Thursday, August 31, 2017

living on the edge

I have been leading a reckless life lately

     I drank milk that was two days out of date.
     Realize, we buy a half gallon of milk and usually do not finish it.  Can I put that on the plants?  Would it make them stronger?  That way I won't feel like it was wasted.
     We had BLTs with fresh tomatoes from the garden.  I thought they were very good.  Jackie had Miracle Whip, I opted for Mayo.  After I spread the mayo, I noticed the best if used by date was April 9......2015!  It was either toss the bread or risk I risked it and lived.
     But I did toss the mayo.
     We have other hidden dangers in the fridge.  Caramel for apples, which we bought last apple season.  I don't think caramel goes bad, does it?
     I have a suet cake we moved from the old house.  That would be...quick math..almost 5 years ago.  Can I still hang it outside or will it kill the birds and Corki, who will gobble up any fallen suet.
     Emily found frozen dog treats that were here after the storm.  That was two years ago.  I had no idea what they were, that's why I never tossed them.
     And cheese.  I have a couple of blocks of cheese.  Frozen.  Will it still be good?
     I have a tendency to freeze stuff we don't eat...then forgetting it.
     But this winter is the start of the big clean up.  Tossing, recycling, selling, getting rid of things.....that is my project.
     So, does anyone want to try some frozen cheese?
     Once thawed, it might be good.  I plan to find out, I'll keep you posted. Hopefully.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


I went to the movies today

     That is a pretty big event in my life.  I don't get out much.
     I have not seen a movie in a theater in over a year.
     I went to see Dunkirk today.
     I am a WW II buff.  I enjoy movies about the time when the Nazis were really bad guys and people did not like them.
     Anyway, if you don't know the story, here it is in a nutshell.  British and French armies were trapped on the beaches in Dunkirk in WW II.  They were surrounded by the Nazis and the ocean.  The British Air Force was weak, the navy bombarded by U boats and German aircraft.  The thousands of men trapped on the beach faced certain death or capture.
     But the Brits, in a move that can only be described as crazy, sailed across the channel in anything that would float and evacuated the 340,000 troops over an 11 day period.  An amazing feat.
     Dunkirk has been getting good reviews, with the advice of seeing it on the big screen.  So I did.
     Maybe seeing a British movie when you are  hard of hearing is not a good idea.  I missed some of the dialogue despite the volume being loud enough to wake the dead.
     I went to the 4:20 show in DeKalb.  When I bought my ticket, the nice young man behind the counter swiveled the computer around and invited me to pick my seat.  "The available ones are green," he said.
     All but two of the seats were green.
    Now, given that I had an ENTIRE THEATER to pick a seat, I opted for one in the middle toward the front.  Then I changed my mind and moved back.  Then I realized it did not matter, there were only 3 of us in the theater and I could damn well sit were I wanted.  So I did.
     I thought about buying a popcorn, but the smalls were $8.50 and heavens knows how much a drink would cost.
     The worst part?  Not the 20 minutes of commercials.  Not the 10 minutes of previews.
     The worst part? At the one hour 30 minute mark of the movie, I had to pee.  Badly.  And there is no pause button in a theater.
     When I left my seat the people were on a boat.  When I got back they were on a train.  How the hell that happened, I have no idea.
     Then it ended.
      I liked the movie, mostly.  But parts seemed a little disjointed, maybe  because I missed some dialogue....but I don't think so.
     I think I need to watch it again, probably on DVD with subtitles.
     And have popcorn, with butter, that doesn't cost $8.50.  I'll even get to pick my own seat again.
     Churchill comes out in a few months.....I think I'll go see that too.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

are you sirius???

