Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Aug. 1, Aug. 1, Aug. 1

I changed the batteries in our smoke detectors today

     Now all I have to do is remember Aug. 1 next year so I can change them again.
     Yes, I am aware it is not Aug. 1 yet.
     But we have been in the house almost 5 years and I have never changed the batteries!  Never!!
     I was reminded of that during the Cub game today when an alarm suddenly went off and stopped.  Figured it was telling me, "Help, my battery is dead and I can't sound off."
     And yes, I could have picked a more memorable date.  Emily's birthday, man landing on the moon, Fourth of July.  But I changed them today, July 25.  Nothing memorable about that, so we are claiming Aug. 1 as the date to change them in the future.
     It was difficult getting it down from the ceiling.   After carefully working it loose, I discovered there is a little tray that slides out and holds the battery.  No need to remove it from the base or the ceiling, just open the tray, take out the old battery, put in the new.  So, the first one was difficult, the others were as easy as pie.
     Corki hated it.  Whenever I put a new battery in, I tested it.  Whenever one goes off upstairs, the one in the basement sounds too.  Weird.   We have 7 smoke detectors.  After the third one she just stood at the door to go out.
     None in the garage though.  To me that is the most logical place to put a smoke and carbon monoxide detector.  So either the electrician goofed or there is no requirement to place one in the garage, where gasoline, paint, unexploded fireworks, still hot barbecue grills and all sorts of dangers lurk.  I'm ok with that, I guess.
     And when I went into town this morning, I planned to stop to get gas for the lawn mower.  Got there are realized I did not bring the cans.
     By the way, who ever invented these new gas cans should be drawn and quartered.  It's hard to open them, pour them, handle them.  I hate them.
     I long for the good old days sometimes.
     And I long for the day they invent a battery powered riding lawn mower...that will cut down on a lot of pollution.
     And lessen the risk of  fire in my garage.

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