Sunday, July 9, 2017


I often wonder:  What the hell was that?

   A friend posted a link to 26 recipes you could enjoy while camping.
   Years ago, and I do mean years, I earned an MS in Outdoor Education from Northern Illinois University.
   One of the classes I took was outdoor cooking.  We learned how to use a dutch oven and other tools to make recipes including stews, soups, biscuits, pies...all sorts of delicious goodies.
   One time we dug a hole, put charcoal in it, started it, put a dutch oven in it and cooked a stew.  It was very good.
   I decided to replicate that experience at home.
   The girls were at a shower, so I had all the guys over.  We had some beer, smoked some cigars, then I uncovered the stew buried in a hole in the back yard.
And we ate.
   The calls started coming the next day.  I think every guy there had the shits except me!  Some of them were sick for two days!!  I felt fine.
   We ate the same food, drank the same beverages, but I didn't get sick.
   So, 26 foods to cook over a campfire?
   Thank you Renee, but no.  I learned my lesson.  Well, actually all the guys learned it worse then me.

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