I love the Beatles

     And now that Sirius XM has a Beatles channel, that is all I listen to in the car.
So many of the songs apply to my life.
     Help!  Of course, I could use a little help.  Cleaning, caring, cooking...the three c's.  We had leftovers tonight and I still had 3, 731 dishes!  Holy crapola!!
     Fool on the Hill  Self explanatory.
     Taxman  Well,  maybe doesn't apply to Illinois state income taxes, but there are a lot of taxes I have to pay!
     Strawberry Fields  Very vexing.  I planted ever-bearing strawberry plants last year.  Last year I got 6 strawberries.  This year I got about a dozen.  All year.  Frustrating.
     When I'm 64  When this came out I could not imagine being 64!  Seriously!!  "When I get older losing my hair, many years from now".....I was in my late teens when that came out.  Who ever thinks of old age when they are teens?  Surprisingly, that was, I believe, the first Lennon/McCarthy song, written when they were still lads in school in Liverpool.
     Julia    Off the white album.  The boys actually wrote this song at my request for my daughter.  I ran into Paul one day in London and said, "Be a mate and do a ditty for my daughter."  He did.  The rest is history.  He was supposed to write one for Emily, but left that up to Simon and Garfunkel instead.
     She's Leaving Home    Written for every parent whose kid leaves the house, known or unknown.
     Rain  My garden and lawn are pretty dry.  We need it.  Houston has enough.
     Your Mother Should Know  How I helped our daughters with homework after  the fifth grade level.
     I'm a Loser  Every time I  buy lottery tickets.  And yet, I still buy them.  Whenever the pots go over $100 million I buy a couple and am convinced, beyond a doubt, that I will win.  Since you know where I live, it is obvious I have not won.  Yet.
     Hard Days Night    Or, why can't I get to sleep.  Ok, I did have a Starbucks at about 3:30 today....but that will wear off in what, 16 hours???  Good grief.  I will probably wax cabinets after this.
     I've Just Seen a Face    You know I can't remember the damn name.  I may call Kelsey Hailey or even Kailey.  I just never know what name will come out.
     I Should Have Known Better  Really.  Never grab onto a live electric wire with a vice grips.  Never put a ladder on a 45 degree angle and climb up to paint.  Never hold the duct tape with your lips when it is 20 below zero outside and you need two hands to hold down the-flapping -in-the-70 mph-wind plastic sheathing on your cheap patio door.  And never pull that tape off your lips, because they may not bleed in the freezing cold, but once you hit the warm air, it's a gusher.
     Paperback Writer  Yes, I will finish the book.  And the first one.  And the third one.  And the fourth one.  I will.  Soon.
     I could go on.  But my hands are tired.
     Now, it's time to say good night.  Good night, sleep tight.  Dream sweet dreams of me..........dream sweet dreams of food.  Oops... Wrong lyrics.
     Maybe a quick snack before I tackle those cabinets.

Monday, August 28, 2017

found and lost

What a weird day this was

     I found my new vehicle sticker.  I even put it on the car.  It was where I put it but did not see.
     That seems to be a recurrent theme in my life.
     I also found the huge container of mustard seed I could not find yesterday.  It was in the place where I thought I put it, but I did not see it.  It had gotten moved behind a can of cocoa powder and I guess I did not move the powder.  Anyone need mustard seed?
     But last night was the worst.  I did not go to bed until a little after midnight. I did not fall asleep.  I was awake until after the cuckoo hit three......then I drifted off.
     Today, during our refrigerator pickle packing phase, I got really tired and had to rest for a while.
     I am sleepy I will head to bed earlier than normal.  At least, normal for me.
     Hopefully the Cubs win will create happy dreams.
     I can't get this sleep thing figured out.  Some nights I hit the pillow and go right to sleep, other nights I can't.  There is no, decaf tea, no wine, no tea, it all seems to not be a factor.
     Maybe tonight will be different.
     Remember....recommendations for comedies to lighten my mood would be appreciated!  And mayber help me sleep.

Sunday, August 27, 2017


I think I need some laughs

     First thing I did today...break a wine glass.
     No, I was not drinking at 9 a.m.  But I was guilty of not putting the wine glass away from the edge of the counter Saturday night. And I was guilty of putting the dog food container right behind the wine glass.  And yes, I was careless, but my baby was hungry!  And girls, it was one of my white wine cheapies....don't worry.
     After I got that cleaned up, I started looking for the mustard seed.  Last year we made refrigerator pickles, and I wanted to do the same with the four cucumbers we got from the garden.
     Yes, 4.  I have not gone out there for a week or maybe two, and when I did yesterday I found 25 large, yellow, mushy cucumbers and three solid, green ones.      I went out today and pulled out the remaining green ones for pickles.
     But I could not find the mustard seed, a vital ingredient in the recipe.
     I had drugs to pick up at Wallyworld, so I looked there for mustard seed....shelf was empty.
     That's when I realized I did this last year.  Needed mustard seed, none there, went to Sully's, found it in a big container.  So I went to Sully's, found a big container, and bought it.
     Deja vu.
     I wish I knew where the mustard seed went.  And all the jars for the pickles.
     At lunch I dropped a container of hummus, upside down.  On the floor.  Lid came off.
     So for the second time today I was on my hands and knees, wiping up the floor.
     And then I watched the Cubs.
     That's why I need a good laugh.
     Help me out:  Recommend a tv show you think I should watch because it is funny.  I don't have HBO or Netflix at this time, so it has to be easily found on the 899 channels I do get.
     Maybe tomorrow I will check out your recommendations and laugh myself into a stupor.  Or possibly drink myself into one, at this point either way is fine with me.
     I may need the laughs, especially if I can't find the vehicle sticker for my car that Em picked up a few days ago.  Probably with the mustard seed.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

