Monday, July 24, 2017

eh gads, enough!

This has been a tough day, food wise

     I am eating anything I can get my hands on!  I can't stop!  Tried tea, water, alcohol....nothing is quenching this hunger.
     I have finished off my Michigan cherries, most of my peaches, a few ginger snap cookies, some peanuts, trail mix, supper, potato chips, a piece of candy....and I am starving.
     Supper was a burger on the grill, and it was one of the better tasting ones I have cooked.  Not hockey puck texture, like my dad liked, and not raw.  A couple of slices of Swiss cheese, some Mighty Vine tomato, lettuce and a King Hawaiian was great.  But there was not enough!
     Notice, not much of that is actually healthy stuff.  I might have to try a couple of carrots.
     I don't get it.....why am I so hungry?
     I know I need to lose weight, but here I am stuffing myself like a Thanksgiving turkey.
     Self control.  Self control.  Self control.
     I think I smell some ice cream in the freezer......


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