Wednesday, July 26, 2017

strange thoughts

We have had a lot of rain lately

     So I was a little surprised to see a corn field being irrigated Tuesday.  I guess 4 inches of rain doesn't go very far these days.
     I was coming back from DeKalb Sunday, doing a little above the speed limit, when some guy came up and sat on my tail.  In Malta, with me doing 40, he passed.  I kept hoping the local Mountie was out, but no.  Karma did not strike that day.
     Picked up the Tuesday paper and wondered why my column was not in it....then realized my column runs on Sunday.
     Should have asked John and Emily how Jackie can turn off the weather warnings on her watch.  Several times, in the middle of the night, a nice, soothing voice has told me there is lightening a mile a way, or rain, or whatever.    What I would like is sleep.
     And at my age, sleep is not guaranteed.  Lots of things keep me awake at night, worries I should not have.
     Luckily I can self medicate with rosé or Rum chata.
     It's hell to drink alone.

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