interesting experience.
     I made four or five passes before I realized I did not have the mower itself engaged, which explained why the grass did not look any shorter.
     And I swear, if I lived next to me I would be thinking my neighbor was nuts.
I have lot of straw debris in the yard.  Some small straw pieces and a couple of clumps.
     I mowed over one of the clumps and a mess of feathers covered the grass!
     I looked around, and there were several sections of a brown bird around the yard.
     This is an area outside Corki's zone, so I know she did not score a kill.
     I did not find main body parts, just clumps of feathers.
     I also noticed my burr oak has galls.  Lots of them.  I picked off the ones I could reach, but there are several out of reach.  I hope it does not hurt the tree.
      So, while everyone else has nice looking lawns, I have bits of straw and bits of feather blowing around.
     I just wonder what mayhem went on when I wasn't looking.

Feathers everywhere

Almost looks like a breast area

I need to focus on my galls

On Monday Dan and Linda came over to look at the Cuba book and we had a nice night of talking and enjoying this little bottle.  It was good night all around.

Monday, April 23, 2018

no map needed

I had an errand to run today

     Jackie's wheelchair has a couple of missing screws.  Highly specialized screws.
     I called the chair's manufacturer and they said they could not ship the screws directly to me, I had to go to an authorized distributor.
     So I found one in Rockford.
     I knew the address, but when I got there, I could not find it.
     So I pulled into a lot and called the phone number.  I was parked by Don Carter lanes on State Street.  I told her where I was and she said, "No problem.  We are across the road from there and just a little east."
     So I pulled across the road and went east. 
     You know that commercial where the Pony Express rider is leaving his mother and the gives him an insurance card?  She tells her younger son the rider will be back soon.
     "How do you know, mom?" asks the younger child.
     "Because east is the other way," the mom answers.
     I drove through three shopping areas, but could not find the place.  Finally, I called again and asked what building was on the corner.  A man  said a bank, just east of the intersection.
     That's when it hit me.....I was going west.
     I think it took about 15 minutes of aimless wandering before I finally reached the place.
     The gent running the place then told me he had to order the parts.  Four bolts, washers and 3 spacers.
     I just don't understand why they couldn't ship the stuff right to me, but then if they had, I would not have had the wonderful experience of driving the potholed, bone jangling, highly irritating bypass that serves as a road.
     At least I will know where I am going when I return.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

critter war 2

I tried a new tactic with ground squirrels

     You may remember from a previous post, the critters have burrowed under my patio and driveway.
     I bought some of that expandable foam sealant and today I stuck the nozzle as far into the hole as I could and filled it.  (Sounds like the start of a good prono novel, doesn't it?)
     I did the same with three other holes.
     I assume they have night homes and day homes, the yard is full of holes also.
     So this should keep them away from the patio.
     The foam spray is some kind of oil based product, I think.  The nozzle broke  almost when the can was empty, and gushed all over my hands.
     My hands were very sticky.
     I washed them.
     They were still pretty sticky.
     I tried mineral spirits on them.
     A little better, but if I made a fist the fingers would stick together.
     I tried gasoline.
     Much better.  Hardly sticky at all.
     I washed again then went into the yard to work.
     I now have dirt on my hands that will not wash off.
     I guess I missed a few of the sticky spots.
    So if you see me, I really do have clean hands.  Except for the dirt.
     I didn't refill the bait in the live traps......little guys cleaned it out without setting the trap off.  Damn them.  Maybe tomorrow.
     Goodnight, Gracie.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