that was fun

I needed a day like this

     Changed the bed, got the laundry done, did lunch dishes and then mowed and trimmed.  I even worked in the garden for a while, pulling out the beans.
     Then I watched my friend Carrie install our new window blinds.  These are the between the glass ones.  Now our bedroom matches the rest of the house.
     Anyone who needs some blinds, I have several sets.... wide and wider.  The price is ...... free.  Need them to disappear.  If you are interested, message me and I will give you the sizes.
     I got it all done by 5:30, had to.  We met MK and S for supper at a place Jackie and I had never been before.  Probably won't go back, not real hospitable for wheel chairs or for people with walking issues.  I liked the food, and it seemed clean and  nice.
     Then we burned a pile of yard stuff and logs I had.  That was fun.  I love watching the flames curl and rise into the sky.  I think I am a secret pyro.  Of course, we had s'mores, which were incredibly good on a cool  night.
     A busy day, yes.  But a very relaxing day.
     I still can't make it to be by is now 11:30.... which makes it hard to get up and going in the morning.
     But I am working on that.  Maybe tomorrow.  Or later today, depending on what I do next.

Friday, August 25, 2017

crazy, crazy, crazy

I think the eclipse screwed up the world

     The Cubs lost two to last place teams...... looking lethargic and weak in doing so.
      I blame it on the eclipse.
     Traffic on the way home from the zoo was terrible.  At one point I was doing 40 on I 88!  40!!  And we stopped a couple of times, for no apparent reason.  The west bound right lane was backed up past Orchard Road because of construction on the road at the next exit.
     I blame it on the eclipse.
     My favorite Brookfield coffee shop was closed.  No sign explaining why.  No lights.  No people.  Nada.
     I blame it on the eclipse.
     I did not win either lottery, or the Heritage Days give away, or the cash calendar.
     I blame it on the eclipse.
     I got caught by four trains in Western Springs.  Two Metra commuters, 2 BNSF freights.  Talk about a town and roads that get handcuffed when the gates are down so often and for so long!  Traffic on every street was bumper to bumper in every direction.
     I blame it on the eclipse.
     I missed my in bed by 10 deadline for the 34th night in a row.
     I blame it on the eclipse.
     My yard is so dry, the 26 ground squirrels living here have built a ladder to reach the bird bath.
     I blame it on the eclipse.
     I have not made it to the Ren Faire in Bristol....yet.
     I blame it on the eclipse.
     Hey, this is pretty easy!  Something goes wrong, or if I don't like it, I can just blame it on something else instead of finding a solution!
     Wonder why more people don't think of doing this.
     Oh...... wait...........
     Never mind.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

just 26 more

I think I am getting dizzy

     No, it's not a medical issue.  It's an ego thing.
     This little bit about nothing now has 88,974 views!  That means if you are reading this, you could be the 89,000 th reader!  I should have a prize for that, but I don't.
     I think Julia has stopped reading because Switzerland is way down on the country list.  For the last week, readers have been from the U.S., then France, Poland, Australia, China and down toward the bottom, Switzerland.
     I think I better go over there and try to see what is wrong!
     I do appreciate your kind words, especially when my mood is a little on the dark side and full of problems.  I truly do thank you for all your kind words.
     On the downside, I did not win the lottery.
     Can you imagine the things the winner can do?
     I know I had my plans, and none of them involved anything majorly illegal.
     I have to plan my celebration for when I hit 100,000.
     That should be right about the time the Cubs win WS number 2!!
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


I had a terrible night Tuesday

     I had a couple of cups of coffee at lunch, and maybe the caffeine was still in my body.  But should I still have that effect 10 hours after having coffee?
     Anyway, I let Corki out and I always go out with her at me the coyote defender.
     Then before I went to bed, I went outside again just to listen to the night.  I can hear owls, dogs, cars, coyotes, and it is a nice change of pace.  I also like to look at the stars and wonder.
     I went to bed and had one of those strange sensations when it feels like your skin is crawling.  First my back, then my side.  I kept shifting and readjusting myself.
     After about 10 minutes of this, I felt that tingling again, only on my arm.
     I went into the bathroom and turned on the light and the biggest beetle I have ever seen inside my shirt came crawling out!  It was at least half an inch long!
     I squashed it and rinsed it down the sink.
     Then I went back to bed and used my flashlight to look over all the sheets, the pillows, the wall, the floor, the covers, everywhere I could imagine more of these suckers would be hiding.
     My guess is when I went out it landed on me and I carried it into bed.
     But combined with the caffeine, the challenge of how to spend the $700 million I was winning in the lottery, and the excitement of the beetle, sleep was fitful.
     When I go out tonight, I will double check my body to be sure no critters are hitching a ride inside.
     By the way, Jackie managed to sleep through the entire episode.   The yelp, flashlight, running water, and constant scurrying did not impact her 40 winks at all.
     And it turns out, tonight I don't have to worry about how to spend all that money.
     Go figure.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

still waiting

I visited the doctor today

     This was the cardio man who did my stents.  He said I needed to wait a couple more weeks before lifting anything heavy with my right arm.
     Then the devastating news:  Don' t ride the bike for a couple more weeks.
     I seem to have developed some tissue that needs to disappear before I do strenuous stuff with my right hand.
     I don't know about typing....that can be a pain too.  I am careful.  It's the twisting motion in my wrist that seems to be affected.
     Everything else seems to be good.
     I have a script for cardio rehab ... so I will be heading over to RCH to set that up.
     Other than that, life is going ok.
     Now to figure out how to eat so I can lose weight.
     That will be a challenge.

