Thursday, July 13, 2017

mysteries solved?

I have clumsy fingers

   That is important to know.  Other people also have clumsy fingers.  If you type tdinten you eventually get to this site.
   But if you have clumsy fingers and type tdinteh, because the h is right above the n and clumsy fingers could hit the wrong key, you go to a website that looks like it is in......Russian.
   Which would explain why I get visits from the good people in Russian speaking countries.  They probably get to this site and think, "What the hell...I can't read that."
   So, no conspiracy.  Just coincidence.
   And speaking of coincidence, we went out for Emily's birthday tonight and sat down at a table.  Suddenly someone was rubbing my back. I looked up and it was Linda C., who we used to teach with at school.  They were sitting right behind us in the restaurant!
   Talk about coincidence.
   We had a nice visit and caught up with all the changes in our lives.  Hopefully we can get to see them again.
   So...coincidences, not conspiracies.
   Now about the Martian sex colonies.......

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