Monday, July 31, 2017

ends and odds

I wonder how people create things

     Years ago Jackie and I tried freezing corn.  Getting it off the cob was a pain in the butt.  So we stopped freezing corn and bought it.
     We like Rainwater's super sweet corn.
     So, when I saw this item on Facebook one night, I thought why not?
     Here it is:

    It's yellow ring is plastic.  The jagged edges jam into the cob, then you twist it back and forth.  It works like a charm!
    The two little wings are blades that scrape/cut the kernels off the cob.
     It is pure genius.
     I wonder what the inspiration was for this.
     By the way, I bought mine at Bed, Bath and Beyond in Sycamore.  It was $7.49, if I remember correctly.  I plan to buy a second.
     I was that impressed.
     Now, for some pictures.

Over DeKalb....not sure if this is a sun dog or something else

This guy was resting on the mulch in my yard.  Not sure what kind...polyphemous does not fit

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