Monday, August 21, 2017


I was impressed by the eclipse today

     As with all celestial events in northern Illinois, it was rainy and cloudy.
     I have missed meteor showers, red moons, blue moons, lunar eclipses all because of the clouds.  It's like mother nature doesn't want me to enjoy the heavens.
     Picture these pictures:  (I was going to take them, but did not think of it soon enough in the day.)    Me looking at John.  Me looking at Jesus.  Me looking at a flower.
     I would be looking at a son (in law), Son of God, and a sun flower with no damage to my eyes.
     I thought it was funny.  A moment missed.
     I did not buy solar glasses....turned out that was a couple of bucks saved!
    Watching it on the NASA feed was great, except for the Nebraska feed when at the peak time they focused on the three experts putting on their glasses.
     But watching the diamond form was amazing!  It did not seem every eclipse shown had the diamond ring, so maybe someone can explain that to me.
     I have already made plans to go to Carbondale in 2024 for the next eclipse.  
    This time, I will buy glasses.  Just in case.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

these boots aren't made for walking....

I was not in the parade today

     The Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival is a big event in town.  There is a carnival, car show, craft tent, beer garden.  And the parade.
     I have been in the parade almost every year we have been here in August.
     I have walked with Rotary, the park district, the museum, VCCT, Ogle County Democrats, I think the teachers once or twice.
     But this year I watched.
     This year the plan was to take Jackie to a friend's house, camp on their lawn, and watch Rochelle pass.
     But Jackie had a hard time getting going today, so I went by myself.  I met Emily, John and Camryn there and we watched the parade.
     I always think I should be a Shriner so I could drive some of those little planes or cars....that would be neat.
     I thought the museum and library floats were pretty creative.  The theme was 20 years ago, so the museum recreated the filming of A Thousand Acres and the library had twin Elvises gyrating while Jail House Rock blared.    And the festival committee float was pretty darn neat.
     There was a bunch of candy.  I notice after a while, kids don't even pick it up, unless it is something they really like.
     One year, when it was 110 outside, people tossed little chocolate bars that melted upon contact with the pavement. When you stepped on them they looked like neatly packed pockets of pooch pooh.
     Anyway, enough of my musings.
     Here's a look at some of the parade.

juggling on a hover board can't be easy

Filming A Thousand Acres

Lizzy Neal band was there

The library was rocking with twin Elvises

strange machine

He was trying to keep up with the big guys

A lot of candy!  Plus a flag!!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

what a nice day

Today was a pretty good day

     I got to spend time with my old friend Frank and his wife Barb.
     We went to grade school and high school together in Chicago.  He is John's older brother, and the three of us did a lot of hanging out together in the old days.
     Frank brought their 65 Impala convert to the car show.  It's a beauty!  It also happens to be the car he was driving when they were dating.
     We had a great time talking about growing up in the city:  Sitting on my parents' porch talking on a warm summer night, hanging out in The Shed in their basement, being carefree kids in the big city.
     I don't remember anyone's parents keeping an out for us.  But we knew someone was watching!  We were like teens everywhere, pushing the boundaries, challenging the rules, looking for adventure.  But we were not idiots.  We never stole anything, or vandalized, or fought, or did all the other "bad kid" type of stuff parents worried about.
     I think being a teen was a lot easier back then.
     It is always great to go back to that time, even if for just a few hours.  After the car show they came to our house and we had burgers and brats and a  few more laughs.
     Here are my favorite sights from today

LV is Lake View, where we all went 
hard top convertible

A Studebaker

Had never seen a Henry auto until today

Classy store, classy car

Friday, August 18, 2017

I am humbled

Thank you all very much

     Seriously, you all brought me out of a funk with your kind words and thoughts, both on Facebook and in person or through texts.
     It's easy to get down when you watch someone struggle with MS, or any other disease.  You want to help them so much, but you know the help they need is beyond your reach.
     I know a lot of you are facing your own battles and struggles and rest assured our thoughts and prayers are with you also.
     Jackie is fine today, but we have to figure out a way to cope with all of this.  I admit I do not always do a great job of that.
     And to a couple of you.....I am not a saint.  I am not the fantastic guy with it all under control that some of you may think I am.  (Ok, fantastic is a pretty big stretch.)
     All I do is  try.  I don't always do it right, but I am trying.
     In a lighter mood, some pictures I have from this week that are not about statues, the alt right, the president, hate, violence, shootings, robberies, sickness, poverty or humans abusing each other in any way.
     Just some pictures from the ballgame on Wednesday, which seems so long ago.