round and round

Sometimes I am a bit compulsive

     I check doors often, I do repetitive actions even though I know there is no need to do so.
     I don't knock on doors three times, like Sheldon, but I have my quirks.
     Today, for instance.
     A couple of weeks ago our church scheduled an outdoor workday today.  NIU students were lined up to spread mulch, pick up, help in the garden.  I had plans for today and said I would not be able to be there.
     Turns out, I wasn't as needed as much as my wheelbarrow!
     But someone else from Rochelle was heading over and taking their wheelbarrow, which was the same size as mine.
     Problem solved, right?
     I kept obsessing on there being a shortage of wheelbarrows and mine was important to the job.
     So this morning I loaded it up in the BMW and drove to DeKalb.  There looked to be a lot of wheelbarrows.
     My next stop was a soccer match at North Boone.  Not wanting to get lost, I used the GPS navigational system and it actually took me to the exact spot, but I got lost in the parking lot at the high school.
    In my defense, there were multiple parking lots.  I chose the one near the baseball field, which was about 35 miles from the soccer field.  So I took a short cut through the parking lots, only to find out the road marked buses only was, in fact, a road for buses and did not have an exit or connect the to parking lot I wanted, which was five feet from the road I was on.
     So I exited the bus lot, exited the parking lot, and drove north until I reached the soccer field.
     My niece (technically my niece's daughter) was playing and I never get to spend a lot of time with them, so we sat and visited, talked, laughed, updated them on life in the Dickow lane, heard about prom, upcoming vacations and in general had a great time.
     Unfortunately, they lost, which put a damper on the visit.
     When I got home I planned to work in the yard, but at 3 I sat down on my recliner for a few minutes.
     At 5:15, when I woke up, I figured the yard work could wait until a warmer day.
      Now I wonder if I will sleep tonight.....

Friday, April 20, 2018

dirty, rotten stinkers

I did something terribly wrong

     I bought potatoes.  Now, Jackie and I have cut down on the amount of potatoes we are eating.  We don't slice 'em and fry 'em nearly as often as we used to, so a 5 pound bag of potatoes lasts a long time.
     But I discovered a few things yesterday, things I should have discovered some time after Thanksgiving.
     We have a wicker basket in the pantry.  There are two compartments, a smaller top basket that holds onions and a larger bottom basket that holds potatoes.
     I remember buying potatoes at Thanksgiving.  I put them in the bottom basket.
     For the past week or so, we have each looked in the pantry for the source of a putrid smell.....well, I found it.
     5 pounds of mashed potatoes.
     They had soaked through the plastic bag and had oozed through the wicker container.  The floor had a pile of whitish looking goop, surrounded by some clear but extremely thick slime.  The basket was stuck to part of the floor.
     Potatoes that are rotten do not smell very nice.
     I cleaned up the floor only to discover that the wood is now black.  I have used Mr. Clean, bleach, toilet bowl cleaner, wood floor cleaner, hell, I even tried a spray for stains from animal mishaps.  Nothing, just dark wood.
     I put the entire mess into the garbage yesterday afternoon.  By the time I took out the trash, the garage reeked.  I can still smell it.
     I just forgot they were in the bottom basket.
     Lesson learned.
     On the way back from the zoo today I stopped at a grocery store on Orchard Road in Aurora.
     Knowing the tollway is under construction, I opted to take the back roads.
     I did not want to circle back to Randall Road, so I headed for a road that looked like it went north and took that.
     I have no idea where I went.  I know I was headed westish, but nothing was familiar.
     I finally pulled over and used my phone to guide me home.
     I will say I saw some pretty neat homes, but I don't think I'll ever be able to find them again.
     Another lesson what you know how to do.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

Thursday, April 19, 2018


I am never listening to my wife again

     She had a doctor's appointment in DeKalb today and said, as innocently as possible, "Bring the license renewal form with you and do that while I am at the doctor."
     But DeKalb is always so busy, I whined.  "They have a line just for stickers.  It will be fast."
     Being the compliant person I am, I went.
     I left her at 3:15 and drove to the SOS office and stepped in.
     I was the ninth in line.  At 3:35, I was still ninth in line, but at least I was not at the end anymore.  At 3:45 I was still ninth in line.
     I don't know what the two people at the counter had to do, it may have involved changing identities and establishing new identities prior to disappearing forever.
     Did I mention it took a long time?
     Finally, one of the people was done and they were able to take the next person in line.
     45 minutes later, 45! I left the SOS with the new sticker.
     Do you know why she had me go to the SOS office instead of the bank?  Because they charge at the bank!
     Then tonight when I was taking her home from the library meeting, I left the chair to help her into the car. 
     The damn wheelchair rolled out of the parking lot, across the alley, and was headed to the next street before I finally caught it.
     At least the Cubs won, so the day was not a total loss.
     But I did get a letter from the Tribune telling me they will no longer be delivering in Rochelle.  Double Damn!
     And if you ever go to Amboy, right across the street from the depot is a bar.    On the wall next to a window is a sign marking the spot where Carson, Pierre, Scott & Company started.  I used to have a picture of it, but can't seem to find it.
      I wonder if it is being draped in black today.
     Peace and avoid the DeKalb SOS if possible.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

