Friday, July 14, 2017

walk 3 in the books

I was a little worried about tonight's history walk

     I did not put it in the newspaper under the community calendar or as a news article.
     So I was expecting a low turnout.
     Lo and behold, 18 people came!
    Most of them saw it on Facebook.  (Thanks to everyone who shared that yesterday...I do appreciate it.)  Some people saw it in InVironments (thanks, Renee) and a couple remembered it was the second Friday.  Two people saw it in the paper, but I did not send a notice about the walk in this week's paper.  That is the second oops this week.  (Yes, I sent a news release out to 7 papers with the wrong dates for "Bleacher Bums.")
     The walk covers about a mile and crosses one set of railroad tracks.  And we come back across the tracks.  Sidewalks are a little uneven in places and the walk is not super easy, but not real hard.
     A 93 year old woman came and did the walk with us!  93!!  She is from Steward and used to do a history talk down there at the depot.  She made the complete walk with us, never faltering or complaining.
     Before we started she asked if I walked fast.  I told her I did not, and I was sure to walk extra slow tonight.
     93.  Sometimes I wonder if I will make it to 70, let along 93.  She drove herself there and had to leave at the end of the walk because she doesn't drive after dark.
     She actually could have told more stories than I did.  At 93 she has lived a lot of history.
     Three more walks to go.....

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