Which one?  Hmmm

Why doesn't Clark wear pants??

Rain drove people under the umbrella

They just dropped in

Thursday, August 17, 2017

good, the bad, the ugly

I don't know where or how to start

     Life with MS is a broken record.  The same situations happen time and again.  Can't get out of a chair.  Can't walk. Can't stop the bleeding.
     She does not know how she did it, but Jackie fell again tonight, hitting her head on the nightstand, I think.
     There was a lot of blood....and you know how great I am with that.
     I went to get a wash cloth to stop the bleeding and she was yelling, "Call Emily."
     I said I needed to get some ice on her head.  She said, "Call Emily."
     Corki started barking to go out, I dropped some ice, I could not move fast enough and she said again, "Call Emily."
     I yelled back to her, "I am doing the best I can.  I am getting more ice, another rag, paper towels, letting he dog out....I am doing the best I can.  I'll call Emily in a second."
     The she said the magic word:  Siri, as in "Siri, call Emily."
     Turns out she was talking to the phone all the time, not me.
     Meanwhile I am running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, grabbing paper towels, face clothes, ice, the dog......
     Emily and John came over and we took Jackie to ER at about 11:30.  Four staples in the back of her head....if this happens again they will just put in a zipper.
     She is resting concussion, just blood.
     A home health care worker was mentioned, but honestly, that would not have mattered.  Jackie was sitting on the side of the bed and her leg just gave out, sending her down into the nightstand.  But it just increases the realization that we need someone here when I am not.
     I know Emily texted Julia..but it's early in Switzerland.  So Julia, if you are reading this, she is fine.
     And folks, I don't often ask this....but please offer a little prayer for her.  And the rest of us.
     This journey is not one we are enjoying.  At all.
     I know have to put on my big boy pants, but damn, it is hard to do tonight.

a walk off, or out

Went to a Cub game tonight...or last night

     It was wild!  Rizzo hits a grand slam in the first, Lackey loads the bases three times and gives up one run, the Cubs lead 6-1, Reds tie, Cubs win on a walk off wild pitch......what a game!
     We are 2-6 in games this year, a lot different than last year's 6-0.
     But I have a confession:  I did not see the end.
     I wanted to catch the 11:40, so we left the park at the end of the top of the ninth.  John and I were walking to our ride when the crowd cheered Baez's double.
     We listened to the ending in the car.
     That's the problem with night games.  If I drive my car, then I am driving two hours at a time when I am really tired.  If I take the train, I like catching the 11:40 rather than the 12:40.  I caught the 11:40 and got home at 2.  The 12:40 would have gotten me home at 3.  For some reason, I think I would be much more tired at 3 than 2.
     I did have a coffee....and now I am wide awake.
     We could have stayed longer at the game, the drive to the station only took about 30 minutes or so.
     But traffic was light.  Heavy traffic, or rain, could have doubled the time and I may have missed the 11:40.
     Oh well......
     It was still exciting.  Going to the park is always a fun time.  Hopefully I'll see a couple of more games this year.
     Day games.
     Like it should be.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


I hate when the phone rings early in the day

     I am retired.  After 9 a.m. is a good time to call me.  Please don't call me at 7:45.
     I bring this up because I got a call this morning at about 7:45.  Jackie has a hard time sleeping, and she usually sleeps to about 9.   I try to grab the phone quickly so I don't wake her.
     So when the call came, I looked at the name and recognized it.  I picked up.
     This was a person who reads my column in the Sunday paper.  She called to say she liked my recent column and agreed with most of my thoughts.
     But she did have a question.
     Now usually when someone says that there is a mild criticism involved, or they are pointing out a minor mistake, or a glaring error of omission.  Mark my words, everything I write is filled with all three.
     But she asked me a question  that floored me:
     "What channel are the Cubs on?"
     So I told her to get a piece of paper and a pen and write down the four channels that the Cubs are on.  She had another channel she wanted to watch, so I told her the number of that one.
     To be fair, she is a little older than me....probably in her early 80s.  And finding the right channels on the Comcast guide is a little daunting.
     But 7:45 a.m?
     I don't think this person has Internet, so she will hopefully never read this.  I did enjoy talking to her, and I have enjoyed talking with her in the past.
     But it has always been afternoonish. You know, when I am awake.
     Besides, I did feel bad talking on the phone quietly with another woman while my wife was asleep in the bedroom and I was in my totally sexy boxer briefs.
Usually that type of call costs me $3.99 a minute.
     Also got calls today from a bank telling me it was urgent I call them about my credit card balance, a call from Utah (probably the Mormons) and two from downstate Illinois.
     I did not know any of those people, so I did not answer.   Maybe they were looking for the Cubs too.

Monday, August 14, 2017

mary, mary......