How 'bout that

I almost accomplished something today

     I did fire off two e-mails about not getting WGN on the telly.  Yes, it bothers me a lot.  I can't hold it in any longer....I am damn mad!!
     It just frosts my cookies that I can't watch a Chicago TV station because some idiots in Rockford don't like competition.
     I'm also upset because we have one place in town that sells groceries and they no longer sell Dean's milk.  I know, there is another place that sells milk, but too often the expiration date is too close to today's date.
     Now that I am started, the Tribune is on my shit list also.  As of April 28 they will not be delivering in my area.  I asked if I could have the paper dropped at in town address and the response was no, all deliveries were ending.  What the hell????
     And what is going on with the weather?  This is supposed to be spring.  That means 50s and 60s and even a 70 once in a while, not 31 with a feels like temp of 24.  And snow.  Really?
     It better warm up for next week because I ordered mulch today and I will be locked in a room with Fox news on every TV before I work outside in cold, damp weather.
     There.  I'm Done.
     Had a fun time at the high school helping out with the Chuck a Duck game.  Kids bought little ducks and then threw them into a circle, if they landed on a picture of the duck they won a prize.  NO THEY WERE NOT LIVE DUCKS.  THEY WERE RUBBER.  DON'T GET YOUR SHORTS IN A KNOT!
     And I paid for my bike trip.  Funny thing, I called my credit card company and they were told, in advance, the amount and country of origin for the transaction.
     "No problem," the lady said.  "You are all set."
     Transaction denied.  Granted, all I had to do was confirm it, but I had already called and went through the main menu twice before it seemed to understand my question.
     How do I get a transaction pre approved?
     "You are disputing a charge, is that correct?"
     No, I have not made the charge yet.
     "You are asking about your line of credit, correct?"
     No.  Operator.  Agent. Help.
     No wonder my BP is 659.
     Time for bed. 
     Hope it is not Stormy again tomorrow.
     Peace to all, and to all a good night

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How do they do it?

How do baseball players play in this weather

     It's cold and damp.  There is a breeze.
     Don't they catch colds and miss time?  Heck, I spent two weeks trying to get over my congestion. coughing and sneezing.  It was hard to sleep at night.  And I don't go outside in wet, cold weather for 5 hours.  Or in the freezing cold, like the Cards and Cubs tonight at Wrigley.  I am cold watching them.
     This has been a weird spring.
     Tomorrow's forecast seems to indicate a snowfall of anywhere from one tenth to three inches.  At least we are not far north in the area where they got 2 feet of snow.....that would be a real spring downer.
     So....what do I do about my strawberries?  Should I go out tomorrow and recover them with the straw I took off last week?  Or just chance it and let nature take its course.  The plants survive in the wild, so they should have a chance, right?
     Oh well, life goes on.
     Sleep well, my friends.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Oh what a night

I had the weirdest night in a long time

     I  could not sleep.  Not a wink.
     I eventually went to sleep in the recliner and finally, somewhere after the bell tolled 3, I drifted off.
     But not for long.
     Emily's huge black wolf like dog jumped on my lap and growled in my face, startling me awake.
     I drifted back asleep and it again jumped on my lap and growled.  Twice, the same dream.
     After that there was a combination of cave men, Native Americans, pioneers, small children, caves, and me putting on a magic show for the Native Americans, eventually convincing them not to kill us even though we did not speak each other's language. 
     When the tension was over, I turned to my party and said that it looked like we had squeaked out another day by using common items like a cigarette lighter and flashlight.
     The leader of the Native Americans looked at me and said, "You had me on that thing with the cigarette lighter."
     I said, "You speak English?'
     He answered, "Of course, you can't graduate Harvard unless you do." was a very strange night.
     As an experiment, I have not had any caffeine since my morning tea.  I don't think there is caffeine in wine.......
     I just hope dogs and Harvard men don't interrupt my dreams tonight.
     Peace and love to all.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

