Monday, July 17, 2017

half my wish

I found Illinois peaches!

     I stopped at a grocery tore in DeKalb Sunday and they had Illinois peaches!  They are so juicy and so delicious.  I love when the juice drips down my chin and my hands get all sticky.  I ate two in a matter of minutes.
    Unfortunately I was supposed to buy them first.
    The ones I bought were just as good as I imagined them to be.
    I know it's a short season, but the Illinois peaches are the  best, followed by Michigan and Missouri.
    Now I need an excuse to drive back to DeKalb.
    Wisconsin and Michigan cherries will be the next crop I look forward to with mouthwatering anticipation.  I heard July 23 for cherries.  At least a store I called in Monroe said that is when they expect cherries.
     Figured we could make a day out of going to Monroe and buying cherries, eating lunch, relaxing, taking a roll around the square.
     And in the  fresh food line....Rainwater's super sweet corn in about two weeks....just down the road from the old place.
     I can't wait.

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