I picked beans today

     I am not supposed to do pulling or twisting with my right hand, so I had to pick left handed.  That is weird.
     We have bush beans and Italian beans in our little garden space.  I picked both today, but I confess I don't know if they are over ripe.  Jackie said as long as they are not swelled up, (or is it swollen?) they are fine.
     Tomorrow I have an errand or two to run after Rotary, but then it will be freeze the beans day!
     The Japanese beetles and I were busy, and I have about 4 pounds of each kind of bean.  That should be enough to hold us over till next summer, when we can pick them again.
     I have to go out and plant more carrots.  I can do that in the space left by the peas.  I love carrots.  We did not have enough of them last year.
     Plenty of cucumbers, so if you want some, come over and grab them.
     But I only have one tomato so far.  Lots on the plants, but none are red, yet.
     I think the lack of rainfall is affecting the garden, seems a couple of weeks since the last good rain.
     It is supposed to rain Wednesday, our last Cub game, and I truthfully hate dragging the hoses out to water the garden and a couple of trees.
     If nothing happens Wednesday, I'll water Thursday.
     Gowrsh....this was pretty boring.
     Maybe I have lost the touch.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

food day....part 2

Pardon my typing

     We had a different food day today.
     First off, at church we had a parish meeting catered by our Islamic friends down the road in DeKalb.
    A chicken and rice dish, salad, dessert, all prepared in a very traditional, old world manner.  It was very good.
     I did get confused.  Jackie does not like spicy, so I got her the spicy chicken.  I don't mind spicy, so I got the mild chicken.  She did not enjoy much of hers.  When I tried hers, I was surprised how spicy it was compared to mine!  I ate hers too.  Plus I brought some home for supper tomorrow.
     Of course, we drove past Ollie's and had to stop.
     But supper was the coup de lack of grace.
     I cut up a sweet potato, butternut squash, baking potato, onion, green pepper and bathed it in olive oil.  Then I put it in a basket, added some oregano and rosemary from our little herb garden, and set it on the grill.
     It had been on the grill for about 15 minutes when I figured it was time to shake up the basket to make sure the bottom and top cooked fairly evenly.
     Put on an oven mitt on my left hand and proceeded to grab the handle with my right hand.
     The pain was intense.  I said some words I probably should not have said, and spent the next 15 minutes running cold water over my hand.  I put a burn salve on it, which really stung.
     At this point Emily and John arrived and I turned the cooking duties over to him.  We discussed whether ER was needed, but I have no blistering or swelling.
     Typing is not easy.  Cutting my meat was a challenge.  The damn basket of taters and squash were a little undercooked, even though my hand isn't.
     The chocolate cake from Portillo's helped sooth my hand though.
     So to celebrate John's birthday, he came, he cooked, he worked.
     I will load some ointment on it tonight and put a sock over my hand.  Hopefully I will be better tomorrow.
     It was a stupid thing to do....I honestly can not explain it.
     I guess that is why there is a category called accident.
    And here's an after thought.  I am very distressed, upset, angered, sickened by what happened this weekend.  White supremacists?  Nazis?  And a president who does not strongly condemn this type of hatred?
It's a sad day for the United States, my friends.  A sad day.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

a food kind of day

I think I ate tooo much

     It was not my fault.   Well, not all of it.
     Hicks' barbecue was at the car wash, and Jackie and I thought it would be good to have some brisket for supper.  So I bought sandwiches.
     Then I went to the market at Cypress House and there was a taco truck.  So I bought two cilantro chicken tacos.  Figured that was lunch.  And it was a lot for lunch!  Very delicious tacos, will definitely go back to them.
     Also got some super sweet corn at Rainwaters, which I boiled for supper.
     A friend, Sheri, came over and did some weeding of my flower garden.  I did most before I had the stents, but the thistle keeps coming back fast.  I can't use my wrist for twisting or digging motions, so we snared our friend for a little help.
     We all had supper, along with a little wine.
     The brisket and pulled pork were very good, as was the cole slaw.  And the corn was amazing.
     Problem is, I always eat good food too much.  I know that is terrible grammar.  Sorry.
     Adding to the problem, I stopped at Culver's to check on the order for the museum next Saturday, and the salted caramel concrete mixer actually called to me!  So I had one of those.
     I have gained 46 pounds today!
     But tomorrow is another day and I promise I will be better.  I have to be, those stents won't work forever!
     Maybe tonight I'll see some meteors.....looks clear.  That would be nice.
     I'll brew some decaf tea, put on a sweatshirt and sit outside for a while, enjoying the dark and the tea.
     And some shooting stars.