a political solution

I should be the next Speaker of the House

     I would be second in line to the presidency and would happily fill that role if needed.
     Why me?
     I am not a Washington insider.  Heck, I could not even navigate the traffic circles when Jackie and I visited there under Lincoln.
     I am a fiscal conservative......or cheap, whichever phrase you like  better.
     I would be a fun guy to be around.
     Rep Blowhard:  "Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker.  I demand the floor."
     Me:  "What?  The floor too?  You've already stolen everything not bolted down."
     Rep. Nobrain.  "Order!  Order!!"
     Me:  "Large white chocolate mocha  and a piece of strawberry rhubarb pie, unless you've already eaten all of it, you greedy pig."
     Rep. Idiot.  "Mr. Speaker, the people demand a balanced budget and we must cut all social programs to achieve our goals."
     Me:  "No, Rep Idiot...the people want a government that works and keeps their hands and noses out of people's business.  But we also want health care and social security and sometimes you have to cut the military to get that."
     OK, that wasn't funny.
     Seriously though, the Speaker of the House does not have to be a Representative.... it can be anyone the party in control elects.  In our history that has happened...... 0 times.  I could be the first!
     I finally saw some signs of spring today!

What hiding under that tarp?

Oops.... missed bringing these in.
So they were not good signs.  Especially the spelling.  Wonder what Nace did wrong?

Some good news.....our patio has been developing pools at the bottom of the steps.  I called the good people at M A B and we were one of their first projects this year. 

A lot of rain, no water.  Now I can move out the patio furniture once the snow stops. can be OK.
Peace to all

Saturday, April 14, 2018

lesson learned

I can't promise never to give up again

     I am talking Cubs, not crossword puzzles or Sunday paper subscriptions.  I am giving up on those last two.
     I got a little disgusted at 9-1 today.  When it hit 10-2 I was so depressed I went to exercise.
     I usually just read, but the game was on and I was walking away, noticing the score was getting closer.  10-4, then to 5.  Then the eighth inning arrived.
I put down my book and watched as much as I could.  I saw players taking pitches instead of swinging wildly.  And I saw a Cubs win.  Amazing.
      I won't give up so easily again.
     I bet they don't play tomorrow......the weather is terrible right now and not going to improve.  They can take some time to think about the game today and how patience pays off.
     I got a grilled cheese today at the gourmet grilled cheese bar in Cypress House and it was yummy!  Mine was on sourdough, which made is super great.  Jackie's was on a multi grain bun and she said it was very good.
     The circuit kept blowing, so my sandwiches took a little longer.
     I ran into some old education buddies and immediately called one person the wrong name.  As soon as I said it, I knew it was wrong and had no idea why.  I know her name.  The cold weather may have given me brain freeze.
     I did manage to take down the Easter decorations today.  I just have one more trip to the basement, but I will do that tomorrow, in between the thunderstorms, snow, rain, sleet, high winds and whatever other delight Mother Nature will toss our way.
      It could be worse......Minnesota and Wisconsin are getting dumped on tonight.
     Be safe my friends......send good thoughts to the world leaders so that they may put a lid on all the threats.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, the 13th

This was not a good day

     Normally any day at the ball park is great, just no today.
     It was cold and windy.  The Cubs did not play well today, errors, not a lot of hitting, no clutch hitting with men on base, and not keeping the other team from scoring.
     Like I said, bad day.
     Being with John, Linda and Dan made it better, but the cold wind blowing in made it a chilly afternoon.
     In years past we sat in the 400 section.  Today we were in the 500 section because the 8 pack seats moved up to accommodate season ticket holders displaced by the $32,000 club level seats.
     In the 400 section we sat in front of the upper deck walk way.  In the 500 section we sit above it.
     The view was doubt about that.  But there was a constant flow of people.  I went to an Ice Hogs game and was told that I could not return to my seat while game action was on going.  I had to wait for a break.  I thing baseball should do the same thing. 
     The park has changed.  Elevators knocked out the roof top dining area on the upper deck.  The Park at Wrigley has a new name, the hotel is completed and construction is moving quickly on the mid rise building due south of Wrigley, blocking some views of the downtown skyline.
     By 2019 new clubs with high priced seating will be built, including one where what remains of the outdoor dining area on the upper level is.  My understanding is the seating under the press box becomes part of the club area, with the actual club behind what is now the concession stand.  Wonder if a tunnel will connect the two.
     Even if I could afford a $32,000 seat, it would literally kill me.  Why?
    You get unlimited food and drink.
     I would look at the $400 a game seat and think $200 goes for the seat, and $200 per game for food.  So I would have to drink 10 beers (let's say $10 a beer to make my math easier), a couple of hot dogs, some nachos, peanuts, a personal pizza, 4 bags of cotton candy, three ice creams and some french fries  EVERY GAME to feel I got my money's worth.
     I would weigh 849 pounds at season's end.
    And I would not fit in the narrow seats.
    Anyway, some pictures from today.
     I truly hope everyone is here tomorrow morning.  The situation in Syria is causing me some concern.  I hope there isn't WW III by daybreak.
     Peace to all, and I mean peace.  To all.

