Saturday, July 1, 2017

thanks for the response

I loved reading your "wow" places

     You may remember yesterday, or if you are my age you may have lost that totally, when I asked about places that were neat.
     I got a wide variety,  from national parks to Russia to Paris.  By the way...thanks, Beth!
     Mine is the Grand Canyon.  When I saw it, I almost cried because this was a place I had dreamed of visiting and there I was, looking at an amazing natural wonder.  I was 54 and never thought I would get there.
     I had a similar feeling in Barcelona, at the Sagrada Familia, the cathedral designed by an architect/artist/visionary/genius Gaudi.   I saw a picture of it in National Geographic long before Julia went to Switzerland and I said then I would love to see it one day.   And I did.  And it was amazing.
     When you go someplace you never expected to go and it just blows you away, that is an experience.
     Speaking of experiences, I had a strange one last night.  I put my pill stash away in the pantry and I heard the garage door open.
     I thought it was strange that Emily or John would be coming over after 10, usually that is bad news.  So I opened the door into the garage to see what was up and there was no one there.
     I went back into the house and went out the front door.  I didn't see any cars on the street, my motion detectors didn't turn on, and the middle garage door was definitely up.
     So I closed it and pondered a while.  No one but me has an opener for the middle door and that opener the closet.  By my pills.  I guess I hit it as I put away my vitamins and stuff.
     Mystery solved.
     OK, it wasn't a big deal.  You are right.  I wasted your time....again.
     Since you have that attitude, good night!

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