Friday, August 11, 2017

And then I said

I did the August history walk today

     I felt fine.  One of the people said that if I could do the walk with two stents implaced Monday, they could do the walk just fine.
     We got caught by a train.  It was about a 15 minute wait, but eventually the train cleared the crossing.  The good thing is no train whistle because the city has quiet zones.
     I like when people ask me questions for which I don't have an answer.  I have to ask Wendy where and how the city got the Lincoln Highway markers by the visitor's center.
     Every time I do the walk I learn something.  Today I learned the Rochelle Bottling Company bottled a product for Pepsi before moving the operation to Rockford.
     It was really a nice night, not hot, not windy, pleasant all around.
     But I admit I am tired of talking.  Seems I talk more every time I do this.
     A couple of people said I knew more about Rochelle history than they did, and they have lived here their whole lives.
     I don't think that is true.....but it was nice of them to say.
     Two more walks to go..... hope I don't run out of jokes.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

memories and old friends

We had some special people over today

     Once upon a time, Jackie and I were young. We met at NIU.  Those are facts.
     Now, tne story gets confused.
     I maintain we were set up as a blind date.  A girl on Jackie's dorm floor was dating a guy, David,  who lived with a geeky kind of guy in an off campus house.  The girl thought Jackie and the geeky guy were a good match, so they set them up on a blind date.  I was the geeky guy.
      I remember we went to see  'Goodbye Columbus' and it was sometime in October.
     David remembers it a little differently.  He said the two of us went to a party and met the two of them and we all hit it off.
     We ended up going to homecoming together, all four of us.  I still have a picture of the girls someplace.....beehive hairdos!  Wild.
     Whatever, after NIU we all went our separate ways....they to Maryland and us to Rochelle.  We visited them once a long time ago, but aside from Christmas cards, were not really in contact.
     Until Facebook.
     Now we communicate regularly.  When they decided to come back to Illinois for a visit, we made arrangements to meet and have dinner.
     My stent work made that a little tough because I can't load the wheelchair into the car yet, so they came to our house.
    We laughed, ate pizza, drank some wine, introduced them to Emily and John, had dessert, and in general had a great time.
    To be honest, there have been days I have cursed them for introducing us, but deep down in my heart I am glad they did.
     Safe jouneys, David and Pam.
    And thanks for bringing us together.

We look the same as we did in college!  Seriously!!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

still here

Day 2 has passed, and I have not

     I have this nightmare.  Actually, it is a daymare too.  I do something stupid and blow out the plug in my wrist.
     Then I fly around the room backward, like a balloon when you let go of the opening.
     So  I am being very careful.
     My mind is not as fuzzy as yesterday, although I did have to ask what day it was a couple of times today.  Doesn't help when Jackie does not know either.
     I have been hot and cold all day.  I sit on the patio in the sun wearing a sweatshirt.  Then I sit in the shade and take it off.
    And I give thanks.
    Thanks for good doctors and nurses, thanks to God for my health.  (Although the thanks to Him is balanced by my cursing whenever I watch Jackie struggle to get up or move. )
     Thanks to my family for being there.  And thanks to all the people who have sent their wishes along.  They mean an awful lot to me, despite me not acknowledging them.  Hitting the like button does not seem to say enough.
      I think back to my favorite Christmas movie, when I always tear up at the ending.
     No man  is a failure who has friends.
     Thanks Clarence, and all you other angels out there, with or without wings.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

that was fun

I have a health update

Don't want to type a lot.
Had a stress test about a month ago.  There was a "blip" in the test.  I had an angiogram Monday to check out the blip.
Two stents were inserted.  One area had  70  percent blockage.  I have all the medical terms on paper, but won't go into that.
I did not tell many people ahead of time.  This was on purpose, not an accident.  Just didn't want a big deal made of it ahead of time.
The team went in through my wrist, which makes healing a bit quicker.  However  I am to restrict movement in my wrist for a couple of days and have to restrict lifting and pushing for two weeks.
All went well and I am fine....tired, but fine.
I have discovered how truly important your right hand becomes when you cannot fully use it.
That's it

Sunday, August 6, 2017


I must have been depressed yesterday

     That was a terrible post.  I apologize.
     I am much better today, although I am a bit nervous.  I just finished a cup of Bed Time tea, hopefully that will calm me down.
     I survived the dogs, or rather they survived me.  It wasn't as bad as last time with all the dogs, mainly because the really active dog has been adopted...hopefully by people with ADHD because that was the dog's personality.
     I get distracted, but that little doggie was a poster child for hyperactivity.
     Anyway, I enjoy sleeping at Emily and John's house for one reason:  I can open the windows at night.  I love listening to the night sounds with a cross breeze blowing over me.  It is relaxing.  I think I sleep better under those conditions, but I always come home more tired than I was the day before.
     Jackie has allergies and open windows mean she will have a terrible headache in the morning and she does not need any more problems.
     But it's good to be home, and I am glad they are back from their Canada trip safe and sound.
     Plus they brought me some wine to enjoy.....and starting later this week, I will open a bottle or two.  I might even drink it through a straw.
     Good night....sweet dreams.....
     Or good morning, hope you have a great day.
     Which ever.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

just another day

I had a pity day today

     You know the kind.  Feeling sorry for yourself, jealous of other people, mad at the world, distraught, upset and just in a pissy mood.
     A Cub win and an Italian sausage for supper helped.
     Must be nerves.
     Other people have it worse, I just need to buck up sometimes.
     That's it.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Emily, don't read this