Hotel Zachary

view south

Tarping the field at the end of the game anticipating rain

See kids, this is you and Billy

Dressed for the weather

Fitting for Friday the 13th

Thursday, April 12, 2018

batter up

I have my first Cubs game tomorrow

     Four of us bought 8 packs for Friday games.  Most games start at 1:20, but there are a couple of 3 p.m. starts too.
     I love going to the ball park, but I am wondering how long I will enjoy the Wrigley experience.
     We had been sitting in the 400 section, which is the lower part of the upper deck.  We had pretty good seats.
     This year we are in the 500 section, just above the walkway in the upper deck.
     The explanation I was given was with the new clubhouse, some season ticket holders had to move.  They moved into the 400 level, which pushed the 400 level people up.
     No big deal if the seats are good.
     The clubhouse.  It's the American 1914 or something like that.  If you buy a seat in the first seven rows between the dugouts, you are buying a club membership.
     There are about 700 spots available, and they were sold pretty quickly.
     The price includes game admission and unlimited food and drink in a below ground, climate controlled, restroom equipped space that looks like a hotel lobby/old pub.
     The price depends on if you are in the front of the seven rows or the back.  If you are in the back part of the seven rows, a season ticket is priced at $400 per game, or $32,400 per season ticket.  Sitting in the front row sets you back about $56,000 per ticket.  (Pink hat had several season tickets......and I believe club membership is mandatory in those seats.)
     The most disturbing news is there are 3 other clubhouses planned, including one under the press box on the upper level behind home plate.  Currently that is a handicapped seating area, and has some of the best views in the park.  My guess is that seating will have to be relocated.
     The clubhouse that just opened is the most expensive one, but he others are not that much cheaper that the average schmuck like me will be able to afford a ticket, much less a season ticket.
     So I wonder if the future Wrigley will have a place for those of us who love the Cubs, and love going to a game at The Beautiful Confines.
     Or will I just have fond memories in my doddering old age.
     Time will tell.
     Go Cubs.  Let's play two!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

feeling snarky

Sometimes real life is not real

     I just read a story about a 14 year old boy in Florida who hooked up with a prostitute, paid her $480 and had sex with her.
     I know parental supervision can be lax these days, but really?
     Both parties were staying at a hotel.  The kid used his computer to access a dating site, found her profile, and arranged to meet her.
     Now, no one noticed the kid was gone from the room, and no one noticed he had over $400 in cash.
     Just seems a little weird.
     I don't like fighting in sports, especially baseball.  There were two  brawls today, and neither one looked like a wrestling match.  They were throwing punches pretty well.
     I know people like fighting in hockey, although I can't stand it there either.
Maybe I am too much of a peace-nik, but I think it shows a bad example to kids.
If I was league commissioner, I would toss a few people for 6 or 7 games. 
     If a team doesn't have enough players to play, they'll have to call up minor leaguers.  There has to be a penalty.
     Let's see....forecast for this week.....70s, cold, snow flurries possible Sunday?
     Say it ain't so!
     I uncovered my strawberries to day.  I hope I get more than the four berries I got last year.  Maybe I should read about how to grow the little red delights.
     Or not.
    I'm now going to fight off sleep...wonder who wins?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


I know it's early, but....

     Can't the Cubs hit with men on base?  Oh my gosh it is so frustrating to see them swing out of the strike zone and fail to advance runners.  It could be a long season.
     My first game is Friday.  The roller coaster continues.  Temps are supposed to be in the 70s Friday, then back down to the 40s.  No wonder I can't get rid of this cold.  It's frustrating.
     And tell me this.  Because I have felt like the stuff on the bottom of my shoe when I am not carefully walking in the front yard, I have not gone to exercise in about 10 days.
     I lost 3 pounds.
    Are there scientific studies that prove the more you exercise the less you lose?  Maybe when I am done I have worked up a bigger appetite than the calories I lost, but damn.  It's frustrating.
     Julia got a check from an airline today because we bought her a set of steak knives for Christmas.  She put them in her checked luggage and when she got home, half the knives were missing!  She filed a report with the airline and they told her to replace what was missing and they would send a check.  People who steal stuff?  That's frustrating.
     And for all you young people out there.  When you reach a certain age, there is no such thing as an easy opening jar, medication, tube of glue, or anything.    The only thing that opens easily for me is the refrigerator, which may explain my inability to lose weight.  And the pantry door.   It's frustrating.
     And why do people like our governor forget that the g is not silent at the end of the word.  People are runnin, and tossin, and kissin.  It's frustratin to hear him talk.
     I know, my constant complaining is getting on your nerves.  Frustrating, isn't it?
     Welcome to the club.
     Peace out........