I sometimes lose track of things

     My car keys.  Cell phone.  Shoes.  Checkbooks, which sometimes end up in a shoe for some reason.
     I put things down and get distracted.
     Which explains why Cooper was outside for ........ over an hour last night.
     I am dog sitting and let the dogs out while I refilled water bowls and stuff.
     I let them all in except Cooper, who was out in the big yard by himself.
     I sat down to watch The Virginian on tv and an hour later I heard this barking.      All the other dogs got really goofy, but I noticed Cooper was not there.  The poor guy was standing outside by the door.
     As I let Cooper out,  Anari, or Amelia, I can't remember,  dashed out.  I figured in a few minutes she would be ready to come in.
     But damn, The Virginian was pretty interesting with Jack Elam as a guest star and, wouldn't you know it.  I got distracted.  Show ends, another begins and I notice Cooper is by the back door.  I get up and realize Anari/Amelia is still out there!
     So now I count after every potty break and  before  bed and after  bed and before I leave.
     I have also forgotten Corki outside a couple of times.  She sat out there way past dark one night when we heard her barking and I wondered where she was!
     I guess my mind gets easily off track.
    At least I didn't lose any dogs.  Unlike my car keys.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

rain, rain, don't go away

I went to two Cubs games this week

     Last year we were 6-0, which was great!
     This year we are 1-6, which is not so great.  I have even stopped bringing my W flag.
     Last night was a 3-0 loss, while today was a rain delayed 10-8 loss.
     I left at 5, with the Cubs down 6-1.  They eventually came back to take the lead at 8-7, but then lost it.
     The 1:20 game started about an hour and a half late.  Then a second delay.  Then a third.  I had to get back home, so I left the game.
     It's always fun at the park, but it is a lot less fun when they lose.
     Anyway...some pictures.

The hat was the give away Wednesday night

There are buildings in the distance

There was lightning!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

an early thought

I am doing my thing early today

     Baseball is the season, Cub game is the reason.
     I am hoping the rain holds off.....and off and off.  After last night's huge offensive explosion, I am hoping they don't forget their bats tonight.
     At least I know I am ok with insurance for next week...that is a relief!
     Most of you know I am a little on the cheap side.   I love a bargain.  I love saving a couple of bucks.
     So I was a bit stunned when I made a huge mistake today.
     We have a rug in front of the couch.  It's an area rug, 8 x 10, and we paid several hundred bucks for it, although neither one of us remembers how much.
     But it has been down for four years and has some dirt, especially near the couch, were we sit and eat and spill.
     So I called a company and asked if they clean area rugs.  They do.  Will they pick up my rug and clean it?  They will.
     Now, this place will clean several rooms for a relatively low price, so I figured an area rug would not be expensive.
     That's why I did not ask how much.
     The guys showed up this morning.  They take the rug, clean it, dry it, fluff it, and return it.
     Great I said.
     After they loaded it on the truck they asked if I was paying by check or card, I said card, and he said, "$302."  I asked him to repeat it.  "$302."
     So, that is how our rug is getting  cleaned for $302.  I just wonder if we were cleaned too.
     Next time I will ask.  It might be cheaper to buy a new rug.
     Go Cubs!!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

what da

I met myself on the road today

     I was coming back from DeKalb when I passed me.  I just waved.
     And  I had a panic attack.
     Jackie had a doctor appointment in DeKalb.  That was at 2 p.m.   We had a meeting at church at 5:30 p.m.  I suggested she get her feet done at the place Emily goes to in Sycamore, right across from the building that looks suspiciously like a strip joint, or more innocently, a "men's club."
     Figuring the doctor will be an hour, we made the appointment for 3:30.
Get to the doctor appointment and find out....wait for it.....our insurance requires a referral from our primary.  No referral, no appointment.
     The fact someone did not mention that to us gave me a little panic attack.  I have a date Monday with a doctor, but I don't think there is a referral.  And this could be an expensive date!
     Now it is 2, with a foot appointment for 3:30.  Luckily they took her early to pamper her toes and we went home to let out dogs and for me to call medical places asking about referrals and leaving a bunch of messages that probably sound like a crazy man talking.
     Then we went for out 5:30 meeting.  I jokingly suggested we move to DeKalb, since we are there so much lately.
     I think I passed me on the way back.
    He looked very fit, handsome with graying hair and driving a convertible sports car.  Nice blue linen shirt.
    He waved back.  Just like I do.  Most of the time.