Monday, April 9, 2018


I really have a problem with dates

     Was talking to Julia yesterday and told her I booked my flight, but I had booked a Friday flight when I should have booked a Thursday one.
     Since it is a European based airline, they seem to run a little different than some of the ones here.  It is only $25 to change my ticket.
     At first I thought, why not stay an extra day and do a little sightseeing in Amsterdam?  After all, it's only one day.
     Then I checked my schedule.  I can actually fly to her house two days earlier, so I would have to find a hotel for 2 nights.
     I opted to rebook.  And that's when I found an amazing bit of information.
    My original ticket was for a week earlier than I thought I booked. Yes, once again, I botched the dates.
     I think I have it all straight now.
     Stopped for a medicine ball today....that's a Starbucks drink that has a lot of vitamin C to help with colds.  Yes, mine is still hanging on.
     As I was getting in line, the lady ahead of me turned and gave me a big smile. 
     She must have noticed the half/pound I have lost, or realized my amazing sense of humor, and was flirting with me.  I was flattered.
     I decided to visit the restroom while my tea concoction was being prepared and I happened to look in the mirror.
     My hair was spiked up in the middle!  I looked like a freakin unicorn!
     She wasn't smiling, she was trying hard not to laugh!
     One date that will always stick with me was this day in 2015.  You may remember, an EF 4 tornado took away my daughter's house.  She lost nearly everything and two dogs, but three dogs, her and John were safe.
     It's an experience I never want to go through again, and one I would not wish on anyone.
     Her neighborhood was destroyed, and no one was seriously injured.
     You've all heard the cliche.....things can be replaced, people can't.
     It's very true.
     And yes, I still tear up thinking about that day.  And I still give thanks for what  blessings we have in this life.
     Peace and love to all......

Sunday, April 8, 2018


I had the weirdest dream

     Maybe it is the cold medicine.  But last night was strange.
     I had a dream that my friend and his wife had a baby.  Now that is not so strange, but the baby was only 3 inches long and came in a container like you buy sliced lunch meat in.
     They kept walking around showing everybody the baby in the lunch meat container and saying, "You can look, but don't eat the baby."
     I woke up, but when I went to sleep again, the same dream happened.
     We were out west, with grasslands and no trees but rolling hills.  They kept coming over the hill, carrying this little plastic tray with a baby that resembled a ginseng root with eyes.
     I figure my subconscious was just picking up on stuff I heard during the day.
     For example, I bought some prepackaged sliced roast beef to make a sandwich and I heard a report on the radio about ginseng root production in Wisconsin.  Did you know the majority of ginseng root exported to China comes from a couple of counties in Wisconsin?  It is prized by the Chinese for its flavor and texture.
     Who knew.
     It was a good day.
     The Cubs won, I found the three hole punch that has been missing, and I printed a crossword puzzle that I can actually do.
     Puzzle explanation.  I do the crosswords in the Sunday Trib.  Or at least I try.       But for some reason, my paper has not been delivered for two months.  I think there is a problem.
     The third week that happened, I ran a puzzle off on the computer and could work it.  But since then, every puzzle I printed was too small.  Friends tried scanning and e-mailing the puzzle but it was too difficult to read once I printed it.
     Today, I did the same thing I have done every week and .... voila!!  The puzzle printed in a size I can read and fill in squares on.
     Life is good.
     Now excuse me, I can't wait to see what tonight brings for dreams.
     Peace out.....

Saturday, April 7, 2018

trivial matters

I sort of did a program tonight

     I know that does not make sense.
     I was asked to do a program for a local group as part of a dinner.  The emphasis was on Illinois history, since this is the 200th birthday of our state.
     They wanted a trivia type program, so I spent some time reading up on our state and discovered several interesting items.
     Blood banks, sewing machines, vacuums, (and I never spell that right...thank heavens for spell check), the Ferris wheel, and the atomic bomb are some of the big ideas to come our of our state.
     Throw in remotes for tvs, cell phones, automatic dishwashers and The Pill and you get an idea of how inventive and talented people in this state are.
     Nancy B., if you read this I know you know this already, but I had no clue.
     The third worst mining disaster in U.S. history took place in the tiny town of Cherry, located just southwest of us.
     I know Cherry as a place where there is a bar that serves great chicken and it is on the same road as Ladd, the home of the world's greatest, greasiest, messiest, best tastingest chicken you can find.
      Bit I did not know about the Cherry Mine Disaster.
     In 1909 259 coal miners died after the mine caught fire.  Most of them were Italian immigrants and could not speak much English.  Many of them were children, as young as 11.
     21 miners, trapped in a shaft, kept retreating farther and farther into the mine and built a barrier.  Eight days later, they emerged, alive. 
     Sounds like a movie to me.
     Several people at the program knew about the disaster and the plaque that is up in the did I ever miss that??
      That's what I like about history.  It is not just words on a page, it's people and their effects on us.
     The miners?  That disaster resulted in workmen's compensation laws and stricter mining regulations.
     I'm glad I did the program, because I learned a lot!
     And now, so do you!
     Now it's time for bed......

Friday, April 6, 2018

Huh, what and giggle

Let's talk commercials

     Ones I hate:  wireless providers, cars that drive fast and through water, all political ads, to name a few.
     So we're watching the Cubs tonight and a commercial comes on for Pizza Ranch.  Then a second commercial, or actually a replay of the first one, comes on a couple of innings later.
     Jackie looked it up and found out it is one of the largest regional pizza chains in the states.  Over 200 locations.
     How can we not hear about a pizza chain that large?
     Turns out, there is one in Sterling just west of us and one in Roscoe north of Rockford.  Huh,
     Then there was a Blue Cross ad with a guy stranded on an island.  He is checking off the days, trying to catch fish, and finally realizes his Blue Cross card can act like a mirror.  He shines it and is picked up by a helicopter.
     He asks the pilot, if she is a rescue worker and she replies, "No, I work for the resort" and the scene expands to show a huge resort on the other side of the island.
      I just thought it was funny.  Giggle.
     What?  Was that really John Legends in a Google commercial, holding a baby?
     The only thing that would have been more interesting is if the Cubs had scored some of those runners they had on base.
     We cleaned the den today.  No more piles of papers.  Just one, but it is not too big.
     And so, good night and peace to all.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

snow fooling

I think the weather is goofy

     It was snowing during the Sox home opener!  Big flakes, swirling down.  It was weird watching it for the inning or two I did.
     If you haven't seen the video of the eagle landing on the pitcher in Minneapolis, look for it.  I don't know if I could have pitched after a huge  bird landed on my back.  I know I would have had to change pants.
     Watched some of The Mick today.  Jackie doesn't like the show, I think it is funny in a deeply disturbing way. I have about 10 episodes on the DVR, so I better start watching them.
     Last year I DVRed Timeless then  never watched it.  I am doing it again this year and have yet to actually watch the show, which seemed an interesting premise.
     Now you should be getting a mental picture of my day....TV and tea. 
     That about sums up my life right now.
     Peace to all....

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Thanks, now I feel better

     Sorry about your ears.
     I had a list of things to do this week...hang pictures, go through the 27 piles of paper in the den,  drink copious amounts of wine, eat chocolate, vacuum the basement, water the plant downstairs that has not been watered in several days.         Or weeks.
     What have I done?  Nada.  Zilch.  Nothing.
     I have this cold that is just hanging on and draining me. I don't sleep well at night, I can't sleep during the day.  I cough.  And sneeze.  And cough. 
     I went to the store today for some VapoRub and was so tired when I got home.  All I did was drive.
     And play solitaire.
     And order things on line.  Like a neat looking device to allow you to hang pictures straight.  I have lots of pictures to hang.  Hopefully it will be handy.
     And watch Stranger Things.  Thanks, Emily, for recommending it to me.  I have watched the first 6 episodes and still have no idea what the hell is going on.       But I want to find out if Will, and now Nancy, are found.
     Usually in April I cancel Netflix because I watch a lot of Cubs' games and don't have time for other viewing.  But I figure Julia is coming home in May and might want to watch something on it, so I am keeping it till June then I will cancel.  Call me cheap.
     And frustrated.
     One consolation is I can't work outside because it is damn cold, with a wind chill of negative 86. 
     Maybe tomorrow I will wake up refreshed and not sneezing and coughing.  Birds will be singing, the sun will be shining, my head won't be congested and I can get back to normal.
     If not, I will have to scream again.  And again.  And again.
     Peace to all........

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

think I'll make supper

We save recipes

     We don't make them, we save them.
     Jackie was looking for a recipe tonight and I had to pull down all the ones we have saved.
     I found recipes from 2006 that we saved, but have not yet made.  I tossed them.
     We have several chicken Parmesan recipes....tossed them.
     On the other hand, I found the bruschetta recipe I always have to ask Kathy for and the fondue recipe Julia has to send me at least three times a year.
     We had recipes for an appetizer that we would never, ever make.  But we have kept it, just in case.  Well, I tossed it.
     The irritating thing is I saved a recipe from a magazine and now I want to make it and I can't find it. 
     Basically all recipes are the same.  Cook the meat/vegetable/whatever, put a seasoning on it, serve it.
     And with the Internet, do we need recipes at all?  Just Google chicken Parmesan and you get lots of recipes to pick from.
     But we do have our favorites.  Maybe one uses Italian bread crumbs, and another doesn't, one uses two cloves of garlic and another uses one.  It's a taste preference.
     And not that I think about it, chicken Parmesan sounds like a good dish for tomorrow night.
     I'll have to look for a recipe though.  I think I threw them all away.

Monday, April 2, 2018

lost and found

I am losing my mind

     I can't explain it any other way.
     I have lost three hats, well, two actually because I now have 4 grey ones instead of the three I bought at the closeout bargain price of $1 each.  But I can't for the life of me find my Bears hats.  Not that I want to wear the hat of a lousy team, but they did keep my head warm.
     Friday night we went to church and I muted my phone.
     Saturday afternoon I was going out and could not find my phone.  Since it was on mute, it would be hard to call it and hear a ring.  But I tried.  Could not find it in the den, kitchen, bedroom or either car.  It wasn't in a pocket of a coat I wore either.
     I figured I left it at church, or dropped it in the parking lot.....but no, it was not there.  I came hone and tried calling it again and heard it hum in the area of the dryer.  But nothing was there.
     So I texted it and it dinged.  In the closet.  In the dirty wash.  In the load I was going to put in.  Now, maybe I would have noticed it, but maybe not.
     Of course Saturday I also lost my car key. 
     I have two places I put things....on the counter and on the ledge  We have a little basket for keys and found nuts and washers and I always, well almost always, put the keys there.  Unless I put them behind the phone next to the basket, which is where I found them.
     I spend most of my free time looking for things.
    And sometimes I find odd items, like the three inch slender bolt I found behind the car.  I asked the dealer if he recognized it but no.  It was in my garage, so I saved it.
     Discovered it very useful today as the wheel from the wheelchair fell off.
     And kids, that is why you never throw anything out.
     I also lost my enthusiasm for college basketball.  Seems Loyola held my interest, and the two teams tonight did not.
     Don't get me started on the Cubs.
     Now to  bed, and hopefully a restful night.
     Peace and love to all in this crazy world.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

a sleepless night??

Are you as worried as I am?

     There is a Chinese satellite hurtling loose in space.  It is supposed to come crashing down onto Earth sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.
     We should all be prepared.
     I know, some of you are saying I worry too much.  Just because every time I go over the overpass I drive slow if a big truck is ahead of me or fast if one is behind me because I am afraid the combined weight of the big truck and my car will be enough to bring the overpass crashing down.....
     I admit it.  I get a little nervous over things.
     Sore throat?  It's strep.  Stomach ache?  Appendicitis.  Sore arm?  Heart attack.
     All those fears are imagined, but the space debris is a real threat.
     Scientists don't know where it is going to land, but I do:   In my bedroom at  3:36 a.m.
     We won't know what hit us, but investigators will find metal with "Made in China" stamped on the side, which means it is either a space station or a new dishwasher that crushed us.
     It's terrifying because they know it's coming, but they don't know where or when.
     And this is no April 1 prank.  Speaking of which, I did not do any on anyone this year.  Must be losing my touch.
     I will be extra vigilant.
     Hey, what is that whistling noise?  It seems to be coming from outside.
     I wonder if